“Ah. So now, you are just a wedding planner.” He tilted his head to the right, giving her time to think about her answer. “Is that how you want me to treat you?”

“It’s the proper thing to do.”

She lifted her chin to take pride in reclaiming herself. Once was enough, she wouldn’t fall for it again.

“What changed your mind? Was it the butler? His tone raised a little, mad at her coldness toward him. She wanted to slap him for being so conceited. Just because she almost gave in to his advances the other day, didn’t mean she owed him an explanation.

“Do you know what I think?” She stepped a foot closer to emphasize her point. “Mixing business with pleasure will never work. And I’d like to keep our relationship to be in the professional level. So please, don’t overwork yourself about my personal matters.”

“Fine. I will play along with your little game. Just don’t forget, I don’t like losing.”

“This isn’t a game, Rick! Why can’t you understand what I’m trying to say?”

“And what is it, exactly? Care to enlighten me?”

So now he wants to play dumb. He turned out to be the most stubborn client she has ever dealt with and she didn’t need any of this drama when doing her job.

“For crying out loud, we can’t be playing games, if that’s what you wish to call it.” She ran her hand over her hair. “You’re getting married in a few days. And I’m here to make sure that wedding comes out perfectly. What’s so difficult to understand?”

“You’re making things complicated.”

“No. You’re the one who is making things complicated.” She raised both of her hands in frustration. The conversation was going nowhere. “I can’t mess someone else’s wedding. I don’t have the heart for that.”

She stepped aside and walked toward her cart. The driver immediately started the engine and they drove away.

When she reached her cottage, she thanked the driver and went inside. She took out a bottle of cold water from the fridge to cool herself down. Well, that was exhausting. How could he toy with my feelings like that? I guess it was my fault for sending him mixed messages. She began to replay the events over and over again in her mind.

She took off her blazer and unbuttoned her shirt. The temperature outside was difficult to cool down; she was still sweating even though the room was air-conditioned. She nearly screamed when the door suddenly unlocked itself and Rick stormed in. He was still mad.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Trying to talk some sense out of you.” His voice had a trace of danger on it. He was getting so worked up over their argument.

“What is there to talk about?”

“Firstly, I’m not toying with you.” He stepped further into the cottage. “Secondly, you didn’t give me a chance to explain myself.” Then he stopped right next to the sofa in between them. “And thirdly, so you really think this thing, this argument, this very matter I am trying to get through to you, isn’t worth talking about?

“I am your wedding planner. I came here to plan your wedding. And you, are getting married to the woman you chose in five days. So tell me, why are we discussing something totally irrelevant to the event?”

Her words must have knocked some sense on him. If it didn’t, she couldn’t think of another way to explain their situation. The disappointment he felt was evident on his face. He tried to open his mouth, but then he decided not to and left. He didn’t even say goodbye.

Chapter Six

Rick left without saying another word to her that day. But he left his card with his contact number and email address on it. So as planned, she emailed him two design proposals for his wedding. They were short of time, but her crew can get the work done within two days.

She got a reply from him with the chosen design and he asked if they could further discuss the details with his fiancées. Though she vehemently insisted on keeping a strict business relationship, a little part of her had hoped that he would burn bridges for her and change the situation they were stuck with. Yet his bravado went somewhere, leaving her hanging.

Marly wore a cocktail dress that wasn’t too revealing that night. The couple had requested that they talk about the plans over dinner. She was curious to meet the woman who he decided to spend the rest of his life with.

When she arrived at his house, memories of their intimate moment flashed rapidly. She inhaled deeply before getting in.

Dinner was served at the rooftop of the house. She didn’t have time to marvel at the beauty of the place or the sight presented before her for her body stiffened upon seeing the woman he chose to marry.

The bride’s German origins were very prominent in her physical features. She wore a black satin dress that left her back bare. Her white skin matched perfectly with his bronze skin.

For the first time since she came to the ranch, Marly felt unattractive. She wanted to shrink and wished she had a smaller waistline and a doll-like body. It’s no wonder that he chose her over Marly in the end.

“Hello, Miss Andrada. It’s so nice to meet you.” The woman greeted her with a hug. Though there was a light hint of her German accent, she was very fluent with her English.