Published by Steamy Reads4U

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Chapter One

Summer’s clean white tennies scuffed the loose gravel on the shoulder of the road as she marched as far and fast as she could from her mother and father’s house. She was so tired of living under their thumb. Living under their tight reign. She was eighteen. That made her an adult in the eyes of the law. She didn’t need to live under the government’s rule and her parents.

The fight was she had with her parents was that she wanted to move out. She wanted to skip the college path and go straight to work. Get her own place. Be her own person. Her parents had not allowed Summer to even get a part time job while in high school, which she had graduated from with straight As. So she had to rely on their allowance even. And in light of the threat that she was not going to fulfill their dream of going to school, her parents promised to cut her off financially. They were going to bend her to their will.

Luckily she had ten dollars burning a hole in her pocket. Summer was about five minutes’ walk till she got to Rowdy’s, a restaurant/bar where she had so hoped to get a job. The lights of the bar glowed like butterscotch in the inky night. Every so often, as she made her way forward, a belly laugh cut the sky. People were having a good time. It was pretty late for a job application but Summer could not wait. She was going to see if they needed her as much as she needed them.

Rowdy’s struck her as a cozy place as she made her way to the wide porch steps of the wraparound porch. She had never been inside. Only drove past it. Each and every time she past it, she wanted so to go in. Especially at night with its orange neon sign glowing crisply against the black backdrop of the night’s sky. Now Summer was standing at the base of the restaurant looking up at the sign that sat atop the roof. It was giant. Rowdy’s.

She pushed the heavy front door of the bar and all noise stopped. Except for the game at the pool table. The crack of balls continued but no one said a word. All eyes turned her way. Summer was not the only female present but the place was stocked with mostly men. Long haired men with mustaches and beards and bulging muscles.

The row of men at the bar with their backs to her but their faces towards her, were ripped. Even in the dimly lit atmosphere, Summer could make out the definition of their physiques. They were hard bodies, every last one of them. Finally, someone said something to her.

They all had a similar look but the guy who spoke to her was different. He was better looking. His shaggy hair was shiny; rolling around his face in soft curls. Even in the sparse lighting, his eyes glittered. The sight of him made Summer’s insides clutch. It kind of scared her. She liked it. A lot.

“What are you up to, little girl?” he asked, the corners of his soft, full lips bending with amusement.

Summer did not like being called that. She bristled. Summer stiffened her spine and stuck out her chest. She wanted to make sure he knew she was a woman and not a little girl. She was suddenly painfully aware of her white tennis shoes. They were the shoes of a kid. Still she made it work. She looked him dead in the eye and pushed passed him to take a seat at the bar, next to him.

“Can I see some I.D.?” asked the bartender.

“I didn’t bring my purse with me,” Summer said with disappointment.

“Sorry. I am going to have to call this one,” said the bartender. “And in that case, you aren’t allowed to sit at the bar.”

“Alright if I play pool?” she asked.

Summer was exceptional at pool. Her father played it for hours to get away from her mother who was always hounding him for something. He showed her cool trick shots. Summer was not just good, she was very good.

“Fine. Behave,” the bartender said with a glare of warning in his eye.

Summer ordered a diet cola. The good looking guy paid for it. He followed her over to the pool table and watched as summer put her name on the chalkboard. Summer challenged the winner, who happened to be a big man, as most of the men in the bar were. He wore a hat Summer guessed to hide a receding hairline. These men here definitely had a thing for hair. Cool hair. Summer liked it. Though she didn’t like the man she was challenging. Something about him didn’t sit right with her.

He laughed a little loudly as he laid eyes on Summer, chalking her stick. The man from the bar sat quietly, handsomely in a chair watching the show. Summer figure he should at least get his name.

“Do I need to put your name on the board?” she asked flirtatiously.

“His name don’t go on the board,” said the man Summer challenged. “He usually runs the table. I am only here because he’s taking a break. He’s the best. And I am pert near the best.”

Summer smiled a wide full smile.

“Is that so?” she asked.

“I’m only letting you play,” continued the man, “Because I am a gentleman.”