
This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

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Chapter One

April stretched in her bed on the morning of her second pelvic exam of the year, exactly six months after her first. She rubbed her eyes and frowned; it was early, seven o’clock, and she had absolutely no desire to get out of bed for at least another two hours. She’d worked the night shift the night before and, but for her doctor’s appointment, would have slept until at least nine o’clock, if not a little later. She sat up and ran her fingers through her blond, wavy hair. She covered her breasts with the sheet, a habit leftover from when she lived with roommates that was completely unnecessary now. She could walk around her entire apartment completely naked now if she wanted to. And, she smiled, sometimes she wanted to. She dropped the sheet and sighed, turning her alarm off before it could go off again. She needed to get going or she’d be late for her exam with Dr. Goodfreid and Nurse Tricia.

Just the mention of their names together sent a shiver through April. Six months ago, her friends had finally convinced her—frightened her, really, with their horror stories of what could happen—to go to the doctor for a pelvic exam. She’d gone with a huge amount of trepidation; she’d had all the usual fears, but, as soon as she’d gotten into the room with Nurse Tricia, her fears had started to subside. Tricia had answered her questions honestly and directly, and even put her hand on April’s thigh to reassure her. April laughed softly at the memory, thinking of everything that happened in the office after that simple, benign gesture. April, Tricia, and Dr. Goodfreid had enjoyed themselves immensely after April’s official exam, and April blushed with pleasure now as she put on panties and shorts, as she remembered their play.

April had seen Tricia a few more times after that, indulging her bi-curious side, but, as the weeks passed, more time came between their texts and, eventually, April realized an entire month, then two, had gone by and they hadn’t talked.

“It’ll be great to see her again today,” April said to herself as she dropped a coral tank top over her head. She let it shimmy down her body, then checked herself out in the mirror. It was summer and she had a subtle, sun-kissed tan on her skin that made the coral of her shirt especially sexy. Her denim shorts were cutoffs, and the front pockets hung lower than the bottoms of the shorts. “Just a little flirty,” she said into her mirror.

She applied her make-up and pulled her hair back into a messy bun. Grabbing her cell phone and purse, she slid on a pair of gold flip flops and headed to her car in the underground parking. As she walked, she mused about how completely nervous she had been for her first exam, and what a total surprise it had ended up to be. Of course she hadn’t told anyone what had happened, not even her best friend. She had fucked both of them during her appointment that day, Tricia first, and then she and Tricia had taken care of the doctor together. She smiled as she remembered the mind-blowing orgasm she’d had with Tricia, and the feeling of Dr. Goodfreid’s cock inside her. He’d worn a condom, of course, and that had given April all the feeling of security she’d needed to truly let go. She’d had multiple orgasms that day.

She shivered and grinned at the memories. As she got into her car and turned it on, her favorite song came on the radio and she rolled the driver’s side window down. Pulling out of the parking lot, the sun was shining and there were only a few clouds in the sky. Today promised to be an excellent day.

The drive to the doctor’s office was a new one for her. At her last appointment, Dr. Goodfreid had been filling in for her regular doctor, Dr. Baker, and, rather than go back to her regular doctor for this visit, April had decided to follow Dr. Goodfreid back to his regular clinic. She briefly wondered, as she rolled the windows down and opened the sun roof, how many of Dr. Baker’s patients had done that same thing. As she sped along the city streets keeping an eye on her GPS, she felt herself growing anxious and excited for the exam. What a far cry from how I felt the first time around, she thought.

Chapter Two

Dr. Goodfreid’s office wasn’t difficult to find, and April ended up being early. Better than being late, she thought as she locked her doors and made her way into the building. Her body was already keyed into what was happening, and she felt a sensation of arousal move through her. She knew her face had a slight flush to it; it always did when she was excited or turned on, and, right now, she was both.

The receptionist was an older woman, and April wondered if she had any idea what was going on behind the closed doors of Dr. Goodfreid’s exam room. Probably not, judging by her austere clothing and overall appearance. The woman had looked up at her when she walked in the door—April was the only client in the waiting room—and smiled.

“Hello there,” she said, her features softening with the smile. She’s actually kind of pretty, April caught herself thinking. “You must be April West.”

“Yes, that’s me,” April said. “I have an appointment with Dr. Goodfreid at eight thirty.”

“Yes, dear, I’ve got you right here,” the woman said. “There’s no co-pay for the exam, so you can just have a seat. The nurse will call for you when they’re ready.”

At the mention of Nurse Tricia, April felt her smile widen and butterflies float around in her stomach. She nodded and thanked the receptionist, then sat down in the nearest chair. She was surprised at her nervous reaction to the fact that she would be seeing Tricia soon. April took out her phone and busied herself getting caught up on text messages. She had been dating a guy, Elliot, off and on lately, and he’d sent two messages while she’d been asleep. The first was to find out if she wanted to get together that night, and the second was to find out if she wanted to get together tonight. Apparently someone was craving a booty call, she thought. She clicked the ‘reply’ button on her phone and sent a quick message.

“Tonight would be fun. Pick me up at 7? Looking forward to seeing u.”

“April?” a male voice said her name, and April looked up. The door to the exam rooms had opened, and a male nurse stood in the doorway, looking expectantly at her. Still, she was surprised enough that she looked quickly around the room, which was still empty, for another April.

“Yes, that’s me,” she said, not moving.

“Dr. Goodfreid is ready to see you,” the male nurse said.

“Oh, okay,” April said. She could hear the confusion in her own voice. Where was Tricia? Who was this guy? As she walked with the male nurse, she checked him out. He was fairly good looking, April decided. His scrubs were short sleeved and revealed strong forearms and biceps that were the result of regular workouts. His hair was black and was maybe a little longer than it should be; it curled around his ears and neck, and the length over the rest of his head betrayed a natural wave.

“I’m Raul,” he said. “Can I get a height and weight on you?” They stood at the scale and April sighed. Her favorite part. She slid her shoes off and set her purse on top them. As she stood on the scale, she mentally calculated how much her clothes probably weighed and subtracted that, plus another pound just for good measure. She knew that she had gained some weight, gotten curvier, since her last appointment. According to Tricia, her curves were in all the right places.

“Where’s Tricia? I mean, Nurse Tricia?” April asked, trying to keep her voice even.

Raul recorded her weight, then asked her to stand with her back to the height chart on the wall.

“Height and weight are perfect,” he said, leaning in close to her to look at the number at the top of her head. He was about six inches taller than she was, easily six feet, and when he leaned in to her, she caught a whiff of a light soap or cologne. It was nice.

“Nurse Tricia is on a well-earned vacation,” Raul said. “She’s in Bermuda for the week.”

“Oh,” April said, her disappointment evident in her tone even to her. “Oh, I mean, that’s great. Really great for her.” Inside, her mind was reeling; what was today’s appointment going to be like now? Nothing like last time, that was for sure. Immediately, all of her anxiety over a ‘normal’ appointment came back and she felt her heart begin to race.

“Are you all right?” Raul asked. He must have noticed her reaction, and she steadied herself with a deep breath.