Again, I wasn’t too sure about where I was heading, but I knew for certain that I couldn’t keep driving around with Carter like this. I knew that he deserved to be back in his bed, around his surroundings, and in a stable environment. I decided that I would drive back to Billings and face whatever came my way. If Emily was there, then I’d simply have to handle the consequences.

The night air was cool and I drive for a while with the windows rolled down. It felt good to be on the road, out of the hotel, and on my way to making a decision. Carter slept soundly for most of the drive, but woke up as soon as we reached out home stretch. Just as I was about to pull onto the highway that led toward the ranch, he started wailing at the top of his lungs, so I pulled over as soon as I could and then climbed in the back seat to see what was wrong. He felt warm, so I decided that we needed to get home as soon as possible so that I could take his temperature. I climbed back behind the wheel and then took off down the road, hopeful that the house would be empty when I arrived.

I pulled up onto the gravel driveway just in time to see a cougar dart across the field. I turned off the ignition then walked around and eased Carter out of his car-seat. Then I cautiously inched my way toward the porch, my heart already racing because of what I might find. I already knew that Dusty wasn’t here. His pick-up would have been sitting right smack dab in the middle of the driveway. Instead, it was empty.

Dusty was probably only a few minutes behind me getting out of the hotel, and once he realized Carter and I were missing, I assumed that he would act quickly. I poked my head around the windows before stepping foot on the front porch and placing my hand on the knob to open the door. What if Emily were inside? I didn’t know how she had gotten here the first time. Did she have a car and if so, was it parked near the house? I cautiously opened the door and then placed one foot inside. It was quiet.

Gingerly, I walked through the living room, and then began my descent up the stairs. I swore I heard footsteps in the kitchen so I paused, then waited. It was silent. I stopped cautiously again on the stairs, then decided that all the tip-toeing around was ludicrous. This was my home. Dusty and I had been married, had agreed to raise Carter together as parents, and had decided that we would both share the responsibilities of both home-owing and child-rearing together. Emily’s presence was like a meteor thrown down from space, knocking both of us into another galaxy.

I reached the top of the stairs and then softly laid Carter into his crib. He was still fussing around, so I slipped him out of his clothes and rubbed little baby massage lotion on his back. He quieted shortly after. I took his temperature, and he did have a low-grade fever. I laid him down with a soft blanket and then sat in the rocking chair beside the changing table. It was quiet in the house, and I didn’t get the sense that Emily was here any longer. However, just to be sure, I walked down the steps and decided to take a peek.

There was no sign of her in either the living room or the dining room, so I meandered through the kitchen wondering if she would spring out at me unexpectedly. Still, there was no sign of her. Just as I was about to pour myself a drink from the fridge, I noticed a note lying on the wooden butcher block. It was handwritten, and I skimmed to the bottom to see Emily’s signature. I carried the letter to the kitchen table, sat down, and prepared for a read.

Dear Dusty,

It seems incredible to imagine myself standing back inside our home. I’m still too stunned to get all my thoughts down on paper, but I’m going to try my hardest to say whatever I can. I love you. That’s first. I will always love you, and I will always cherish the time that we spent together. I could have never asked for a more attentive and caring husband. When the hostage situation was finally handles appropriately, I did whatever I could to get back here. I’m so sorry that you suffered for months, not knowing what had happened. I can tell that Carter has been loved by Leila, and I do not want to interfere with the bond that the two share. If the three of us can work to come to an agreement, then I think carter will benefit from the best that the situation has to offer. Until then, I am leaving for Missoula. I have a friend who has given me a half share rental, and it is a central enough location from Billings that I think it will work out as best as possible. We’ll talk more later. Smooches to Carter.


For a second, I simply stared at the letter. It was written so eloquently and so thoughtfully. I almost felt ashamed for how the two of us had carried on the day before, acting like a couple of childish school-girls, arguing over a man and a child. I swallowed hard, then realized that Emily had essentially sacrificed her feelings and bowed out of the situation for the sake of Dusty. It was a humble move on her part, and I felt somewhat embarrassed at how I’d acted now. What could I do except move on and hope that I’d do better in the future?

Before I had much of a chance to think further, I heard the rumble of Dusty’s pick-up in the driveway. I wasn’t exactly sure how he was going to react to seeing me, but this was my home, after all, and if there was one place that I’d consider likely for me to show up at, it was right here at this ranch. I heard the knob twist and the door creak open. I held the letter close to my chest and walked quietly out of the kitchen.

“This is from Emily.” I spoke first and handed Dusty the letter. He looked at me, then grabbed the letter and tossed it to the floor.

“I don’t care about a stupid letter form Emily. I need you to understand how I feel, Leila.” Dusty looked as if he were about to cry. “Storming out of the hotel like that, Leila? Come on. Hauling Carter around like he’s some doll? Enough is enough. I’ve told you how I felt about Emily, how she is part of my past, and how I want to move on with my life. What else is there to say?” Dusty looked at me and I felt tears well up in my eyes. There were still three words that Dusty could say, but they always seemed so difficult for him to get off the tip of his tongue. Just as I was about to turn and walk away, he said them.

“Leila.” Dusty took my arm and then looked me in the eyes. “I love you.” He smiled and then swallowed. I could tell that it took a lot of courage for him to tell me that, and I respected his efforts. “I truly love you, and I swear I was falling in love with you before I even met you.” He held my hand and then sighed. “It’s just been hard for me.” He smiled again, then looked away. “Can you please try to understand? Can you please try to give me the chance that I deserve?” He took a deep breath and I slowly nodded my head.

“I’ll try harder, Dusty.” I spoke quietly and then moved closer. “I’m sorry that I acted so immature around Emily. I just felt really threatened. Understandably. Right?” I hoped that he understood.

“It’s completely understandable. Can we just…” Dusty paused and then threw his arms around my neck. “Can we just please move forward, and try to live our lives in the present?” I could tell that he was sincere with his question. I nodded my head, wanting to do my part in making this all come out all right.

“I think that’s a great idea. I think that we have the strength to do it, as long as we’re working together. Right?” I smiled then, realizing that Dusty truly did love me. It didn’t matter what space Emily had in his heart, or what she might initiate within him later. What mattered now was that he and I were together, and we were going to make it work. We both had the willingness to make it a success, and we both had the love that was necessary to do so. I leaned forward and gave Dusty a kiss on the cheek. Then the two of us walked, hand-in-hand, up the stairs to check on our sleeping Carter.

14. Bridgette, Maggie and Jack,

A Babysitter Romance

By: Kylie James

Bridgette, Maggie and Jack,

A Babysitter Romance

© Kylie James, 2015 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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