“And do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do,” Nick said with a grin.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Nick took her in his arms to kiss her and she smiled through the kiss.

They had finally made it – they were finally married.


After the ceremony, they had stuck around for the after party for a small while but then a car came to pick them up to take them to the airport so they could jet off to their honeymoon.

The plane ride had been a few hours long but when they came to see the beautiful sunny beaches of their island paradise, it all seemed to be worth it.

“We finally made it,” Nick remarked as he stretched out in front of her, “We are finally married.”

Hannah smiled back – she was genuinely happy that they had reached this landmark in their relationship and she was excited to see where life would take them next.

On Hayley’s advice, she had decided against telling him about her little rendezvous from that night. In her mind, she justified that it was only a drunken mistake and it would only ever hurt his feelings. It was not worth doing that for something that did not mean anything to her – Nick was the only guy she loved and will ever love.

But in the back of her mind, it still bothered her a little. She had felt secretly awful this whole time even though she pulled out her best smile for all appearances.

Secretly, this thing was eating her apart. And being inside her head for so long, she had begun to grow paranoid thoughts about the encounter.

“Are you ready, my beautiful wife?” he asked her as he came inside the room.

They had decided to go out for a swim but suddenly, Hannah was not feeling up to it.

She looked back at him and sighed, “Yeah – but how about you go ahead without me first and I will come and join you?” she asked.

“Well, if that is what you want,” Nick said slowly, “but don’t keep me waiting too long, Mrs. Nicholas Wright,” he winked at her and then disappeared down the hallway.

Hannah stared after him in the empty space he had left behind him. Today, she felt extra horrible about the whole thing but more than horrible, she also felt sick.

She wondered if it had been any of the food she had consumed at her wedding but then the more paranoid part of her brain started to conjure up conclusions of her own.

And so, for the past ten minutes, she had been browsing the internet on her phone for all possible reasons why she was feeling so. And much to her dread and confirmation of her paranoia, pregnancy listed itself as one of the causes.

Not being able to take the suspense anymore, she went down to the hotel pharmacy wearing a black hoodie she stole from Nick with the cap on and asked for a pregnancy.

Back in her hotel room, she held it in her hands and they shook violently. She hoped that Nick would not come back and see her like this but she had made sure to lock the door on her way in.

Finally, she put the stick to and then waited.

In those few minutes of waiting, her mind conjured up a world of possibilities for her. She wondered what she would do if it turned out to be positive – she could not even imagine it and it made her sick to her stomach.

But then, the result finally came back and it was all that she had feared.

Indeed, Hannah was pregnant.


Following the news, Hannah had not known what to do with herself and collapsed on the floor into a fit of tears. She was scared more than anything and did not know what the possible solution for this would be. She loved Nick dearly and was scared that he might leave her once she tells him this news.

She tried to rationalize and tell herself that she is jumping to conclusions but at the moment, she did not know what else to do. She felt utterly alone and knew that she needed to get out of her head.

In order to get some air, she decided to go down to the beach. Hours passed and she found herself sitting at the edge of one of the rocks with her feet covered in sand. The calm sound of the ocean was comforting to her as it felt as though that was the only thing that was calm in her life – all else was plummeting into sheer chaos.