A man in checkered long sleeves that was rolled up to his elbow paired with tight jeans and hi-cut cowboy boots was waiting for her in the receiving area. His hat was very notable because it was elongated rather than round.

“Miss Andrada?” The man offered a hand with a smile on his face. His eyes were hidden behind his Oakley shades.

“Hello, Mr. Lane. Nice meeting you.” She shook his hand and gave him her sweetest smile. “Just call me Marly.”

“I’m Rick.” He led her inside the receiving area.

It was an open space with four huge pillars on each corner and a dome-like ceiling with two gigantic ceiling fans made out of thinly cut wood. The customer service counter had three pretty receptionists with the typical model-like body.

She wasn’t the skinny type and was made fun of as a teenager for it. But despite her size, which was curvier and had more flesh than single women her age, she was a confident woman. She had learned to love her body and treated it with care.

“How about some refreshments?” He offered.

“A glass of cold water please.”

“Is that all you're having? It’s almost lunchtime. Why don’t we eat first before I take you around the ranch?”

Marly hesitated for a minute. The three-hour flight was a bit tiring. She had wanted to check the place right away then spend the rest of the day on her room. So she could relax while conceptualizing her ideas for the wedding. But then again it would have been rude to refuse his offer.

“That would be nice,” she said once they were inside the breakfast house. The ranch had at least three main halls for dining, one each for breakfast, dinner and lunch.

Rick grinned at her before gesturing for the waiter. They waited for almost 20 minutes before their orders were served. She just had salad and strawberry juice. He, on the other hand, had steak, some grilled shrimps, and a salad.

“So what do you think about this place?” he inquired while chewing on his steak.

“It wasn’t what I expected it to be,” She answered him with honesty.

“How so?” Her answer had taken his interest.

She took a sip of her juice and thought for a moment. Often times, she intimidated her subordinates because she didn’t sugarcoat the truth. She spoke her mind. But, she also realized that she needed to be cautious with this particular client. After all, this was her biggest project and she didn’t want to blow it by saying the wrong things to him.

“Well, I’ve never been into a ranch before. I’ve only seen a glimpse of what it is like on TV shows. I’m not a fan of farms, ranches, and running horses.” Then she looked him straight in the eyes. “But I’m impressed by the natural beauty of the place. It seemed as though no human touch was added to achieve its perfection.”

He gave her a thin smile while staring at her with an aura that made her uncomfortable. Rick wasn’t the bulky type of man or a macho guy often portrayed in shows. He was lean but muscular with broad shoulders.

“The more reason why I should personally take you for a tour of my land.” He gulped down his beer without breaking eye contact. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

Marly had nearly choked on the salad she was about to swallow. Where did that question come from? She covered her mouth for a second to clear up her throat before smiling.

“No, I don’t.”

“Why is that?” He asked like it was just a normal conversation between two good friends.

“I’ve been into too many weddings and witnessed firsthand how easily relationships break. So no, love of first sight doesn’t exist. It’s just an illusion.”

“A nonbeliever, huh?” He nodded while weighing his beliefs against hers.

“I beg to disagree. Love does exist. But I don’t think it can happen in an instant. It takes time and effort.”

She paused and thought about the high school crush she obsessed about who ended up used her to excel in their class. He treated her poorly and failed to give importance to her feelings. It was the darkest time of her life and really formed her strong beliefs about love and relationships.

“And one can never mistake lust for love,” he said.

Chapter Three

The exterior of the cabins were made out of hardwood painted based on its natural color. It had one door at the front and a sliding door on the other end, which would lead to a small veranda where guests were given an overlooking view of the outdoor activity area.

Marly couldn’t deny how lovely the place was. She didn’t know ranches could have this kind of beauty, probably because she didn’t have an interest in them.