Nick fumbled with the black velvet covered box in his hands, turning it over repeatedly as he waited in a semi-lit up room. He was convinced that this was the next step the two of them needed to take to further their relationship – there was no one else he could imagine seeing himself with. Hannah was it for it him – his one person.

They understood each other to levels of madness and Nick finally wanted to cement that bond with marriage. He glanced nervously at the door – she did not have any idea that he had planned this out for her.

Eventually, the door hinged open and Hannah walked in to find the apartment bathed in darkness except the small candles that were lit on the floor, leading up to the living room.

“Nick?” she called out, her nose crinkling in confusion, “Where are you?”

But then finally entered the living room and there he was right in front of her. Seeing her, he could not help but feel his nervousness wash away and a grin spread out across his face.

He held out a hand for her to take and she just breathlessly walked over, only now realizing the events that unfolding around her.

“Nick,” she whispered out and her breath hitched, as Nick started to bend down to sit on one knee and fished out a small velvet box from his pocket.

“Ssh,” he told her, still maintaining eye-contact as slowly opened the box up in front of her, “Hannah,” he said slowly then there was a pause.

It seemed that they did not need any words at that moment as they both gazed into each other’s eyes – drinking the other in as though this was the first time they had seen each other. Nick gulped loudly.

“Hannah,” he said again, now holding out the ring in front of him, “You are my life and you have been since they first date when we were both eighteen – when we snuck out of your parents’ house to kiss in the rain. That was the day I realized I love you and there is no one else I want to be with than you – that day and today; my feelings have not changed.”

Hannah could just feel the tears forming in her eye but they were happy tears.

“Hannah,” Nick started again in that same low and intense tone, “Will you marry me?”

Hannah could hardly control her own self as she lunged forward to meet him in a warm embrace, “Yes, yes, yes!” she whispered against the base of his neck, leaving a kiss each she said the word, “I do and I will always.”

Nick laughed in delight, “I love you, babe,” he said and then took one of her thin fingers into his hands and slid the ring on.

She held out her hand and examined the ring, with Nick’s arms still latched around her waist, “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“You are the one that’s beautiful,” he replied back – he could not help but be a little cheesy. After all, the love of his life had just agreed on marrying him.

She grinned back, “Carry me, Nick,” she said turning to him with a devilish glint in her eyes, “We must get to the bed now!”

Nick laughed, “But babe, I put out champagne for us to drink,” he told her but then noticed by the intense expression on her face, she was dead serious. Instantly, the thought of champagne left his brain as he stared back into her gorgeous brown orbs gazing into his.

He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the door, bridal style – stopping only to move down and kiss her lips for a brief moment before he turned the door knob and swooped her in, coming to a rest at the base of their bed.

“I love you, Nicholas,” was the last thing she said to him before pulling him down on the bed with her, leaving him no time or reason to protest.


That was six months ago and the engagement was still solid. Hannah sipped on her iced coffee, typing away on her phone as her raven haired best friend sat across her.

“I cannot believe you are getting married in two weeks,” Hayley, her best friend said, “That’s far too soon for me to even wrap my head around!”

Hannah chuckled in response, “Stop being so melodramatic!” she replied, “It’s not like anything will change once I get married, I’ll still be living in the city.”

“Well, yeah,” Hayley said, her teeth scraping against the inside of her cheek, “Not like that it won’t but I meant – you know, you’ll be officially off the market,” she concluded with a rather concerned look on her face.

Hannah had to laugh – of course this was the sort of reaction she expected to receive from her best friend of two decades who entirely repelled any form of commitment.

“I’ve been off the market for the past eight years, if you haven’t noticed,” Hannah replied chuckling.

“No – well you could always have gone on a break and sowed your wild oats with some rebound guy when you he was only your boyfriend,” Hayley said casually, “but now! It’s going to be different – you’re going to divorce him before you decide to go bar hopping with some hot piece of meat.”

Hannah was still laughing – her best friend’s commentary on most things in life was at the most entertaining. “Hey – I already have a hot piece of meat waiting for me back home,” she said, self-assuredly.

Hayley made a small gagging gesture at that, “Gag me with a spoon, will you?” she said and then her eyes lit up as though suddenly she remembered the one thing they had been discussing for the past ten minutes, “Oh god! You’re getting married in two weeks! We are going to Las Vegas!”