“You really mean that, don’t you?” she asks, her tone full of surprise. “Most men expect women to look like those super skinny models. I’ve never been overweight, but I could never compete with those women. I always lost weight before a concert not because I was worried about my weight. I would get so nervous and obsessed with practice I’d forget to eat. Mom would have to remind me. Even when I did eat, I’d sometimes lose my meal due to my fears.”
“What were you afraid of?” Tank questions. He wonders if someone was hurting her if she didn’t perform as well as they expected her to do. He’s relieved when she replies.
“I get stage fright,” Ruby says in a whisper as if it’s a terrible secret. “I would worry about making a mistake, forgetting the words, or tripping and falling in front of everyone. I don’t know why I had it so bad. I’ve never had any of those things happen, but I still worried about them.”
“I’m looking forward to hearing you sing,” Tank tells her. He’s certain Jolene is correct, and Ruby has the voice of an angel. She looks like an angel in his eyes. Ruby flushes a light pink.
“Thank you,” she says sweetly. “I love singing, but I don’t feel like I’m anything special. There are so many others much more talented.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Tank scolds her lightly. “You’re too quick to dismiss your talents.” Ruby looks over at him. He can see the wheels turning in her mind. She wants to say something but is debating if she should share with him or not. Tank waits patiently while she’s working it out in her mind. She surprises him by revealing another little tidbit.
“I’ve never been a confident person,” Ruby confesses to him. “My mom was always bragging about my singing abilities, but it made me uncomfortable. I know mom was just trying to be encouraging, and I know she was proud of me. I had a concert that night.” Ruby stops speaking, her eyes growing misty. Tank takes her hand in his, lending her his strength. She glances up at him. Her smile tight. Her lips pinching together before continuing. “The concert went great. I had a solo. I sang the best I ever had. I was so lost in the moment.” Ruby’s voice softening at her memories. Her face suddenly drops. Her happiness replaced with a deep sadness. “That’s the night mom died.” Ruby looks up at him. The pain reflected in her eyes is the same pain he’s seen in his own eyes many times before when he remembers his parents and Jillian.
“I’m so sorry, beautiful.” Tank can feel her pain as if it were his own. He takes her into his arms. Holding her close, letting her weep on his shoulder. The waitress brings their ice cream, after a few minutes. Ruby wipes her tears. “Feel better?” Tank asks her. Sometimes letting all the pain and frustration out over losing a loved one can be very cathartic.
“Yes, thank you again for letting me cry on your shoulder.” Ruby gives him a watery smile, tears still leaking from her eyes. “I haven’t spoken about that night in a very long time. I shouldn’t be sharing all this with you, Tucker.” She holds up a hand to stop his protest. “I know you want to help me, and I’m very thankful to you for wanting to help, but you don’t understand just how dangerous being with me could be.” Ruby’s face is so serious. She truly believes he will be in danger. He needs to convince her he can handle whatever or whomever she’s running away from.
“I hear what you’re saying, Ruby,” Tank commences. “I really do, but you don’t seem to understand what I’m capable of handling. In time, I hope you will come to understand I can andwillprotect you, no matter the cost, but for now, let’s enjoy our ice cream before it melts.” Ruby studies him a moment then gives him a little smile and turns to begin eating her bowl of chocolatey ice cream goodness.
Ruby glances over at Tucker as he consumes his ice cream in record time. How he doesn’t have brain freeze is beyond her. They’ve had some serious conversations on this trip. She’s divulged more than she’d planned, but she actually feels better after talking to him. She’s been fighting her desire to let him get close to her over the last few weeks. She knows he wants more from her, and if she’s honest, she wants to give him more. He wants to know her demons so he can slay them, and she loves him for it. Wait! Love? She thinks on this for a moment. Yes, it’s true. She loves Tucker.
Now what to do about it? Nothing she can do, for now, except enjoy the time they have together. She knows her demons are still looking for her. They’ll never stop looking for her, but for just a little while, she’s going to pretend they aren’t. She’s going to enjoy Tucker’s company and this trip he’s planned for them. She’ll worry about everything else later. She turns back to her ice cream with a smile. Her acceptance of her feelings for him lifts another weight from her shoulders. She happily eats the tasty treat Tucker has ordered for her.
Once they finish their dessert, Tucker pays the tab with a generous tip. He stands, holding out his hand to help her exit the booth they’ve shared. Still holding her hand in his, he leads her out onto the street. They walk down to where he left his truck before they boarded the trolley for a tour of Savannah. Ruby is looking around at the various shops as they stroll.
“If you see something you want to look at just say the word, and we’ll stop and look. We can go in as many stores as you want,” Tucker tells her. She looks over at him and shakes her head. The man is completely serious. Her father nor her brother ever enjoyed shopping. They hardly ever accompanied her and her mom, but when they did, it was under extreme protest. Ruby frowns as she thinks back on her past. One of her ‘uncles’ almost always went with them on shopping trips. How did she not realize her ‘uncles’ were really bodyguards? Muscle for their mob family.
* * *
“Hurry up, Mary Catherine,”Tony grumbles as she picks up another blouse from the display counter, holding it up to get a better look at it. “I’m hungry and bored out of my mind. Just pick something so we can go!” Mary Catherine looks over at her brother as he rolls his eyes dramatically when she places the blouse back down and picks up another one.
“It’s not that simple, Tony,” Mary argues. “Guys don’t have to worry about what they’re wearing, but girls can and will be mean if you don’t dress appropriately. I have to find just the right look for the Spring formal.”
“You’re supposed to wear a dress to the formal,” Tony informs her. His tone indicating she’s an idiot for looking at blouses instead of dresses. Mary shakes her head as she places another poor choice back on the counter.
“I know!” she exclaims. “I have my dress picked out. I’m trying to decide what to wear to the after-party Margret Stone is having.” Mary continues to look around the store while Tony whines, but she can’t find what she wants. His huffing and puffing is wearing on her nerves. When he looks at his watch for the millionth time, she’s had enough. “Just go on home, Tony. I can shop by myself. I’ll get a cab to bring me home.” Tony whips around to face her. His face marred with his fury.
“I can’t leave you here by yourself.” Tony grips her upper arms as he whisper-shouts at her. “You’re so clueless. Dad would kill me if I left you here on your own. Now, pick a damn shirt, and let’s get out of here, or you will have to wear something from home. I’m done with this shopping trip.” Mary is stunned at Tony’s outburst. He’s never been so harsh with her before. Tony has really changed since he’s come home from college and began working for their father at the warehouse.
* * *
“Ruby, what’s that look about?”Tucker asks, pulling them to halt in the middle of the sidewalk. Startled out of her thoughts, she’s momentarily confused.
“Wh-What?” Ruby frowns at him as she tries to figure out what he’s talking about. “What look?”
“You’re staring off at nothing with a scowl on your face,” Tucker tells her. “What’s caused it?”
“It’s nothing.” Ruby blows off his question. Ruby can’t tell him what she’s been thinking about. No, that’s not really true. It’s more like she won’t tell him why she’s frowning. It’s not that she doesn’t trust Tucker to tell him she’s on the run from the real-life American mob. It’s the fact he would want to eliminate the threat against her. She’s come to care for him too much to risk him getting hurt in the process.
“I call bullshit,” Tucker states as he stares her down. “Something has you worried, but you aren’t willing to share. I know I’ve said it before, but I’m going to say it again. I’m here for you, Ruby. All you have to do is let me in. I will take care of you.” Ruby just stares back at him. What can she say? He’s right. She isn’t ready to share and likely never will be ready. He just doesn’t understand.Maybe you are the one who doesn’t understand.She thinks to herself. Tucker is in the Marines on a Special forces team. He likely has experience with things far worse than the demons you are running from. Although Ruby can’t imagine anything worse than the psycho family who’s been after her. Ruby bites her lower lip. She needs to trust him with more than just her heart, but she can’t. If something happened to Tucker because of her or her demons, she would never survive it.
“I know you believe what you’re saying, Tucker,” Ruby sighs. “I do believe you will do everything in your power to keep me safe.”
“But?” Tucker asks when she doesn’t continue her thought.