Hannah bit down her lip and then took another sip out of her cup as she let her mind wander. Both Nicholas and Hannah had agreed they did not want their wedding to be an average boring affair where they just walk down the chapel, eat cake and then head back home.

To add a little excitement, they decided on a Las Vegas wedding at a free standing chapel but close by to many pubs and casinos. So that once guests attended the boring altar ceremony, they could cut loose and enjoy themselves a little fun with gambling. Hayley and their other friends thought it was a fantastic idea and soon, they had booked themselves a date two weeks from now.

But as the wedding loomed closer, so did the pressure. The thought that singlehood was slipping away was not so much of a concern to Hannah as it was to Hayley. And so, she had taken it upon herself to plan out her best friend’s bachelor party.

“I’m going to let you go out with a bang though,” Hayley said grinning, “Your bachelor party is going to be a blast!”

“Oh god – how many strippers have you hired?” Hannah said laughing and slightly horrified, “Do I even want to know?”

“You’ll find out,” Hayley said coyly, “All in due time though.”

“I can hardly wait,” Hannah let out sarcastically.

“Shut up,” Hayley quipped back, “You know you are going to love me for this!”

Chapter 2

Hayley had been Hannah’s best friend for the past two decades – they had met in kindergarten when Hayley decided to borrow Hannah’s blue crayon without asking. They had fought that day but after that, they had been best friends ever since.

Hayley, unlike Hannah, refused to settle down at the age of twenty-seven but she appreciated her best friend for her loyalty and love for Nick. Hayley was known for throwing her wild parties where people usually got drunk out of their minds in college but since graduating, the sobriety levels at her parties had significantly risen and now her parties featured more wine instead of cold brew beer in red solo cups.

Nick and Hannah entered the party hand in hand, just as you would expect from a soon to be married couple that was absolutely smitten about the other. Hannah’s eyes glanced over the part crowd fleetingly, trying to search out for her best friend but she was nowhere in sight.

“You want me to get us some drinks?” Nick offered as she continued her search for a familiar face.

She nodded, finally having spotted Hayley from across the room. “Yeah, you go,” she told him, “I’ll catch up with you.”

Upon seeing Hayley, she noticed her sister Ashley was also in town. Skipping over to the pleasantries, they both greeted each other with a smile.

“I haven’t seen you in years,” Ashley said, “Last time I saw you, you and your boyfriend were in our basement making out.”

Hannah had to laugh at the memory of her high school days, “Well, fiancé now,” she corrected her.

“No way!” Ashley gasped, “Show me the ring!”

Hannah flashed her diamond ring in the air and Ashley clapped her hands together in excitement.

“Oh Hannah!” she said, “That is wonderful; you guys really went for the long haul.”

“Yeah, they did,” Hayley replied looking rather sour at the prospect, “they sure are gross and in love,” she said in her usual cynical tone.

“Oh don’t listen to her!” Ashley said quickly, “My sister has always been so against long term relationships but I think you will agree with me, once you find the right person; there is truly nothing else better.”

Hannah nodded, she felt the same way and felt reassured that Ashley, who had been married for five years now, still felt this way regarding her husband.

“I agree completely,” Hannah said.

“Oh and after you get married, it’ll be a whole different level! I hope you’re excited to finally start having babies,” Ashley laughed but instead of them reciprocating it, an odd silence fell around them.

Hayley looked at Hannah from the corner of her eyes and shot her sister a warning look, as though she had said the wrong thing.

Hannah gulped, “We have actually decided to not have kids,” she said.

“Oh?” Ashley seemed surprised to hear this, “Why not? I highly recommend you to keep that option open – honestly my kids are everything to me. And I am sure you guys will change your mid later on as well,” she droned on unaware of the horrific looks her sister was shooting her way.

“No, actually,” Hannah started slowly, “We cannot. Nick had a vasectomy done three years ago,” she said finally and then cracked a smile but you could tell it wasn’t genuine by the way it did not reach her eyes.

Suddenly, realization dawned upon Ashley’s face and she scrambled to change the topic, “Right – um, sorry I obviously did not know that,” she said hurriedly.