She sat there till the sun went down – it was her way of dealing with the storm that she was in. She did not want this to happen and if they had not fought that day, this situation would have been avoided.

She thought that was very strange how fate worked. But she had a decision to make and she knew that this had gotten too out of hand for her to deal alone.

Wiping away the last of her tears, she made the decision to go back to the hotel room.

Chapter 9

“Hannah!” Nick threw his hands in the air as he finally saw her entering the hotel room door, “Where were you?” he exclaimed and Hannah could hear the worry that colored his tone.

“I am sorry,” she told him, sincerely, “I went down to the beach to spend some time alone, I should have told you before.”

Nick nodded but he did not want her to apologize. “That is okay,” he said, “but please – don’t do that again. You really scared me. Are you okay?” He asked her.

Hannah did not want to lie to him so she shook her head no. “Not really.”

“Hey,” Nick said, turning her around so she could look into his eyes, “Tell me? We are married now and we should not have any secrets from each other.”

Hannah gulped loudly – “What if that secret is big enough to change everything between us?” she whimpered.

Nick knitted his eyebrows together in confusion, “What do you mean?” he asked her.

“I just -,” she breathed out, “I don’t even know how to tell you this Nick.”

Nick squeezed her hand tightly, “You can tell me anything and frankly, anything would be better than this – I am getting scared. Please, let me in,” he tried to coax it out of her.

She felt her tongue being tied – she did not even know where to start.

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?" Nick pressed on - he was beginning to grow increasingly worried at the way she was acting.

"You will hate me," she spurted out and a few tears leaked out from her eyes.

"Just tell me," Nick insisted.

From the way Hannah saw it, she had two choices. She could either still keep it in and not tell him but that would mean that she would be hiding a huge thing from him. Before when it was just restricted to the hookup, that was entirely different in the sense that it did not have any visible consequences. But now that she had found out she was pregnant, she knew that there was bound to be evidence sooner or later.

The second way was that she spill out her guts to Nick and come clean, telling him all about what happened. That also frightened her as she did not know how he would react.

"Hannah," Nick spoke up again, "come on now. You are positively freaking me out."

She sighed loudly and walked over to the edge of the edge of the bed to take a seat - she needed to steady her if she was going to deliver this news to him.

"Nick," she finally managed to breathe out with great difficulty, "I need to tell you something really big."

Nick nodded, "Yes and I have been trying to get it out of you for the past ten minutes. Can you just tell me already? What is it that has you so upset instead of enjoying our honeymoon together?" He asked her.

"That weekend when I went way-," she started but then stopped, unable to find the words.

"Yes?" Nick pressed.

"Well that weekend when I went away, I -," she paused again as her brain jammed on her.

She did not want what to say. Any wording possible of the scenario still made her look terrible and she was scared Nick would think of it as inexcusable and just leave.

"Hannah- just tell me. I don't care how bad it is - but you need to tell me it now. Or else we cannot move forward," he said to her.

She nodded and sucked in a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed, finally spurting out the truth without any sort of explanation or backstory.