“See you later mom,” I shouted and took her car keys off of the table. It was very rare that my mother allowed me to drive her car, but she didn’t feel like taking me to the doctor. I drove in silence and my mind constantly went to Justin. I wondered what he was doing at that very moment. Was he thinking about me like crazy too? When I pulled up at the office and entered the building, I was surprised to see my doctor, Dr. Rochelle Lucas, speaking to the receptionist. “Hi Dr. Lucas,” I said cheerfully. She smiled at me happily.

“Leah, it’s good to see you.” Dr. Lucas has been my doctor since I was seven years old and I saw her as another mother to me. “Sign in and come on back” I was grateful that I didn’t have to wait long. I signed my name on the sign in sheet and rushed over to her side. “So how have you been? How’s your mother?” Dr. Lucas and my mother went to school with each other and my mom saw Dr. Lucas as one of her closest friends.

“We’re both fine,” I said and Dr. Lucas ushered me into a room.

“So you’ve been experiencing stomach pains?” Dr. Lucas said going straight to business.

“Yes, I think I got food poisoning from some shrimp I ate a few days ago.” Dr. Lucas began writing things down on her notepad.

“When was the last time you had your period?” I thought about that for a minute. I really couldn’t remember.

“I’m not sure, maybe the beginning of last month.”

“Are you sexually active?” I blushed at the question as I remembered the numerous of times Justin and I had sex.

“Yes,” I said embarrassed.

“Are you using protection?”

“Of course,” After the first two times, Justin and I have used protection each and every time.

“Okay, well I want you to give me a urine sample. I want to try to eliminate all possibilities so we can find out what’s wrong with you.” I nodded my head and took the cup out of her hand. I went into the bathroom, handled my business, and went back into the room and placed the sample on a tray. “I’ll be right back.” I waited in the cold room for Dr. Lucas to come back and prescribe me some medicine, but when she came back, she shut the door and looked at me with a concern expression.

“What’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

“Leah,” she said in a way that almost sounded disappointed. “You’re pregnant.” All of the color washed out of my face.

“What did you say?” I said not wanting to believe what I just heard.

“I said that you are pregnant. Have you always used protection?” She asked me seriously.

“There was two times that I didn’t, but my boyfriend pulled out!” I couldn’t be pregnant. This was not happening. I started hyperventilating and Dr. Lucas gave me a bottle of water that she kept in the room.

“Sweetheart, that doesn’t always work.”

“You can’t tell my mom,” I said disregarding what she had just said. Dr. Lucas looked at me intensely.

“Your mother is a good friend of mine, but I respect my patient’s privacy and you are technically an adult.” I couldn’t be in that office in second longer. I got up and ran out of the office, not turning back when I heard Dr. Lucas calling my name. I got into the car and drove almost an hour out of the city to the park that Justin took me to. I parked my car and called him.

* * * * *

“Pregnant,” Justin repeated once he had gotten to the park and I told him the news. I thought he’d be mad, but his face was calm and apologetic. “I’m sorry,” he said looking me in the eyes. “I shouldn’t have made love to you raw.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest as I sobbed. I thought he was going to leave me, but he held me tightly. “I’m okay with any decision that you make. If you want to keep the baby, I’ll take care of you and it. If not, I’ll pay for the abortion.” I didn’t agree with having an abortion, I felt that it wasn’t the baby’s fought that its parents’ slipped up.

“I can’t kill it,” I said wiping my tear streaked face. “But how am I supposed to tell my mom this? She’ll kill me.” Justin sighed and looked at me seriously.

“It’s time to tell your mom about us, Leah. I’m really serious about you and now that we have a baby coming,” I shivered at the word “baby”. “She needs to know about me. Everyone makes mistakes and this is ours. Let’s put a stop to the lies.” The way that Justin spoke to me showed me how much more mature he was compared to guys my age. Boys my age would have abandoned me, but Justin was willing to go the full nine yards with me.

“I love you,” I said with fresh new tears falling down my cheeks.

“I love you too,” Justin said and brought his lips to mine. I knew that this man was so much more different than the criminals my mother pegged people like him to be. He had a troubled past, but he was working on improving himself a little bit with each day that passed. I didn’t know what the future had to give me, but I knew if this man was by my side I’d be able to overcome any obstacle thrown at me. I knew that he’d be able to take me away from all of my pain by driving us far away on his motorcycle.

17. Protector, Immortal Rebels MC

By: Emily Lovell

Protector, Immortal Rebels MC

© Emily Lovell – All rights reserved