Ruby shuddersas the memory unfolds. She forces herself out of the memory. She can’t be thinking about her father. Not here with so many strangers around her. She needs to remember she can’t risk getting too friendly with the locals. Anyone who gets close to her will be in danger. If someone were to be hurt because of her, she’d never forgive herself. Just another reason she shouldn’t be helping with this event, but she’s already committed herself.
The chatter around the room begins to settle down after a few minutes, when Jolene calls them to order to continue their discussions.
“Okay everyone, let’s get back to the topic at hand,” Jolene announces to the room. “I suppose we should make introductions again, since the men have arrived. Ruby stand up so they can all see you.” Ruby’s face flushes with embarrassment, but she complies with Jolene’s request. Standing in front of the men and women, Ruby feels like she is on display. Merely an exhibit at the zoo for everyone to gawk at.
“This is Ruby Cox,” Jolene informs the men who arrived while the women were on the coffee run. “She is going to help this year with the charity event. Ruby let me introduce you to the men who joined us while you were out. Gentlemen if you will stand as I call your name so Ruby can see who you are.” The men all nod at her request. Ruby takes the statement as her cue to take a seat. As she sits down, Tank adjusts her chair for her and slips his arm across the back. A little huff of frustration escapes Ruby, even though she tries to stifle it. She isn’t certain, but she thinks she hears a chuckle come from the annoying man.
“This is Hawk. He’s married to Charlotte,” Jolene says as Hawk stands next to Charlotte. He’s a tall man with salt and pepper hair, a trimmed beard and mustache. He nods in Ruby’s direction. His eyes dart to Tank, giving him a little smirk and a raised eyebrow. Tank gives a little chin lift in return as he grins at Hawk. Hawk is a perceptive man. He’s apparently picked up on Tank’s interest in Ruby. Hawk and the others will likely give Tank shit over it later, but he’s fine with it. It’s not like he hasn’t gotten a few digs in over the last few years as the other men found their women.
“Next is Wallace; he is with Emma,” Jolene continues. Wallace is a dark-brown-headed man with also a trimmed beard and mustache. He’s tall at about 6’3” and has a muscular build. He has a kind smile and it’s easy to see he is infatuated with Emma. He too nods at Ruby with a smile as he takes his seat next to Emma. Tank wonders what Ruby thinks about his friends. He knows as a group they are very intimidating. The men would never do anything to hurt a woman, but not knowing the men, Tank could see how a single woman would be fearful of them.
“Next we have Straw. He is with Abigail.” Straw, Tank’s best friend is a tall blond-haired man with bright blue eyes. He stands and nods at Ruby. He gives Tank a chin lift before sitting back down next to Abigail. Ruby smiles at the man and returns his nod.
“Sitting with Daisy is Ace,” Jolene tells Ruby. Ace rises to his feet with a nod of acknowledgement at Ruby before he takes his seat next to Daisy. He leans in and nuzzles Daisy’s neck briefly before placing a kiss on her temple. Tank glances at Ruby to see her blushing at the couple’s PDA. He has a sudden desire to give her a good reason to be blushing, but he’ll have to wait. It’s entirely too soon for him to kiss her senseless in front of everyone. One day she’ll be his and will want him to devour her with his mouth. He needs to be patient until that day arrives.
“Elise is with Deadeye,” Jolene continues with the introductions. Deadeye is a tall man with short black hair and intense hazel eyes. It seems his face is in a constant scowl, except for when he’s looking at Elise or their children. Deadeye rises from his seat next to Elise. Like all of the rest of the men, he nods at Ruby and gives Tank a chin lift.
“Next is Mercury,” Jolene says as Mercury moves to stand. He is a light brown-headed man only about 5’11” with a clean-shaven face. He has been sitting beside Tank. He stands then gives Ruby a warm smile. To Tank’s surprise, Mercury reaches his hand across him as if wanting to shake Ruby’s hand. She extends her hand out. Mercury takes it in his large hand, but instead of shaking it, he kisses the back of her hand. Fury at Mercury’s boldness hits Tank like a sledge hammer. Tank jerks her hand away from Mercury and pushes him backward. Mercury bursts out laughing while Tank glares at him. Tank continues to hold Ruby’s hand while wiping Mercury’s kiss from the back of her hand. Tank can’t believe the asshole would do such a thing. Straw, yeah before Abigail, he would have done something like that, but not Mercury. Mercury’s never been one to hit on women. Some of the guys had even speculated that maybe he wasn’t into women, but they’ve never seen him show interest in either sex. Mercury elbows Tank as he takes his seat. Tank is about to throttle the man when he notices Mercury is grinning at him conspiratorially. Tank frowns at him, but notices Ruby has drawn closer to him as if seeking Tank’s protection from Mercury.
Choosing to ignore the alpha men’s antics, Jolene pushes on. “And you’ve met Tank.” Jolene gives Ruby a knowing smile. Tank still has his left arm thrown over the back of Ruby’s chair. He tightens his grip on her shoulder slightly at the mention of his name. Ruby glances at him with a shy smile. Her face blooming in a deep shade of red. His mind wanders to an image of her spread out under him on his bed. Her body flushed from their love making. His dick twitches in response. It seems his little head is on board with this fantasy. He shifts in his chair wanting desperately to adjust himself as his dick has become uncomfortably hard in his jeans. He silently wills his body to behave, but it seems to have little effect. He attempts to focus on what Jolene is saying, although Ruby is much more interesting thN planning a fundraiser, no matter how much it will be beneficial to those in need.
“Then we have Virus,” Jolene continues. Another man on Tank’s team stands to nod at Ruby. He quickly takes his seat. “Next is Worm.” A not too tall man with sandy blonde hair stands and gives her a nod. “And last, but not least we have Bull,” Jolene concludes the introductions. Bull stands and gives a little wave to Ruby. Bull is the newest member on their team and is very reserved. He hasn’t made a lot of effort to form bonds with the team like the rest of them have done. Tank wonders if he’ll even stay on the team, or maybe the man needs more time to adapt to the team way of life. As Bull takes his seat, the back door opens again. The whole group turns to see another couple entering the cafeteria.
Lisa Winters, Charlotte’s best friend from childhood enters the back door with the last member of Tank’s special forces team, Hack, hot on her heels. He places his hand on Lisa’s lower back as they enter the room, leading her toward the tables where the meeting is taking place. She whispers something heatedly to him, then straightens her spine as if trying to put distance between them. Her chin tilting up in defiance. Hack rolls his eyes upward as if asking God for patience. Those two have been acting strangely ever since the team returned from California several months ago. Tank has his suspicions that the couple are more than friends, but Lisa doesn’t seem to want to acknowledge it. Hack on the other hand seems to want to broadcast it to the world that Lisa is his. Tank can understand where the man is coming from now that he’s met his Ruby. He almost feels sorry for Hack that Lisa isn’t willing to give into the obvious attraction they have to one another. The sexual tension between the couple is palpable whenever they’re in the same room.
Tank suddenly has a thought. What if Ruby feels the same as Lisa? What if she tries to deny their attraction to one another? Their connection. Tank refuses to think that way. He will move heaven and earth to get her to change her mind if she does try to deny it. He knows deep down in his soul that Ruby is his destiny. He will get her to see it and want it too. There’s no other option. He glances back at the couple making their way across the cafeteria.
Hack says something back to Lisa that causes her to stumble to a halt looking at him with shock, disbelief evident on her face. A blush floods from her neck up to her face. Hack raises an eyebrow as if silently asking her to challenge him. She licks her lips, before dropping her head in defeat. She doesn’t try to pull away from him when he places his arm around her, and they begin walking again. Virus jumps up and grabs a couple of chairs from the other side of the room and places then next to Hawk and Charlotte. The couple takes their seats. Charlotte leans over to whisper to Lisa. They have a brief, intense whispered conversation that ends abruptly when Jolene addresses the couple.
“Hello Hack, Lisa,” Jolene says. “I’m so glad you both could join us. I’d like you to meet Ruby. She’ll be helping us with the fundraiser.” Jolene points to Ruby. Ruby quickly stands and turns towards the newcomers.
“Nice to meet you,” Ruby murmurs as she smiles at them before taking her seat once again. Lisa gives a tight smile and a nod in return. Hack gives the man chin lift. Tank notices Hack has his arm around Lisa’s shoulders much like Tank has had his on Ruby’s. Perhaps Tank needs to have a chat with Hack and see if there’s anything he can do the help the man out with his Lisa problem. Afterall if push comes to shove with Ruby, he’ll want all hands-on deck to help him. He will have a talk with him after the meeting breaks up, but for now, he needs to focus on the meeting. If that’s possible with Ruby at his fingertips. He can’t seem to keep his hands to himself with her sitting next to him. The desire to let his fingers trail over her arm, to hold her hand in his, to press his thigh into hers is too strong to resist. So he doesn’t. He’s hoping she enjoys his attention because he intends to fully explore her body one day.
Ruby is amazed to be sitting in the room with all these intimidating men and not be scared out of her mind. If she’d met them under any other circumstances, such as out on the street or worse in a dark alley, she would have been freaking out. However, meeting them here at the shelter, surrounded by these kind compassionate women, she isn’t afraid. She instinctively knows, somehow, these men can be trusted and would never intentionally hurt her or any woman.
She’s amused at the way the men greet one another. It’s like an unspoken language they have and can relate what they are thinking without using words. She wonders how long this group has known each other. The men are all buff, and she figures they must be in the military which is not uncommon here in Jacksonville. With Camp Lejeune nearby, the place is overrun with military personnel and support staff.
“Today, I would like for us to talk more about some entertainment for the event…” Jolene begins to outline her plan for some of the members of the shelter to perform on a stage to provide some entertainment between events like the talent show for kids, a magician, and a dance group that has volunteered to perform.
Ruby’s mind begins to wander, because the man sitting next to her is quite distracting. Tank continues to hold her hand in his right hand while his left hand that is draped over her chair is caressing her left shoulder. Ruby can’t concentrate on what is begin said over the desire that is enveloping her body. It’s been years since Ruby has thought about being with a man. In college, she had dated a little, but her practices and rehearsals got in the way of beginning anything serious enough for her to allow a man into her heart or her pants.
Since mother’s death, she’s been on the streets. Sleeping in a shelter or a park doesn’t give her an opportunity to take care of her basic needs. She thought she’s gotten used to ignoring that part of her body, but Tank is awakening that beast with a vengeance. Ruby can feel her nipples tightening, moisture damping her panties, and goosebumps erupting all over her body. She closes her eyes in an effort to get herself under control as she shifts uncomfortably in her chair. She is called out of her fog of desire to the sound of her name.
“Ruby?” Jolene is looking at her. Ruby’s face heats with the blush that is creeping up her face from her neck. Jolene is expecting an answer to a question that Ruby hasn’t heard because she is lusting after the man torturing her with his little touches.
“What do you think?” Jolene asks. Ruby stares at her trying frantically to recall what Jolene had been talking about. At her lack of response, Jolene asks, “Did you hear me?”
“Um… no I’m sorry, Jolene. I’m not sure where my mind is at. What’s your question?” The room erupts in chuckles, and Ruby blushes even more, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her down. Tank’s hand cups her shoulder with gentle pressure. She glares at him. This is all his fault.
“I was telling them about my idea for some of the patrons like you, Bill, and Hank, to sing as entertainment between events on the stage while the props are being changed out. Do you think you can fill in the slots?” Jolene is looking at Ruby expectantly.