“And you’ve been running scared ever since.”
She seemed to gather herself as though preparing to leap some insurmountable hurdle. “I’m not running now.”
It was all the invitation he was going to get and all he needed. He lowered his head and captured the sweetness of her sigh. Tasted it, savored it. Drowned in it. She wrapped her arms around his neck. She even did it without half killing him in the process. Not that he’d have cared if she had. What was a broken nose compared to the pleasure of her in hisarms?
She was long and lanky and lush and fitted him better than any woman he’d ever taken to bed. He swung her around so she straddled him, groaning at the feel of her so tight against him. Her lips parted, allowing him greater access, and he surged inward. At the same time, he tugged at the drawstring that held her peasant blouse in place. Ripe, firm breasts tumbled into his hands. She groaned, wriggling closer.
“Wait a sec.” It almost killed him to stop now, but somehow he found the strength of will. “Maybe we should have discussed this before.”
Cassidy stared at him, dazed. “Discussed what?”
“Your intentions.”
“Good gravy, Ty.” She buried her face in his shoulder with a breathless laugh. “Your timing stinks, you know that? I’m sitting half-naked on your lap. In fact, if we were any closer, I’d be pregnant again. And you’re asking me what my intentions are? I’d have thought that was obvious.”
“Sorry, sweetheart. But I don’t want any morning-after regrets. In a few minutes, I’m tossing you on that bed over there and we’re gonna make sweet love until I’m too exhausted to move or until you knock me unconscious, whichever comes first.”
A shiver fluttered through her. “Sounds good to me.”
“Yeah, well, you mentioned getting pregnant. Don’t you think we should discuss that?”
“I’m prepared this time. I...I visited a drugstore earlier and...” She shrugged. “I figured one of us should take precautions.”
His breath escaped in a ragged laugh. “Looks like we were both on top of it. Ivisited that drugstore, too.” Okay, one problem out of the way, one to go. “But I gotta tell you, honey, I’m not taking you to bed until I have a commitment. You can’t seduce me tonight and then toss me aside tomorrow.”
She feathered a kiss across his mouth. “What if I promised to respect you in the morning?” she teased. “Would that be good enough?”
“Nope. I’m an old-fashioned sort of guy. It’s a wedding ring or nothing.”
“Okay, you win.” She slipped off his lap, drawing her blouse closed over her breasts. Sinking to her knees in front of him, she took his hand in hers. “Will you do me the honor of marrying me, Mr. Merrick? Ipromise to love and care for you all the rest of my days.”
About damned time. “Lady, Ithought you’d never ask. Ido. Iwill. And my pleasure.”
With a growl of satisfaction, he plucked her off the floor and into his arms. Three quick strides brought them to the edge of the bed. Sweeping the comforter off the mattress, he dropped his bride-to-be on the soft white sheets.
Her blouse parted, slipping off her shoulders and drooping low over her breasts. The hem of her skirt rode high on her thighs, flirting with the plain cotton of her underpants. She had the longest legs he’d ever seen—the ankles narrow, the calves trim—legs perfectly fashioned to wrap around a man and never letgo.
“This would probably be a good time to pick a fight with you,” shesaid.
His brows drew together. “Come again?”
She sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees. “Don’t you remember how you promised to end any further disagreements?”
The memory clicked in place and he rapidly thumbed buttons through buttonholes. “I believe it had something to do with stripping off my clothes until you gave in.” He tossed his shirt to the floor, chuckling at her sigh of satisfaction. “Youshould have seen your expression when I changed outside of Freddie’s.”
A faint blush touched her cheeks. “I figured you did it on purpose so you could show off all those ripples.”
“Sorry to disappoint. Idid it because you’d practically ripped the shirt off my back while we were in that café.” He reclined on the bed next to her, playing with the dangling drawstrings of her blouse. “I know it was an accident, but—”
“You think so, huh?” Her smile gave him an idea of what Adam had faced in the Garden ofEden.
He cocked an eyebrow. “Are you saying it wasn’t?”
She shrugged, the rolling movement giving him a glimpse of heaven. “You ended up with your shirt off, didn’t you?”
“And you, sweet liar, ended up with a blush that went from the top of your head all the way down to your tippy-toes.” He tugged at her drawstring, fascinated by the slow downward slide of her blouse. “Not that embarrassment stopped you from staring.”
“Ty...” Her throat moved convulsively. “I’ve never done this before with anyone except Lonnie.”