“Look, Dusty. If you want to go back to Emily, that’s your decision.” As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I bawled. Dusty fell silent. Carter rustled around under his blanket.

“Leila. First, I want to know where you are. I need to know that you’re safe. Let me come see you. I also need to know where my son is. It’s not oaky for you to just leave with him like this without telling me how to find you.” I realized that Dusty had a point. I would be worried sick if someone had just taken my child without giving me an explanation. I looked over at Carter who looked as peaceful as an angel.

“I’m at the Bozeman Hotel down on Cinnamon Boulevard. We’re in room two-five-nine.” I had such a wide range of emotions coursing through me at that particular moment that it was hard to decipher which one to process first. On the one hand, I wanted desperately to see Dusty, and I wanted him to be able to see Carter. On the other, I wanted to scream at him and tell him that he had no right letting Emily inside the house. I didn’t care if she used to live there. Dusty had gone on with his life and he now had someone else in it who brought him joy, who loved him, and who he loved back.

“I’ll be there in a few hours.” Dusty hung up the phone and I lied back on the bed, trying my hardest to keep myself collected. I closed my eyes and pictured Pete, smiling from behind the smoothie bar. Then I thought about Ella, about my parents, and about my long runs in the Arizona heat. It was times like this that made me crave home, and for a wild minute, I contemplated driving all the way back to Billings, dropping Carter off in his nursery, and then continuing on until I eventually reached Sedona.

It seemed like an eternity had passed before Dusty finally appeared at the hotel door. It had started to rain hard in Bozeman, and I barely heard him knocking because the rain drops pelted the window with such intensity. A flash of lightning sliced through the sky, and I jumped off the bed, just in time to hear Carter cry himself awake. I snuggled him up and peered out the window, watching as the rain came down in long, heavy streaks.

“Leila!” I finally heard Dusty calling at the door. When I opened it, he stood before me, his hair wet and matted against his face, his white t-shirt soaked through so that I could make out the definition in his chest. I had no words when I saw his face, so I simply threw my arms around his neck and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Our lips mingled for a few moments and then I backed away, remembering that we had a serious issue to deal with.

Dusty took me by the hand, eased me onto the bed, and then placed Carter on his blanket. “I want you, Leila.” He looked deep into my eyes and I felt my heart leap in return. I wanted him to tell me that he would never go back to Emily, that she was simply a segment from his past. I wanted him to convince me that she meant nothing to him anymore, and that he and I would continue our own story into the rest of eternity. But I couldn’t wait for his words, so I simply kissed him once more, then pulled his body on top of mine until I felt the swelling hardness of his manhood on top of my body.

Chapter 13

“Dusty, if you don’t want to be with me anymore, you just need to let me know.” I ran my hands down his back, feeling the wetness of his t-shirt as it clung to his skin. “Just be honest with me.” I reached for his hands and then pressed him closer on top of me. “We need to move to the floor so we don’t disturb Carter.” I whispered in his ear and then eased myself onto the floor with one of the extra blankets wrapped around me.

“Leila, I just want to make love to you. Let’s talk later.” Dusty ripped off my shirt and then kissed my neck. I threw back my head and clung to his body. I wanted him so badly that I could already feel the sensation of wetness spreading between my legs. Dusty gripped my ass with his hands and then yanked off my leggings. I leaned back and spread open my legs. Dusty unzipped his wet jeans and peeled them to the floor, then heaved his body on top of mine.

“Give it to me, Dusty.” I cried out and then arced my back to meet his heavy, pulsating groin. He pressed against me with his body, and entered me with a loud grunt. I ran my hands through his hair and then caressed his back. He felt so right inside me that I couldn’t even fathom the possibility of ending our relationship. I had to know that he wanted me, that he wasn’t going to do anything that would interfere with our lives together.

“Oh, Leila. This is good. Yes.” Dusty moved in and out of me, his thick, pulsating manhood bringing me once again to the point of ecstasy. “I want to feel you on top of me. Come on.” Dusty slid out of me and then helped position me on top of him. I looked down admiringly at his firm physique and then spread my legs to get him inside of me.

Dusty smiled and reached up for my breasts, cupping them each in his hands. “This is exactly where I want to be. Right here, inside of you.” He closed his eyes and I proceeded to rock solely on top of him, gliding my body over his groin, watching him as he moved his head from side to side in a trance-like state of pleasure. I placed my hands on my hips and continued to move inside of him, watching his face as I moved in rhythm.

“You feel amazing, Dusty.” I spread my legs even wider so that I could fully embrace all of his manhood. He groaned and I pressed harder and harder inside of him. After a few minutes, I eased off, and then got back on my back so that Dusty could get on top of me. He propped his elbows on the bed and then positioned himself so that he could get himself back inside of me. I wrapped my hands around his waist and then pulled him closer. I could hear his heavy breathing and I could see the desirous look on his face.

“Leila, this is the best. Oh yes.” Dusty penetrated me deeper, harder than ever before. I cried out loud. “Yes!” He drove himself even harder inside me and I realized that I hadn’t felt this passionate about a man in all of my life. Even with my high school boyfriend, I hadn’t been this allured. Dusty had me captivated, and there was nothing that I wanted more than to have him make love to me all night long. I arched my back underneath his weight and then clung to his waist as he rode himself into my wet, waiting chamber.

“I think we make the best couple ever.” I whispered into Dusty’s ear, my body coated in sweat. I ran my hands over his muscular biceps, then over his shoulders and on his back. He continued to pleasure me with his body, moving forcefully and deliberately inside me. Then, a magical sensation rose from deep within my body.

I felt like I was about to explode in pleasure, but it was so intense that I could barely express my desirous state. Instead, I simply clung to Dusty’s waist and then cried out with ecstasy. “Yes! Yes, Dusty!” I moaned in a climatic frenzy, then released my arms from Dusty’s waist and fell completely silent. Dusty groaned and then came shortly after. Afterward, the two of us remained quiet, each of us stroking one another’s bodies as the rain outside continued to fall.

Chapter 14

When morning arrived, I was surprised that the two of us had remained in each other’s arms for the entire night. I craned my neck up above to check on carter who was still snuggled soundly in his blanket. It was only a few minutes later that he let out a wail, and I knew that he was ready for his morning bottle. Dusty picked him up and rocked him in his arms, then I reached for my night-shirt and threw it over my head.

“He’s definitely gotten used to you, Leila.” Dusty looked at me with a sympathetic grin. “But now that it’s morning, and we’ve had some time to decompress, I think we need to talk.” Dusty sighed and then sat down on the bed with Carter. He reached for one of the filled bottles, then popped the nipple inside Carter’s mouth and watched as he sucked down the liquid. I stare at Dusty, wondering what he was about to tell me.

“Look, I know that last night was a surprise for both of us. I think we can both agree that we were blindsided.” Dusty shook his head and then looked down at Carter. “But now that Emily has returned…” He paused and I could feel that familiar lump welling in my throat. Was he going to tell me that he wanted to go back to her? After we had just made intensely passionate love? I didn’t want to entertain even the slightest possibility of that happening.

“Now that Emily has returned?” I raised my brows and then placed a hand on my hip. “Now that Emily has returned, what?” I didn’t like all of the suspense, and it frustrated me to watch Dusty drag this out. I glanced over at Carter who was cooing away in Dusty’s arms.

“Leila. I’m just trying to find a way to make this as amiable as possible for all three of us. You have to understand that Emily is Carter’s mother, and she does have a right to see him. I’m not sure if you left the house last night with the full-fledged intention of kidnapping him, but I think that you’re probably smarter than that.” Dusty gave me a self-satisfied expression. “Am I right?” He looked at me and then reached for my hand.

“You know what, Dusty?” I think that you’re trying to play the field. That’s what I think.” I shot him a look and then decided that the conversation was just going to get sour, so I distracted myself with getting dressed. “I think that you feel torn between the two of us, and that you aren’t confident enough to actually stand up for your own feelings. I think that instead of you being able to tell Emily directly, last night, that the two of us are in love, you strung her along so that she might think she actually has a chance at getting back together with you.” I said my peace and then stormed into the bathroom. Dusty followed behind me.

“Leila. Babe. Come on.” Dusty placed a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t do this.” He gave me a forlorn expression and then watched me as I brushed my teeth and pulled back my hair. I shoved myself out of his way to get back in the bedroom. “I think you just need to get a little perspective, Leila.” Dusty leaned against the doorway and I smirked. Perspective? I had all the perspective that I needed.

“I’ve told you what I needed to. Okay, Dusty? The choice is up to you. But I’m not going to just sit around waiting while you decide how you want to play your cards.” I looked at him, then at Carter, and walked toward the bed. Dusty inched into the bathroom.

“We can finish this conversation after my shower. Please try not to get so worked up. Okay?” Dusty looked at me with concern, then closed the door behind him and started to run the water. I sat down next to Carter, and thought about what Dusty had just told me. I personally wasn’t convinced enough to believe that Dusty was going to drive back to the ranch and tell Emily that she was out of the picture. I simply knew better.

After a few minutes had passed, the rain let up and a soft, orange glow lit up the sky. I looked over at Carter and then without giving it a second thought, I picked him up and placed him in my arms. I grabbed the few bottles I’d bought and stuffed them in my purse, then quietly walked right out the door.

Chapter 15

I knew that Dusty was going to be furious when he came out of the bathroom and saw that Carter and I were gone. Yet I simply couldn’t sit inside that hotel room listening to him tell me his round-about story. I wanted a straight answer, and if he couldn’t give it to me, then I was going to do whatever I could to get myself out of the situation. I had Carter loaded in the Laredo and was gone from the hotel before ten minutes had even passed.