“Catie… I can tell that you’re a strong woman and you’re probably used to doing things for yourself,” Luke ran his hand through his hair while maintaining perfect eye contact with Catie. “I can’t let a woman walk to her car by herself. Please let me take you to it.” Catie inhaled at the sincerity in Luke’s voice and she absolutely couldn’t refuse him. She also didn’t mind spending a little more time with Luke either.

“Okay, thank you so much.” Luke smiled and led her towards the parking lot.

“I’m driving the red and black Mitsubishi. You can’t miss it.” Luke said and sure enough when the two of them got to the parking lot, Catie saw the car that he described. She couldn’t help but notice that Luke drove the newest model.

“Nice ride,” Catie commented as Luke held open the door for her. She didn’t know if this whole ‘gentleman’ attitude was an act, but she hoped that he didn’t stop.

“Thanks, I got it a few months ago as a birthday gift for myself.” Catie got comfortable in the leather seat as Luke spoke. It was quite the impressive car to only be thirty-two years old. Then again, Catie’s 2015 blue Ford Taurus wasn’t bad either, it was just a vehicle one saw more often than Luke’s.

It took them no time to get to Catie’s car and Catie was happy that she took Luke up on his offer to sit down with him and to drive her to her car. Luke was definitely what she’s been missing in her life the past year. She was sure that Luke would help her ease the stress of her lack of information on the shapeshifters. If Luke wasn’t going to ask for her number, Catie was definitely going to ask him for his.

“I’d like to see you again, Catie. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a meaningful conversation with a beautiful and intelligent woman like you.” Luke said wasting no time. He wasn’t going to let Catie go because it wasn’t in his nature.

“I’d like that, Luke. Maybe we can go out sometime.” Catie said with a blush rising to her cheeks. She felt embarrassed, but she wanted to tell Luke exactly what was on her mind. The two exchanged numbers and Luke promised to contact her later on that night to make sure that she made it home safely.

“I had a really good time today. I’m glad you decided to stick around and chat with me.” Luke said. “We’ll definitely get dinner soon. I’d like to know more about you.” Luke added when Catie opened the door. Right before exiting, Catie leaned over and placed a soft chaste kiss on Luke’s closed lips. Catie knew that she moved way too fast, but she was thinking about his lips all evening. Luke didn’t appear to have minded though, because he licked the cherry scented and flavored chap-stick that Catie was wearing off of his lips.

“I’m glad too. Be careful.” Catie said and closed the door. Catie didn’t want to show Luke how flustered she was just off of that small kiss. She quickly made it to her car and turned back briefly to see that Luke was still there. His windows were tinted so she wasn’t able to see him, but Catie knew those golden eyes were on her. Blushing, she jumped into her car and pushed the button that started her car up. She looked over her shoulder and saw that Luke was waiting patiently for her to leave, and she took off down the road.

Catie shook her head and turned on the ac. Not because she was hot, but because she needed the air to cool down her head.

“Talk about a good day to come to San Francisco.” Catie smiled.

Chapter Four

“Luke~” Donna said in a singsong voice as Luke walked into the bar that was owned by his pride. Luke was greeted by Donna’s breasts as she jumped into his arms and rubbed her face against his. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. Did you miss me?” Luke squeezed Donna slightly, before putting her feet on the ground. Luke ran his hand through her long black hair and looked into her eyes. Donna was attractive. She had big golden eyes and her lips were plump and kissable. She had a beauty mark beneath her bottom lip that made the woman look incredibly sexy. She had a body that most women would kill for and she had a thing for Luke. Unfortunate for her but fortunate to other men, Luke wasn’t into her.

“Of course I’ve missed you, Donna. You’re an important member of the pride.” Luke looked around briefly before his eyes met Donna’s again. “No customers?” Luke asked and Donna shook her head.

“The bar is closed for our meeting, baby.” Luke smirked at her as he noticed the lust filled look in her eye. Luke had been considering taking Donna to bed, but he was glad that he didn’t. He was sure that he’d enjoy Donna’s body thoroughly, but he knew he would have hurt the woman if he did succumb to her advances. If Luke would have met Catie after he had jumped Donna’s bones, whatever they might have had would have been over.

“Do they look like you or...?” Luke looked around to be sure that there wasn’t anyone else in the facility that shouldn’t be there. Donna placed her hand on Luke’s massive chest a shook her head.

“We’re meeting in our true forms.” Donna said and Luke didn’t waste any time taking off his suit jacket. His movements were quick as he stripped down to his boxers. Donna watched him with interested eyes and followed suit. They were both in their underwear and they changed into their true form. Luke transformed into a massive lion while Donna was a delicate lioness. They walked around in the human world to fit in with the humans, but their true form were lions and they were the only lion shapeshifters in the state.

“Alright, let’s get this meeting started.” Luke growled and he and Donna made a b-line downstairs.


To Catie’s fortune (and misfortune) Timothy gave her a call back last night, but Catie so happened to be thirty minutes away from her home. She knew she couldn’t let this possibility slip away, so against her better judgement, Catie turned around and made her way back to San Francisco. Lucky enough for her she was able to find a hotel room very close to the park that she and Timothy were supposed to meet up at the next morning.

“Good thing I have spare clothes in the trunk of my car,” Catie mumbled as she took a seat on her massive queen sized bed. As a reporter, she never knew when she needed to change her clothes in a hurry. It can be rough in the world, so she definitely didn’t want to be caught on camera with ruined clothes. Catie lied back on the bed and allowed her mind to wander to Luke. The man was fine and he was interested in her, she was a good looking woman, but men like that did not typically hit on her.

Turning on the TV, Catie flipped through the channels absentmindedly.

“I wonder what kind of woman he normally dates,” Catie said out loud. Was he into the skinny model types? Luke probably wasn’t into models if he was looking Catie’s way, but then again he might want to try out something new. Catie sighed dreamingly as she pictured him and his muscular frame. She couldn’t help but to imagine what he looked like without clothes. She had never seen so many muscles rippling underneath a man’s clothing before. Catie was lucky that the man didn’t shoo her away after gawking at him like a sex deprived monkey.

After Catie’s hormones finally died down, she lied there trying to get some sleep. She felt like she lied in bed for hours, but she couldn’t fall asleep. She was just too restless. There were too many things on Catie’s mind. Catie kept thinking about the meeting with Timothy, compiling up enough information on the shapeshifters, and the sexy Lucas Curtis.

“I can’t sleep…” Catie murmured and got out of bed. She grabbed her laptop to see if anyone posted anything worthwhile on social media and as soon as she went to type into the search engine, her cellphone rung. It was 11pm and Catie wondered who was calling her at this time, but she didn’t hesitate to answer the phone.

“This is Catie Ziles,” Catie said mechanically. She never knew when a story was calling for her.

“Well… I was starting to regret calling you so late, but you sound up and chipper.” The deep baritone voice said and Catie knew right then and there that the voice belonged to Luke.

“Well, you’re up pretty late as well Luke. As a reporter, I’m up at all times of the day and night.” Catie answered trying to sound calm and collected. She was tired of the flustered teenage girl role she played earlier that day with Luke, it was time to show the hunk of a man that she could be just as confident as he was. “I always try to sound ready even if I’m not. If someone has an interesting story for me, I don’t want to have sleep or being unprepared hold me back.” Catie said with confidence. She took pride in her job and work ethic.

“Impressive,” Luke said and Catie could hear the smile in his voice. “Whenever I work from home, I tend to take a lot of naps.” Luke was a lion after all, an oversized and more powerful cat. “I’m more…. active at night.” Catie didn’t know why but her cheeks heated up when Luke said active.