“It’s not your fault,” Blair replied, making a feeble attempt to smile.

“No really,” she said, “Ugh I am going to give that boy a piece of my mind when I see him next.”

“I mean – maybe he is right,” Blair said quietly.

“Oh no – not this! That bastard! He got to you,” Janet said, fuming, “I’m going to give him more than just my piece of my mind when I see him next.”

“He was right – I don’t have a boyfriend and I’m eighteen. Look at you, you have a new guy falling over you every week,” Blair said, turning her head away again to gaze out the window.

“Yes – but that is only because you are much smarter than I am,” Janet replied, “besides, you said it yourself, you never got along with these immature high school boys anyway and judging by your interaction with James today, I am really starting to see why,” she said, shaking her head in disapproval towards the end.

Blair nodded and suddenly her mind wheeled back to Daniel – how they had such a good time today and how they had connected so well, much better than she could ever with James. Still, she sighed and did not dare admit it out loud.

What was she supposed to admit? She felt a strange impending attraction towards her doctor? In a more than platonic sense? Just thinking of the words made her feel silly, let alone realize their existence in words.

“Listen, I know the perfect thing to cheer you up,” Janet said, suddenly perking up, “We’re going to go on a midnight donut run – my treat. It’ll be great, sugar solves everything.”

Blair could not help but chuckle at her best friend’s antics despite her own gloomy mood and agreed.

Chapter 4

Blair sat at the edge of her bed, tapping her foot repeatedly on the cold hardwood floor of her room. She could not dispel the gnawing feeling of anxiousness in the pit of her stomach and as much as she tried to deny it, much of it had to do with James’ words to her yesterday.

It was true that she had led most of her life very sheltered and unexposed to the crazy experiences teenagers usually had around this age. Was it true? Was she really uptight and that was the reason why she was missing out? She had already chalked it down to the fact that she felt mentally superior to her peers and thus made better decisions than them. But she was beginning to realize for the first time, that maybe that might have been a mistake.

Goddammit. She had let him get to her, as much she did not want to. His words stuck out in her head like a sore thumb and not matter how hard she tried to shake it off, it would not go away.

Deciding she could take any more of this dreaded self-contemplation anymore, she got up and went straight for her car keys on the table – she was going to go out tonight.

Forty five minutes later she found herself at another one of those house parties. She did not really know a lot of people there, except a few familiar faces from her school but she did not care as long as the alcohol was flowing freely among the guests.

In fact, she had taken more than her fair share and the world around her was beginning to grow a little hazy.

“Yo, Blair!” a raven haired Asian girl called out to her, “Surprised to see you here.” It was Aria from her old Mathematics class.

Blair grinned, feeling her inhibitions loosened up from all the alcohol she had consumed, “Where do I get me more booze?”

Aria laughed, “Wow you’re really wasted. James Marden brought a whole flask of expensive gin though – if you’re interested,” the raven haired girl told her.

‘Oh shit – James is here?” Blair cursed under her breath, squatting a hand to her forehead. Quickly, she stumbled to her feet and mumbled a half coherent excuse to Aria and darted out the door.

By the time she had reached her car on the pavement though, she was feeling too light headed to even stand up straight, let alone drive back home. Stumbling downwards to sit down on the cold hard concrete pavement, she fished out her mobile phone from the pocket of her jean.

The first person her thumb landed on was Janet but then she considered what would happen if she called her to pick her up – they would probably drive back home, maybe she would sleep over at Blair’s house and they would call it a day.

Changing her mind almost immediately, her thumb started scrolling again. It wasn’t until she had read out loud the words on the screen until she realized she was already dialed the number.

Calling Dr. Hottie (Daniel)

Three rings and then that same deep voice filled her speakers.

“Hello? Dr. Daniel here, who am I speaking to?”

Blair giggled – an effect of her drunken stupor. “Doctor-r, h-hey,” she slurred.

“Who is this? Is this a prank call?”

“No, it’s me,” Blair said sweetly, but then realized that he probably does not recognize the sound of her voice, “Blair,” she mumbled against the mic of her phone.