“Oh boy... I don’t even want to know why you’re more active at night.” Catie said playfully, but her mind quickly went straight to the gutter. Did he play around with different women at night? Luke told her that he was a businessman, but most businesses closed at 5 or 6pm, so Catie was sure the man wasn’t up for business purposes.

“Oh wouldn’t you like to know?” Luke said in a teasing voice. He could tell that Catie was a reserved type of woman, at least when it came to men, but he baited her a little bit just to see how fast he could take it with Catie without her getting offended. The quicker the lion could make her his, the better for the both of them. “But in all seriousness, I get a lot of things done at night that I wouldn’t be able to get done during the day.” Luke said.

“Well it looks like we’re in the same boat.” Catie really enjoyed talking to Luke and she felt that it was easier to talk to him over the phone because she wasn’t constantly distracted by his gorgeousness.

“Did you make it home just fine?” Luke asked and Catie frowned as she thought about how she actually never made it back to her place.

“Actually I turned around and went back to San Francisco. The interview that I was trying to land called me when I was about thirty minutes from home. I absolutely could not let an opportunity like this get in of my way.” Luke didn’t particular like to hear that Catie had to turn back around when she was almost home, but it was her life and he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries by telling her how he felt about it. They did just meet after all.

“I never got to ask you, but what do you normally report on? Sorry, I don’t really keep up with the news.” Luke said. Catie couldn’t help but to smile. Since Luke asked her about her job, she figured that she could ask him if he had any negative experiences with shapeshifters. Luke had a good head on his shoulders and Catie felt that he’d be able to see her point of view.

“Well I report on any and everything under the sun, but the stories that hold my interest are shapeshifters.”

“Oh?” Luke responded suppressing a smirk. Luke came across a lot of women who had a thing for shapeshifters, especially when it came to sex. Apparently there were rumors going around that states that shifters were better in bed than humans were. Of course shifters slept with humans in their human form, but naturally they let out their desires more than any human could. “You hear that shapeshifters are better lovers?” Luke knew what Catie’s answer was going to be and prepared himself to tell her that he was a lion shapeshifter.

“I don’t see how any sane woman or man could sleep with such an abomination.” Luke’s face fell flat then when Catie said that. “Heaven’s no! I do not report on no foolishness like that. I research material and interview people to build up my argument that shapeshifters are a danger to the world!” Luke listened to Catie go on and on about how shapeshifters are detrimental to society. He couldn’t say anything to lessen the venom in Catie’s voice.

“That’s really interesting,” Luke said to give Catie the impression that he was really interested in what she had to say. Luke had thought Catie was just too perfect, but this wasn’t something that he wanted to find out about. Catie hated shapeshifters with a passion and Luke could tell that the woman might try something crazy if she was around them. After listening to Catie explained the many reasons why shapeshifters were bad news, Luke searched long and hard in his brain to find a fail-proof way of forever hiding his identity from Catie.

Chapter Five

Catie and Luke spoke for hours before calling it a night. By the time they got off of the phone, it was four in the morning! Catie went instantly to sleep because she had to be up by seven so that she could meet with Timothy. When her phone rung signaling it was time to get up, Catie lifted her sleepy body up with a grudge.

“I’m starting to regret staying on the phone that late.” Catie murmured and went to her suite’s bathroom. That was a lie. She enjoyed every moment that she and Luke spent on the phone together. The man was funny, charming, and very interesting. Catie knew that Luke was feeling her as well because he asked if he could take her to dinner that night. “I’ll need to get some more sleep in before, though.” Catie didn’t want to go out with Luke and end up falling face first onto the table because she was sleepy. She’d never allow any man to catch her slipping like that.

Catie lathered her breasts and backside and closed her eyes as the steaming hot water caressed her skin. She pictured that it was Luke’s lips caressing her shoulders and not the water. Catie allowed the image of Luke’s handsome face to take her mind to cloud nine before stepping out of the shower. She needed to keep her lewd thoughts to a minimal because she had work to do.

Catie stepped feet first into a form fitting navy blue dress that hugged every curve on her body and then stepped into her black heels. The twenty-eight-year-old woman glanced at herself in the mirror and grinned. The dress was a little tight around her bust, but that was the way that she liked it. Catie had a feeling that she was going to get some good information and she could not wait.

After applying her makeup, Catie made her way over to her phone to look at the time. It was a quarter to eight and Timothy said that he could meet Catie at the park several blocks from her hotel. As Catie contemplated the questions that she would ask, a text message came through to her phone. She read the text quickly believing it to be a ‘good morning’ text from Luke, but what she saw made her heart drop.

Sorry… I am unable to do the interview.

“That’s it?! You don’t have the decency to call and tell me why?” Catie shouted as she hit redial on Timothy’s number. The twenty-three-year-old seemed ecstatic to do the interview with Catie last night, so what happened? Why did he change his mind? Catie called Timothy several times and each time it went straight to voicemail without ringing. Timothy just sent her the text message, so there was no way that his phone died that quickly. Catie’s been stressing about this meeting for hours and Timothy owed her an explanation.

No matter how many times Catie called, she was sent straight to voicemail. This time instead of hanging up, she decided to leave a message.

“Hi Timothy, this is Catie Ziles. I’ve been trying to reach you in regards to you having to cancel our meeting for this morning. Is there a reason why you have to cancel? Can we possibly reschedule? My phone is always on so please call me back at your earliest convenience.” Catie was fuming. Just when she thought she was heading somewhere, this happens. Catie refused to let this interview go. She’d do anything necessary for the information that would have been a turning point in Catie’s career.

“I will not let anyone take this from me.”


“Did you handle the problem that I told you about?” Luke asked moving his mouthpiece over some so that he could speak without the mic hitting his mouth. Luke waited for the answer on the other end of the line as he looked through the paperwork neatly on his desk. Luke hated to get in the way of Catie’s work, but his way of living was in jeopardy if Catie had things her way.

“Yes boss,” the deep voice said on the other end. “The young man was on his way to speak with Ms. Ziles, but I got to him first. There were no problems… the young boy agreed to the terms and conditions quickly.”

“Great. Thanks I knew that I could count on you,” the two men exchanged a few more words before they hung up. Sighing, Luke placed his paperwork down and looked out the window directly behind his desk. Even though Luke had only just seen Catie’s face last night, he knew that her beautiful face was contorted in a scowl. She had lost the interview that she was dying to get and it was at the hands of Luke.

“I can’t risk it,” Luke mumbled. Luke didn’t need Catie finding out something that she otherwise did not need to know, and the information that she was about to find out might have placed Luke and pride at a disadvantage. Luke could still remember that day like the back of his hand. After having one too many drinks after celebrating becoming the alpha of the pack, he got into a random heated discussion with a human. Words were exchanged and blows were given to one another. Normally Luke kept a steady head, but he was too intoxicated. Losing control of powers momentarily. He turned into a lion and unfortunately, the man was too close to him.


The man’s body exploded from the impact of Luke’s transformation. Luke clinched his eyes shut as the memory caused him physical pain. He thought of Catie’s face and how she would look if she somehow figured out that the boy’s death was because of Luke and he knew that his chance to be with her would end. He liked her and he wasn’t going to let his true identity and the tragedy from his past tear them apart before their relationship even began.

“I can’t wait to see her,” Luke whispered as he thought about Catie. She was truly sexy. He couldn’t wait for the opportunity to be able to rub his hands up and down her body. Luke felt his animalistic desire rising and he had to shake his head several times to bring his head back down to earth. Luke didn’t want to pressure Catie too much, so he’ll wait for her to come to him, but when she did, she’d be completely his.
