Page 35 of Ruby

“Okay, Tucker,” her voice soft and full of wonder. “Thank you for taking care of me. I’m glad you can cook. I have to admit I’m not much of a chef. Mom was an excellent cook, but she rarely allowed me in the kitchen. She wanted me to be practicing my singing or piano lessons instead. She’d say, ‘There’ll be time for cooking lessons once you’re a smashing success.”

“Your mom wanted you to be a star?” Tanks asks. He hopes asking questions won’t shut her down again. How else can they get to know one another if they don’t ask questions? She nods her answer before, to his delight, continuing her story.

“Oh, yes!” Ruby answers. “Mom had dreamed of becoming a famous singer herself, but she said she had to give up her dream when she met and married my father. She said being a star didn’t compare to being a wife and mother, nor would she have had the time to devote herself to her family and a career the way she wanted to, so she chose family. She was the best mom. She listened to me. Some people thought she pushed me too much, but I love singing and playing the piano. At least, I used to love those things.” A sadness comes into her eyes. Tank wants to erase the sadness from them, but he knows it’s going to take time. First, he needs to feed his woman.

“You will be able to enjoy them again,” Tank vows. Ruby looks up at him, doubt clear in her eyes. “I promise you, someday soon you’ll be free to do whatever you want without fear.” Ruby’s expression softens. He can tell she still doesn’t believe him, but she appreciates his attempt to comfort her.

“I hope so, Tucker,” Ruby responds. “I really do.” He leans in to kiss her lovely, full lips. He can’t resist getting a taste of her, and he wants to convey to her the sincerity of his words. Somehow, he will make her life safe and free. She’ll no longer need to keep herself away from everyone, living like a vagabond. He’ll make it so she’s safe, and hopefully she’ll want to stick around and see how this attraction between them can grow into a long, happy life together. With that thought, he stands to make his way down stairs so he can begin making both their dreams come true.

After running Ruby’s new clothes up to her, Tank busies himself in the kitchen cooking up bacon, eggs, and toast. It’s nothing fancy, but it’ll fill their bellies. He didn’t want to waste too much time cooking as it’s nearly ten a.m. already. Having gotten here so late last night and Ruby’s subsequent nightmare, he’s surprised they’ve woken this early, but he doesn’t want to sleep their time together away. He wants to make the most of the time they have together. Hearing her footsteps, he turns to see her entering the kitchen. His heart beats a little faster as it always does when he sees her.

“It smells delicious in here,” Ruby comments. “Can I help with something?”

“Sure,” Tank answers. “You want to get us some plates and set the table?” Ruby opens cabinet doors and drawers, gathering what they need to eat their meal. While he finishes scrambling their eggs, she gets the table ready. In no time at all, she has placemats, glasses, and silverware arranged neatly on the small table in the breakfast nook. She pours them both a glass of orange juice as he dishes up the eggs onto the plates she’d placed near the stove for him. He loads his plate with bacon, eggs, and toast. He makes Ruby a plate as well. He wants to pile hers up too but knows she’s less likely to eat if he puts too much on her plate, so he restrains himself, putting on her plate what he would for little Ellie. He carries their plates to the table placing Ruby’s in front of her, where she’s seated at the table, before taking his seat across from her.

“Dig in,” he tells her as he starts to eat. Ruby looks down at the food with appreciation in her eyes. He knows she loves bacon from all the times they’ve eaten breakfast together over the last few weeks. He loves bacon too. He grins when he sees her begin to devour the food he has cooked for her.

“Mmmm, thank you Tucker,” Ruby says after a few bites. “This breakfast is so good.” His cock rises at her moan of pleasure from the food. He wishes she were moaning for a different reason entirely, but now isn’t the time. He scolds his cock for misbehaving, but it doesn’t listen to him. He chuckles to himself. He never thought he could be turned on watching a woman eat, but everything Ruby does turns him on. He huffs out a breath. It’s going to be a long weekend.

Hours later, Tank is amazed at how much Ruby has been smiling and laughing with him today. They’ve spent the day exploring some of the history in and around Savannah. They’ve walked through Forsyth Park, taking in centuries of history. They rode the trolly, taking in the sights of the city. Through it all, they’ve spent the time in a happy little bubble. Holding hands, stealing a few kisses, and just enjoying one another’s company. Tank can feel their connection growing throughout the day. Tank’s beginning to get hungry. He spies the famous Leopold’s Ice Cream.

“How about we stop for a bite to eat?” Tank asks Ruby as they exit the trolly. They have seen many of the city’s most historical sites. The city is nearly three centuries old. Tank has enjoyed listening to Ruby tell him about the various styles of architecture they’ve seen today. Spending the day with her has confirmed his suspicions she’s much more cultured than you would expect. This has only made his curiosity grow even more.

“You’re hungry?” Ruby’s eyebrows shoot up. He grins at her shocked expression. “We just ate breakfast.”

“Yes, I’m hungry. That was hours ago; we ate breakfast,” Tank argues. Ruby shakes her head a grin spreading across her face. He loves to see her smile. He’ll die a happy man as long as he can keep her smiling for the rest of their lives.

“I don’t know how you can stay so fit eating like you do,” Ruby says as they walk down the street toward the establishment. Tank takes her hand in his as they walk.

“I get plenty of exercise,” Tank says. “I’m a big guy. I burn a lot of calories just walking around.” Ruby laughs at his statement.

“I’m sure you do.” Ruby looks over at him, appraising his form. He can see her interest and desire as her eyes roam over his chest and down his body. He lets her take her time. He takes the opportunity to indulge his desire to look her over, too. She’s actually put on a little bit of weight since he met her. Her collarbones aren’t hardly as prominent, but she’s still too thin. They reach the ice cream parlor. He opens the door, waiting for her enter first.

Once inside, they find an empty booth. Tank ushers Ruby in next to the window as he sits by her. They look over the menu. Tank decides on a large bowl of soup and a sandwich. Ruby choses a bowl of soup as well. After the waitress leaves them alone, Tank turns to Ruby.

“Are you enjoying the day so far?” Tank asks. Ruby’s face lights up.

“Yes.” She smiles at him. “This has been a really good day. I don’t remember the last time I’ve enjoyed myself so much.” Her beaming smile has Tank itching to kiss her. Not wanting to deny himself any longer, he leans closer to her.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying the day,” Tank tells her. Ruby, seeming to sense where his thoughts are going, leans toward him, too. His kisses her full lips, relishing her sweet taste. No matter how many times, he kisses her, he gets a rush of emotion every time. He’s never dreamed he’d be having such sappy thoughts and feelings, but he wouldn’t change anything as long as he can be with Ruby. He pulls back to look at her. Her eyes are still closed. She has the most contented look on her face. Her eyes open slowly a huge smile spreading over her face. Tank returns her smile. “I love seeing you smile.”

“I love your smile, too,” Ruby answers. “You know you’re a handsome man, but when you smile. Whew, it takes my breath.” Tank smiles even bigger at Ruby’s confession. He’s never considered himself handsome. He doesn’t think he’s ugly, but he feels he’s just average looking other than his size. Hearing Ruby tell him he’s handsome fills him with warmth and pride. His woman thinks he’s handsome. He feels like Rudolph when Clarice tells him he’s cute. He wants to jump around and fly. He shakes his head. He really is getting sappy now. The waitress arrives with their food, breaking the spell of the moment.

They eat their meal in a contented silence. Once they’ve finished their food, they sit talking about their plans for the rest of evening. Tank suggests they take a ghost tour. Ruby cringes when he mentions it, so he offers another suggestion. The city has several theaters with shows nightly. He’s pulled them up on his phone, and they scroll through the list.

“How about we just go back to the house,” Ruby suggests. Tank looks up in confusion. “There’s no need to spend so much money on theater tickets.” Tank frowns. He doesn’t want her to be worrying about money.

“Ruby, honey, I’ve got this,” Tank declares. “I have plenty of money. Don’t worry about it.” Ruby pinches her lips together.

“I’m sorry, Tucker.” He takes in her expression. He can tell she’s considering her words carefully. “It’s not that I think you don’t have the money. I…I just enjoy talking with you, and if we’re in a theater, we won’t be able to talk. I hope you understand.” Tank knows there is something more to her statement than just wanting to be able to talk to him, but this trip is about Ruby. So if she wants to stay in, tonight that’s exactly what they’ll do.

“Yeah, I understand,” Tank leans in to kiss her sweet lips once more. “We’ll do whatever makes you happy, sweetheart. I just want you to relax and enjoy yourself.” Ruby gives him one of her megawatt smiles. Oh, yeah! He’s wrapped around another female’s finger, but he couldn’t care in the least. He motions to the waitress. She hurries over to their table.

“Give us two servings of your best chocolate ice cream,” Tank tells the woman. She nods scribbling on her notepad before hurrying off to the kitchen.

“Good Lord, Tucker!” Ruby exclaims. “You’re going to make me fat.” Tank looks over at her not sure if she’s seriously worried about her weight or if she’s joking. He sees she just teasing him and he’s relieved. He knows some women get hung up on their weight, and he can understand why to some degree. The world seems to idolize super-thin models and actresses, but Tank would rather a woman have a few curves and be healthy than to be skin and bones.

“Nothing wrong with some curves,” Tank tells her honestly. “I want you healthy and happy. I don’t care about your weight.” Ruby gives him a hard look.