Page 21 of Memories Of You

“Well, hell yeah. I want you to stay as long as you can. I wasn’t looking forward to being here alone. As beautiful as it may be.”

She nodded. “Good. That’s settled. I’ll stay for a while.”

Chapter six

"A mature man, huh?"

Scott left a few days later and John was afraid their first night alone would be awkward, but Ember seemed fine and not at all bothered by the fact she was staying in a house alone with a virtual stranger.

As they sat at the table and ate spaghetti Ember made, they came up with a roommate plan. She’d cook dinner, he’d cook breakfast, and they’d play lunch by ear. They’d both do dishes, and they’d keep a grocery list on the refrigerator.

She set down her fork and took a drink of iced tea. “I think you should take Scott’s bedroom.”

“No way. I’m fine in Aaron’s room. The bed’s comfortable. I can sleep with Billy Buck if I get lonely. I’m good.”

“I think Scott took Billy Buck with him.”

“Well, dammit. I’ll have to sleep with the blue shark then.”

She smiled. “How comforting can a shark be?”

“Hopefully, I won’t have to find out.”

Ember took a bite of spaghetti. “Scott saidyou’re thinking about getting a job?”

“Yeah. I need to feel useful and contribute what I can to my living expenses.”

“I’m not sure how many jobs there are around here. And they might have a problem with the fact that you have no ID or job history.”

“Wow. Thanks for the encouraging words.”

“Sorry. I will gladly vouch for you. I know a couple of people in town.”

“I’ll find something. Even if it’s doing odd jobs. Assuming I know how to do odd jobs.”

She reached for his hand. “John. I don’t want you to feel obligated to work. You’re not putting me out financially. I’m fine. Really.”

He cocked his head and looked at her. “How is that? How can you take off time like this? How are you paying your rent?”

She took another drink, then leaned back in her chair. “A few years ago, my grandparents died within a few months of each other. They left quite a bit of money behind and it was willed to Scott and me. Scott bought this place with his, and I invested mine.”


“Yes. I was dating a really smart guy at the time, and he told me where to invest my inheritance. The relationship didn’t last, but his investment advice turned out to be really good. I own my house. No mortgage.”

“Whoa. Nice. That’s great. And you totally shouldn’t have told me that.”

She laughed. “I trust you, John.”

He shook his head. “I could be a con artist who planned this whole thing. I could know exactly who I am. And just want to swindle you out of your money.”

“Well, it’s not that much money. But it’s enough money to allow me to take care of you for a while.”

“Still. I have to find a job.”

“Okay. We will find you a job.”

“Good.” He took another serving of spaghetti. “So Scott paid cash for this place?”