“I think that’s smart under the circumstances,” he said with a twinkle in the eye. “Will you let me put the ring on your finger?”

It fit perfectly.

“How did you manage that?” she asked.

“Your mother helped me,” he confessed.

Wilson and Summer had dinner and afterwards as planned, they played pool. Summer actually one. It was a real victory. Wilson was such a softy he would be the type to let her win. But Summer was a good match for him. They were neck and neck with ability and this time Summer won fair and square.

As they wrapped up their game, the door to Rowdy’s opened and in the person who walked in made the place go stone silent. Wilson turned his head. His face grew dark. Summer shivered. Duran.

He boldly walked over to the chalk board and wrote his name down as the challenger.

“You have some nerve,” said Wilson. “And maybe a death-wish.”

“I have news for you both,” said Duran. “I am standing here because the cops let me go.”

“Right,” said Wilson. “You posted bail.”

“Didn’t have to,” said Duran. “So whatever grudge you have against me, you’ll have to let it go.”

“You got a lot more to answer for than just a busted window and slashed tires,” said Wilson.

Summer knew he was talking about the fact Duran chased her through her house.

“Be that as it may, the charges have been dropped,” said Duran triumphantly.

Summer broke her silence.

“My mother and father wouldn’t do that,” she insisted.

“You’re correct,” he gloated. “They did not. Summer did Wilson ever get a chance to tell you about his past? Did he ever get around to tell you why his first wife left him? Now I am up next. You playing or not?”

“Leave,” said Wilson.

“You got some nerve,” said Duran. “Wanting me out for a couple of misdemeanors when you have a rapsheet as long as my arm.”

Duran ignored him and started to rack the balls.

When Wilson took a threatening step forward, the entire bar stood up. Summer’s head swam with confusion. Duran put the pool rack down and left the bar.

18. Examining Her Purity,

a Medical Romance

By: Naughty Nicole

Examining Her Purity, a Medical Romance

© SteamyReadsPublishing 2016 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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