“Oh my goodness,” he said. “There you go again. You better stop that. Someone is going to mistake you for a rose. On second thought, please don’t. It’s adorable.”

Sam leaned over and kissed her hair again. He looked around to see that they were alone. He touched his forefinger under her chin and lifted it up. He brushed his lips to her. Shauna wondered how a cowboy who spent most of his time out in the elements could have lips as soft as a babe’s skin.

He parted her lips, slipping his hot, wet tongue into her mouth, possessing it completely. She was definitely his, thought Shauna. She had no idea where this man came from so suddenly into her life but she accepted him.

She dared touch his face as well, contribute and encourage his affection, and reciprocate.

“Mmm,” he said. “Sweet woman. I thought I would come in and help you rearrange some of the furniture before I get back out to mending some of destruction from the store.”

And with that, Sam sipped the last of his coffee. He sauntered into Shauna’s bedroom and removed the bedding from the frame. He maneuvered the frame through the door way and put it back into the unused room from which it came. Shauna was right behind him with the bedding to make the bed up.

“Haya can still sleep in with the baby,” said Sam.

Chapter Seven

He took her hand.

“I expect we will need to get you a wedding ring of some kind,” he said.

The man who said he was Sam Bishop made an excuse as to why he had no ring for Shauna. She rationalized that with all the work she had to do, she didn’t have a need for a ring. And she said so now.

“I am content without one,” she said. “I have too many chores to concern myself with and jewelry would just get in the way.”

He gripped her firmly. Not painfully but enough to get her attention.

“I want everyone to know you are spoken for,” he said. “I want everyone to know we are married.”

His sentiment warmed her but the truth was they had not said vows. Not before God. She had said them with another man who claimed the same name. If she were to marry now, with a babe and all, the effect on their reputation, spare as their social life was, would be devastating.

She must have had a look on her face.

“What is it, Mrs. Bishop?” he asked.

“It’s just that we haven’t said our vows,” she said in a very quiet voice.

“Mm,” he said. “I reckon we ought to fix that. Where abouts did you marry before?” he asked.

“Fort Shaw,” she said.

“Well then I don’t imagine it would be too tough to get a preacher somewhere else who won’t be apprised of the situation,” he said. “Shall we take a little trip?”

Shauna could not help but smile at the prospect. A real marriage. It was almost too good to be true. To not have to wake at the crack of dawn or before, in the winter, with back breaking labor. A wonderfully attentive husband. Handsome. So romantic. In a matter of a day or so, her life had turned around and seemed so complete.

Now that she had helped Sam move her into a room for them together, she followed him outside. She would relieve Haya of the baby so that she could rest before putting him down and getting to chores of her own.

“I best be finding Haya and little Sam,” she said.

Little Sam. Her babe would have a daddy.

Chapter Eight

Sam and Shauna stepped out on the porch. The bright blue Montana sky so vividly greeted them. The sun was pure gold and made it hard to focus on the scene in front of them. When they did, they stopped cold. A man held a shotgun on Haya and little Sam. They were waiting for Sam and Shauna to appear.

“Morning,” he nodded. “I got your hand here and your baby son.”

“What can we do for you?” asked Sam gently.

Shauna nearly buckled but she had to keep it together for her little baby and her wonderful friend. She was moderately assured by the steely look behind Sam’s pretend cordiality.