“It would be a perfect project except for the probability that it will be held in a ranch.” She took a sip of her own coffee before continuing. ”Ugh, I hate farm animals and the dry dusty soil.”

“We’ll find out soon who gets the handle the job.” Erin chuckled as they head back to their workstations. “Just pray it won’t be you.”

Marly sat back on her chair and closed the picture viewer on her computer. She could work on the report later. She checked her new emails and started reading the important ones while deleting the spam and promotional emails.

“Ladies, ladies!” The owner and manager of The Knot, Jeremy Jenkins clapped his hand loudly to get everyone’s attention. “As you may have heard, we have a new deal. This will be the biggest project ever so I want its execution to be perfectly flawless.”

She had a gut feeling that she wouldn’t like the next words that would come out of her manager. And her suspicion was affirmed when the manager glanced at her way. Oh no!

“Marly, sweetheart. Can you come over?” He asked with an extra sweet tone.

She forced a smile on her face as she walked toward where her manager stood. He placed a hand around her shoulders, smiling widely at the everyone.

“I’m happy to announce that I’m handing this project to our senior events planner and the most sought after bachelorette in the company. Let’s all give a round of applause to congratulate Marly!”

The clapping of everyone’s hands echoed all over the floor. The pride she had for her success and growth in the company resonated in her aura. It’s not difficult to spot her since she was a tall woman with a little more flesh than the most admired skinny type of women. Her Latin blood was evident in her physical features.

“Thank you, Jeremy. You can always count on me.” She shook his hand and laughed with delight.

“We can a have a toast after the event.”

Jeremy led her outside of the floor and into his private office. She sat comfortably at the white lounge chair facing his desk while he poured whiskey on a glass.

“The client is Maverick Lane. Does the name ring a bell?”

She knew she heard it somewhere, but she was unsure who exactly was this person or what he does.

“He owns ranches in Montana. One of the popular tourist destination is Lone Mountain Guest House.”

Oh. So the famous Rick Lane was getting married. How wonderful. But did Jeremy just mention Montana?

“I know that look, Marly. You can’t refuse the job just because you don’t like cowboys and horses. You need this for your promotion.”

“What?” That was something she didn’t expect. “You’re not serious, are you?”

“I don’t play games when working, honey. You know that very well.”

“But you can’t use my promotion against me. You know how I feel about ranches and farms.” It was a desperate and pathetic reasoning, but that was all she could think of.

“Take it, Marly. Suck it up. It’s either this or forget your promotion.”

Of course, her promotion was worth everything. It was the reason why she had worked so hard in the past three years. It was her dream and wanted it pretty badly. But she really abhorred the countryside. She had her reasons for hating it which no one knew about.

“Mr. Lane already arranged everything. You’ll be gone for two weeks so make sure you pack your things accordingly. A charter plane will take you to Montana two days from now.” He paused upon seeing her contorted face. “You can personally present your proposal to him after an ocular inspection.”

“A rush wedding?”

Chapter Two

She wore her casual outfit, one she usually wore whenever she goes on an ocular inspection before planning an event. Marly didn’t feel the need to look too stylish or classy on her way to the ranch. Her job was to plan the most beautiful wedding every woman would ever dream of having. It was her job and she was the best at what she did.

“Miss Andrada, we will be landing in less than ten minutes.” The captain of the charter plane announced through the intercom.

Marly glanced outside the window expecting to see a vast land full of dirt and farm animals running about. Her expectations were proven wrong when she saw a vast land of green, lush grass with huge pine trees that were strategically planted all over the ranch, mostly near the cottages.

She adjusted her shades and shrugged her shoulders. Okay. Maybe she didn’t really do her research on the place. Whatever. As soon as she was done with planning, she would call Erin to supervise the materialization of the concept.

The plane landed smoothly on the hangar a few meters away from the outdoor activities area. She had to admit, the place was both impressive and expensive looking. A white cart was waiting for her and when a valet placed her luggage at the back, she settled on the front seat.