Page 64 of Baby Daddy

“I know, and I won’t rush you.” And he didn’t His movements were slow and nonthreatening, clothes sliding first from her body, then from his own. “What’s going to happen tonight won’t be anything like what you shared with him.”

She closed her eyes, praying he was right. “Promise?”

“I promise.” He gathered her close. “Honesty and trust, remember?”

Her laughter sounded strained. “It must have slipped my mind.”

“That’s okay. It hasn’t slipped mine.” He smiled down at her. “Just focus on the ripples and you’ll do fine.”

She reached for him, reassured by his solid strength. “There are so many it might take me a while.”

“That’s what I’m counting on.”

Then the long night crept across the room, offering them shadows in which to conceal their intimate whispers and contain their husky laughter. Only the moon dared eavesdrop on the lovers, playing across soft, feminine curves and hard, bronzed angles and turning their bed into a silvered nest. And in those twilight hours, Ty won himself a bride, won her with a love so deep and so profound there was no more room for fear or doubt or independence. Their joining mated them. Completed them. Made them whole.

And Cassidy... That night, Cassidy finally accepted the truth.

Ty really wasn’t Lonnie.

The phonerang, dragging Ty from a sound sleep. He rolled over with a groan, knocking the receiver off the hook. By the time he’d found it, he’d succeeded in waking Cassidy.

“What’s wrong?” she murmured. “Who is it?”

“I’ll tell you in a minute. ’Lo?”

“That Cassidy’s voice I’m hearing?” Willie’s voice boomed across theline.

“None of your business, old gal.”

She chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes. Good on ya, boy. Listen, sorry to interrupt your Fiesta fun, but I’m afraid you’ll have to cut it short.”

That didn’t sound good. Ty slanted a glance in Cassidy’s direction. So far, she displayed only mild curiosity. For his own physical wellbeing, he’d prefer she stay nice and relaxed. “So what’s up?”

“The school called.”

“And...?” A flailing elbow caught him in the ribs and he hastened to moderate his tone. “Oh, really? Why?”

“Oh, shoot. He’s fine, he’s fine. Sorry. Iworried you for a minute there, didn’t I?”

“Just for a minute.”

“There’s nothing wrong with the boy. Not physically.” Laughter drifted across the line. “At least not yet. But he’s gotten the teachers in an uproar over something. They’ve asked Cassidy to come to the school right away.”

“This can’t wait until tomorrow?”

“Apparently not. And Ty...”


“They want you there, too.”

Uh-oh.“Me?What the hell for?” Cassidy’s elbows started flailing again and he threw an arm around her, plastering her to his side. Unfortunately, her knees took up where her elbows had leftoff.

“You’re asking me that? You know the boy. What trouble do you think he’s gotten himself into this time?”

The possibilities were endless. “We’ll be there in a couple of hours,” he said, and hungup.

Now he had a choice. He could either escape the bed and tell her the news from a safe distance, or he could confine her tightly enough to escape serious injury. After the night they’d shared, he knew which he’d choose. He rolled over on top of her, wrapping himself around the most delicious piece of femininity he’d ever had the pleasure of holding.