There was a small pause where Daniel tried to remember but then when it clicked who he was speaking to, he replied back instantly, “Blair! What happened? Do you have a medical emergency?”

This caused another series of giggles to erupt from the brunette’s mouth; she clapped a hand against her lips.

“Hold on, Blair, are you drunk?” He sounded concerned and for some reason, hearing that made expressly happy – eliciting even more giggles and laughter on her part.

“Maybeeee,” she said in a singsong voice, “What are you g-gonna do ‘bout it?”

She could not help her words – her liquid confidence was going all the talking for her.

“Dear god, Blair. Why did you call me?”

“Cause – I’m d-drunk you know,” she slurred, “And I can’t get home – I can’t drive while drunk.”

There was another pause, possibly of contemplation, and then Daniel finally spoke again. “Okay where are you? I’ll come get you.”

A very vague and persistent telling of an address and twenty minutes later, a black car pulled up on the front of the house. Without saying a word, Blair sat up and got in.

Daniel turned on the overhead car light before driving off to examine the inebriated brunette, “You’re absolutely hammered, aren’t you?” he said after his moment of observation.

“Yuuuup,” perked up the brunette, “you know it.”

Daniel shook his head, “You’re not meant to call your doctor unless it is for a medical emergency, Blair,” he told her but by his tone, you could tell that he was not so bothered by it, rather amused even.

“Oh but I wanted to,” she replied back, clearly the alcohol had emboldened her sense of self.

“Right, okay,” Daniel said dismissively, “Let’s get you back home now, shall we?” he said as he revved up the car’s engine to start driving.

“Noooooo,”she whined in a childish voice, “I don’t want to go back home.”

Daniel raised an eyebrow at her, “You don’t? Where do you want to go then?”

She bit down her lower lip and looked at him, “I- well, I want to get a tattoo.”

“You want to get a tattoo?” Daniel replied back, incredulously, “you’re drunk out of your mind Blair, I think it would be best if I just drop you back home now.”

“No, no, no!” Blair said, she had started to stomp her feet against the floor of the car now, “please?” she tried giving him the puppy dog eyes hoping that they would make him cave.

Daniel sighed, “Why do you want a tattoo?” he asked as he took a turn off the left of the road.

“Because,” she said in a low voice as she bit down on her lip, “because the other day when you had one – it was just so, sexy, I couldn’t… I want one too.”

“Oh was it now?” Blair could tell that Daniel was amused by her antics and her blatant attempts to flirt with him. Still, he was not discouraging her and that was all she needed to go on.

“Yes,” she replied back, “Can I please get one too?”

Daniel laughed, “You’re a grown adult Blair, you do not need to ask me this.”

“Take me to the place where you got yours.”

“Is it going to hurt?” a previously okay but now suddenly nervous Blair asked from the tattoo artist chair.

“A little,” replied Daniel.

Blair gulped. “That is okay – I still want it,” she said, “Can you hold my hand though?” she asked, shyly. “I don’t like needles.”

Daniel hesitated at first but then seeing the look in her eyes, he caved. He held out his hand and she took it immediately, lacing her fingers with his.

“You need to relax, it’ll be over in a minute,” Daniel reassured her.