“You should get going.” She urged him while tidying up her messy hair.

Rick held her by the neck and kissed her hard on the lips. His anger was evident, but his desire was still burning.

Chapter Five

She began the day early with a horseback riding session at the guesthouse. She patted its neck so the animal can get acquainted with her. She was no expert in riding a horse, but she had tried it a few times.

“She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” The butler commented while he mimicked her movements.

“She is. Is she ready for a ride?”

“Sure. You need help?” The butler asked as she mounted on the horse.

“No, I’m good. Thank you.”

It wasn’t a difficult task. And she was the type of woman who was used to being independent and strong-willed. She grew up without much assistance from her parents. She basically did everything on her own.

“Where are your friends? Or did you come alone?” He pried.

Marly hated when men used this kind of line to know whether she was alone or with someone. She might answer if he had asked her honestly. But she didn’t let her annoyance show.

“Who knows?” She answered as she patted the horse before pulling the reign.

The animal galloped freely on the vast land. She was thankful that the land was filled with grass. She once had the worst kind of asthma; she did not want to risk suffering from it again by exposing herself to dust, which was why a business trip to a ranch never appealed to her.

After a good twenty minutes of riding, Marly felt a different kind of rush. She hadn’t been on a horse for a long time. She patted the horse for it to slow down as she slowly approached the stables. The butler was waiting for her, and she couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

“You’re a good rider.” He flashed her his most charming smile.

She was annoyed because she wanted to be alone at the moment. She needed to think, to ponder on what took place the other night. The intimacy they shared was beyond making out. She almost had sex with him. Shivers ran down her spine upon the realization that she was treated cheaply. And it happened because she allowed him to.

She jumped off the horse’s back in anger. Her mind was set on presenting the proposal soon she could leave the damn place. Erin would have to take care of the rest.

“Leaving so soon?” The guy blocked her path, trying to look sexy.

“Back off.” She hissed. Her day wasn’t turning out right and the last thing she wanted to do was deal with an airhead. “I said back off.” He glared at him when he didn’t budge.

“Didn’t you hear what she said? Back off.” Rick ordered after he disembarked from the cart.

She drew in a deep breath. Her day was just getting more interesting. The butler immediately walked away after seeing the ranch owner. She couldn’t help but shake her head in irritation.

“Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere to deal with an accident?”

He was his usual outfit which revealed a lot of his character. He was proud, witty, funny at times and he looked very attractive as he slowly walked toward her with his hands on his pocket. A gesture she figured he often did when he was observing her.

“I have my most trusted men work on it. It’s what I pay them to do.” He casually answered. “Want to join me for a ride?

“No. I have more important things to do, like planning your wedding.”

He stood a foot away from her with his lips pressed together. She couldn’t figure out what he was thinking because his eyes were hidden behind his tinted shades.

“We can talk about that over dinner.” He tried to tuck away a loose strand of hair, but she stepped back. He paused, puzzled by her rejection. “Is something wrong?”

“I’ll send the proposal within the day. Kindly browse through it and find out which design you’d like to use. I will be needing your email for the files.”

“Are you mad?” He inquired.

“No.” She gave him a straight face. “I’m just doing my job. This is what I came for, to begin with.”