“Not for long my darling,” Carter promised. “What do you say to getting married here in Ohio? Just us and your parents”

Melanie could not speak. It would mean so much to her parents. She nodded. Carter’s mouth fell on hers again. They kissed hungrily, as though making up for the days they had been apart. Her hands roamed over his back and she felt a freedom that came from allowing herself to love Carter again.

His hands cupped her rear end and pushed her harder against him. He half lifted her from the ground and Melanie grinded her pelvis against his hardness.

“Oh Melanie, I want you so badly,” carter groaned.

“Have me then,” Melanie invited.

“Where? Your parents might see us,” Carter said. His eyes searched the surroundings. He saw the cove and taking her hand, he led her to it, grabbing the picnic blanket on the way.

“Are you sure?” he said.

Melanie nodded. She had no doubts whatsoever that she wanted Carter to take her. She wanted their bodies to be one with each other as were their hearts. She wanted to feel his manhood inside her. Carter pulled her down to the blanket he had laid out. She sat astride him and watched his hands tremble as he undid the buttons of her dress.

She grinded against him suggestively and he groaned. She was going to enjoy being Mrs. Taft, Melanie thought as she helped him by lifting her dress above her arms and over her head. His hands fell on her exposed breasts and that was the last coherent thought that formed in her brain.


12. Conceived at her Bachelorette Party

By: Sheila Bolton

Conceived at her Bachelorette Party

©Sheila Bolton, 2016 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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Chapter 1

People say time is a relative concept and sometimes forever can be only a second but in the case of Nicholas Wright and Hannah Johnson; it was true in its most literal sense.

“Honey, he is just a high school sweet heart!” Mrs. Johnson had laughed over the evening drinks one day to her then eighteen-year-old daughter, “They come and go!”

But he had stayed.

When they had gone to prom together with their arms interlinked – their faces alight with cheesy smiles and their hands around each other, their friends had made a bet right there that even though they were so loved up now, college would inevitably break them apart.

But it hadn’t.

Leaving the little bubble of security and comfort that college inevitably provides you with was hard. Stepping into the real world was even harder when faced with the pressure of finding employment straight out of school and people thought they would not be able to take the heat and eventually break up.

They proved everybody wrong by instead deciding to rent an apartment in the city and moving in together.

All their life, their love for each other had been sickening sweet – they were the couple you usually saw at parties in a quiet corner sucking each other’s faces off. But only difference was, they had been doing this for the nine years they had been together. The spark did not die and everyone around them was finally starting to realize that perhaps, there was such a thing possible as two people being together forever.