Page 20 of Memories Of You

On the way across the lake, John found himself thinking about Ember. He was lucky she was the one he woke up to. He could be sitting in a halfway house in Santa Fe right now instead of on a boat in the middle of a beautiful lake. He was also lucky Scott was willing to give him a chance. He definitely woke up in the right hospital room.

When they got back to shore, Ember walked down from the house to meet them.

“How’d you do? Did you have any luck?”

Scott held up the stringer with John’s four trout. “John did. Seems he knows his way around a fishing pole.”

“Wow. Those are beautiful. I assume we’re eating trout for dinner.”

“Damn right.”

She came up to John. “How’d it feel?”

“It felt good. Natural. I’ve spent some time fishing for sure.”

“I wonder what other hidden talents you have?”

“I guess we’ll find out.”

“Will you take a walk with me along the shore?”

“Sure.” He looked at Scott. “Since I caught them, seems only fair you clean them.”

“Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. I got it. But don’t be gone too long. I want to get these on the grill while they’re super fresh.”

John laughed. “Scott. They were swimming an hour ago. Can’t get much fresher than that.”

He and Ember left Scott to clean the fish and started walking along the shore. John looked out at the water. “This is a beautiful spot Scott’s picked for himself.”

“It’s great. I love it here.” She glanced at him. “I have to know what Scott said to you. Was he okay?”

“Sure. Did you think he wouldn’t be?”

“I don’t know. Sometimes he jumps into big brother mode.”

“He has the same reservations we all have. Who am I? But we talked about it. And we’re both pretty convinced I’m not Jack the Ripper reincarnated.”

“Good. Because I was worried about that.”She smiled. “He sees what I see.”

“And what’s that?”

“A good guy in a terrible situation who just needs a helping hand.”

John sighed. “I really hope you’re right, Ember. I’d hate to disappoint you.”

“You can’t. It’s not possible.”

“Hmm. Well, I guess we’ll see. In any case, Scott said I can stay here as long as I need to. Even after he and you need to get back to Santa Fe.”

“I’d like to stay here with you for a while, if you don’t mind the company.”

“Of course. But don’t you have to get back? You have a job. An apartment. I think you mentioned something about a cat.”

“I’m okay for a while. And the cat is living with my parents.”

“Are you sure?”
