Page 6 of Ruby

“Well yes, I think we should be able to fill the gaps,” Ruby manages to make her thoughts clear even has her mind is still distracted by her traitorous body.

“Do you have some songs in mind?” Jolene asks.

“Oh, we haven’t decided on anything specific, but Hank, Bill, and I have talked about it a few times at breakfast. We’re thinking of doing some renditions of some of old folk songs, a Capello style so we won’t need a band or anything. It will make it easier for us to fill in between other events. I was thinking maybe theSound of Silence, Hallelujah,andLearning to flywould be good choices. They have some meaning that would fit in with the plight of the homeless.” As Ruby concludes, a strange sensation comes over her. Everyone is looking at her with concern.

Ruby’s face heats as it dawns on her, Jolene has included Ruby as a patron of the homeless shelter and she confirmed it by saying the comment about breakfast. She knows Jolene hasn’t said it on purpose to embarrass her; it just slipped out. However, it doesn’t change they way the group is looking at her. She hates the look of pity in their eyes. Her faces heats with embarrassment. The urge to get up and run from the room riding her hard.

“Those songs sound great!” Charlotte exclaims, breaking the unspoken tension in the room. “How many singers do you think you will need?”

“I’m not really sure,” Ruby replies. “Harry and Bill are the only two here regularly who sing. Bill plays guitar, also. I’m not really sure about anyone else. We can put a sign-up sheet and see who replies.”

“Some of us can help too,” Emma joins the conversation. “Charlotte sings beautifully.”

“No. I don’t,” Charlotte laughs. “But I do like to sing.”

“You sing beautifully like has Emma said,” Hawk declares, planting a kiss on her forehead. “She entertains me and the kids every morning as she showers.” Charlotte smiles at him and leans onto his shoulder. He runs his hand through her hair. Ruby is surprised at the public displays of affection these men and women express so easily. It causes her some embarrassment, but she wishes she could have someone who’d dote on her the same way.

“Ruby has a lovely voice,” Jolene announces. “She has the voice of an angel. Imagine my surprise when I heard her singing one morning while cleaning the cafeteria.”

“Um…yeah. I’m not that good, but I do enjoy it,” Ruby replies shyly. She doesn’t want to draw attention to anything that might link her to her past. Doing this fundraiser is a really bad idea. She’ll have to figure out some way to get out of it before it happens. Tank’s hand squeezes her shoulder gently. She turns to look at him and he smiles at her.

“What?” she whispers to him. He simply shakes his head and turns back to the conversation, dismissing her. He doesn’t seem to want to share his thoughts on Jolene’s bomb. Several more ideas are proposed as events to raise money, like a dunking booth and various carnival games for children. Jolene pulls out sign-up sheets and lists an event at the top of each page. She passes them around asking for them to place their name on the event they want to help in organizing. Ruby notices Tank places his name on the same two sheets she has placed her name on. She rolls her eyes. The man is determined to drive her insane. Before long all the slots are filled and the sheets are given back to Jolene.

“Okay, so, everyone knows what they are responsible for, right?” Jolene asks as she looks at everyone around the room. Everyone nods in response. “All right then, we will meet again next month and see where we are on the planning. Thank you all so much for helping again this year. I know you’re all busy with jobs and family, but I’m appreciative that you’re willing to give your time over the next six months, planning this event. I am hoping we are as successful this year as last year.”



Tank is amazed at the shy, humble woman sitting next to him. He wants to know more about her. Tank is taken aback when Jolene indicates that Ruby is a patron at the shelter. Is she really homeless? She doesn’t look the part, but he knows not to judge a book by its cover. What could have happened to lead her to be here?

Ruby is awfully thin, but she doesn’t look like she’s drug addicted as many presume of the homeless. Most likely, she’s not getting enough to eat, and the stress of living on the streets is enough to make anyone lose their appetite. His gut clenches, thinking of the tiny woman next to him out on the streets at the mercy of whomever she meets. He wonders how long she’s been out there, all on her own.

Tank is internally shaking his head at himself for telling her she is his. While he does believe it, he’s never been so bold with a woman before. He’s never really had to be bold. Women are usually readily available in the bars near base. Finding someone for a night of stress relief has never been a hardship, but this with Ruby is different. He isn’t looking for simply a night of sex. He wants more. He wants her. Not for a night but for the long term. He’s never been infatuated with a woman before, but that’s the only explanation he has for what’s running through his head. Or could it be something more? Something much deeper?

Tank is determined to find out more about Ruby. Why is she homeless? While he has only spent a short amount of time with her, she seems intelligent, eager to participate in the fundraiser, and he sees no outward appearance of a disability. Maybe she has a gambling problem or got in over her head with credit card or student loan debit? No, that doesn’t seem right to him. Perhaps she’s running from someone? Could she be on the run from an ex-boyfriend?

Tank decides it doesn’t matter what her story is all about. He will find out everything he can about her and find a way to help her whether she wants him to or not. Does that make him a caveman? Absolutely, but he’s fine with that as long has he ends up with Ruby at the end of the day. He’s been so lost in his own thoughts he hasn’t realized the meeting is about over. As the meeting begins to break up, Tank decides to make his move on Ruby.

* * *

“Give me your phone,”Tank demands in his rumbling voice. Ruby looks over at him. An incredulous look on her face. Ruby glances around the room, trying to find anything to distract him from asking for her phone again. Everyone has a phone in this modern age. How can she explain that she doesn’t have one? His large hand on her chin forcing her to look at him brings her back to reality. “Give me your phone, Ruby.” His demanding tone, brooking no argument.

“Why would you want my phone?” Ruby asks him quietly, hoping she can get him to change his mind without having to disclose her lack of having one.

“I want to put my number in your phone. If you ever need anything, you call me,” Tank tells her sincerely. “Don’t shut me out, Ruby. I meant what I said about getting to know you.” Ruby snorts out a humorless laugh.

“You didn’t say anything about getting to know me, Tank,” Ruby mumbles. “You said, ‘I was yours’ like some caveman.” Ruby wonders what in the world is making this overwhelmingly handsome man want to get to know her. Plain Jane, Ruby, a girl who goes out of her way to be unnoticed.

“That’s the point, Ruby. You will be mine, but I know we have to get to know one another first. If you will cooperate with me, we can remedy that quickly. Now, give me your phone,” Tank again demands holding out his hand.

“Please, Tank, just let it go,” Ruby whispers. Her eyes begin to sting with unshed tears of shame. A blush creeping up her face. She shouldn’t feel ashamed, but she does. How can she explain she can’t risk someone being able to track her through a phone? His hand comes up to caress her cheek.

“You don’t have a phone.” It’s not a question, simply a statement, but she shakes her head anyway. Tank is looking at her so tenderly. Ruby is lost in his gaze. He continues to caress her cheek as she stares into his eyes. “I can fix that. I don’t like you being out alone with no way to call for help.”

“Tank, I can take care of myself. I have been for a long time. I appreciate you wanting to help me, but I don’t need or want it, okay?” Ruby straightens her spine and blinks the moisture from her eyes. “If I wanted a phone, I would have one.” She has found her snarky side by the time she finishes the sentence. Ruby stands to leave, but Tank grabs her hand in a tight grip, almost painfully. She glares at him.

“Ruby, don’t walk away from me. Let me help you,” Tank speaks softly so those around them don’t overhear their conversation.