Hannah nodded, “Yeah, we are good now.”

Hayley seemed to be happy to hear that but got distracted back again with her coffee.

Hannah sighed, she felt so guilty still and she had no told nick. But perhaps it was now time to tell someone else.

“Hails?” she called out, “What do you think happened that night after you guys passed out drunk?” she asked biting down her lower lip.

“I don’t know,” Hayley laughed, “I just know I hooked up with the hot escort and got so drunk, I started seeing stars.”

Hannah was quiet for another moment, “I cheated on Nick with the guy from the bachelorette party.”

“You did what?” Hayley spurt out.

“It just – happened,” Hannah replied, panicking, “I was so drunk and I did not know what I was doing and one thing just led to another thing and I just – oh god what do I do now?”

“Okay, first of all, you need to calm down,” Hayley told her, “It was unintentional and it was your bachelorette party.”

“Yes but that does not excuse it!” Hannah cried out.

“Did you tell him?” Hayley deadpanned.

Hannah gulped loudly and shook her head, “I didn’t,” she whimpered, “I don’t even know how to start,” she sounded extremely frustrated.

“You need to help me!” she called out to her best friend, “Please.”

“Maybe,” Hayley started to say, “Maybe it is a good idea if you do not tell him altogether.”

“What?” Hannah asked incuriously, “I cannot just do that!”

“Listen but it was just a one-time thing so technically it does not even count as cheating,” Hayley justified, “I mean, you probably did not even know the guy’s name!”

Hannah nodded, “Honestly, I barely even remember what he looked like,” she said and then threw her hands into her hands.

“You need to listen to me,” Hayley said, “This is insignificant and you should not spoil your wedding week by telling him this now. You should forget that it ever happened.”

Hannah found the advice hard to reason with but she then thought that perhaps it would be nice to just forget about the whole thing ever happening. After all, she did not mean anything by it and it was just a drunken mistake.

Nodding, she looked up back at Hayley, “Maybe you’re right.”


It was finally time for their wedding. They had flown out to Las Vegas once again, including their closest friends and family. The evening had finally arrived and Nick found himself standing at the altar as the band played the song to which the bride marched down the aisle.

Hannah felt nervous. Her dress was long and flowing and she clutched onto her bouquet of flowers tightly as she made her descent down the aisle finally.

Seeing her, Nick’s breath got hitched in his throat as he saw her looking absolutely breathtaking, knocking the wind out of his system.

Their eyes interlocked and Nick could not help but grin ear to ear. Finally, she reached the altar and the priest began to sound out their vows.

“Hannah, you are the love of my life. I promise to laugh with you, cry with you, and grow with you. I will love you when we are together and when we are apart. I promise to support your dreams and to respect our differences, and to love you and be by your side through all the days and nights of our lives. I choose you.”

Hannah looked back at Nick, taken by his sweet words. Looking back at him, she cleared her own throat.

“And I, Hannah, take you to be the companion of my house, the friend of my life. We shall bear together whatever trouble and sorrow life may lay upon us, and we shall share together whatever good and joyful things life may bring us. With these words, and all the words of my heart, I marry you and bind my life to yours.”

“Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedding husband?” the priest asked Hannah.

“I do.”