Page 10 of Ruby

The next morning after a fitful night of sleep, Ruby leaves the shelter before dawn. Walking several blocks to the bus station to check on her meager belongings before she goes to the YMCA to workout, then shower and change for her shift at the diner. Ruby actually enjoys her job there. The owner has been very kind to give her a job whenever she’s in the area. He seems to understand Ruby’s need to move around.

When she’d informed him she’d be leaving the first time, he’d told her she’d always have a job whenever she needed one. True to his word, he’s given her shifts whenever she’s been in Jacksonville. He doesn’t seem to get upset with her no matter how short or long her employment lasts. She’s worked as few as two days and once as long a month before she felt she needed to clear out once again. He’s always allowed her to work ‘under the table’, paying her cash each day for the hours she works. He’s never questioned her about why she moves around so much, and Ruby’s been thankful for it.

Ruby finishes her shower and dresses warmly to walk the three miles to the diner. She’s glad she chose to sleep at the shelter last night. The temperature this morning is much cooler than yesterday. Slipping on her worn coat, she places her dirty clothes into her faded backpack. The right shoulder strap is fraying. She needs to look for a new backpack before the strap breaks completely. She leaves the women’s locker room and heads out the front door and into the cold wind.

“Good morning, Beautiful,” Tank’s deep rumbling voice startles Ruby causing her to jump with fright. She spins to face him.

“What the Hell, Tank? You scared me half to death!” Ruby exclaims. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people.” Ruby’s heart rate spikes, not only from her fright, but at seeing the sexy beast again. She is panting hard and places a hand over her heart. Tank reaches out to clasp her hand that is resting over her left breast.

“I’m sorry, hon. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Tank’s thumb is gently caressing the back of her hand. “I was hoping you would have breakfast with me.”

Ruby snorts. “What a way to ask someone to breakfast. Scaring them within an inch of their life, but I am hungry, and since you are buying, I’ll go with you,” Ruby retorts haughtily. Tank smiles broadly as he places his hand on the small of her back, leading her toward the parking lot. They stop next to a navy-blue Toyota Tundra 4-door pickup truck with running boards on the sides. Tank has a truck to match his nickname. The thing is huge. He walks her to the passenger side of the truck and opens her door. Before she can register what’s happening, he puts his hands on her waist and hoists her up into the passenger seat. She is shocked when he takes the seatbelt and reaches over her to buckle it. He’s much too close, all up in her personal space. His masculine scent fills her nose as she sucks in a breath. It’s a faint woodsy smell, perhaps from his soap and a little sweat. She wants to say something snarky about him treating her like a child, but it is a really sweet gesture. He glances at her and grins as he backs out of the confined space before closing her door. Ruby sighs as she watches him round the truck to climb confidently into the driver’s seat. The man is sex on a stick. Thick and juicy. Ruby wants nothing more that to dive right in and take a bite, but she needs to get those thoughts out of her head, quick-like. Thinking along those lines will do nothing but cause problems for both of them.

Tank drives them to a popular chain restaurant several miles away in the opposite direction of the diner where she works. The drive is mostly in silence, but a comfortable one. When they pull into the parking lot of the Cracker Barrell, Ruby starts to get out of the truck when Tank commands, “Stay put. I’ll come around.” Ruby forces herself not to roll her eyes but, instead, stops what she is doing and waits while Tank rounds the truck to open her door. She swings her legs out the door and shivers when Tank puts his hands on her waist. He lifts her out before slowly lowering her down to the ground. Her body sliding down the length of his body. She sucks in a breath at the contact, which only increases her desire more when his masculine scent fills her nostrils. When she is on her feet, he remains holding her close for a moment longer than necessary. When she is about to protest his familiarity, he steps back and puts his arm around her waist before leading her to the restaurant.

A hostess informs them it will be a few minutes before their table is ready. Tank leads her around the gift shop taking in all the neat items they have for sale while they wait. They have seasonal decorations, old fashion snacks, travel games and toys for children, and even clothing. Ruby takes in all the little trinkets, but doesn’t look at them too much. She doesn’t have a home to decorate nor a car to take on long drives that would require a game or audio book to pass the time.

A few minutes later, an announcement for Evans party of two blares over the loud speaker interrupting the country western song that’s playing. Tank leads her to the hostess station. They follow the hostess to a table near the windows. Tank insists on sitting beside her with her tucked next to the window and Tank with a view of all the entrances and exits of the room. Ruby notices he, too, is scanning the room, clocking the exits, much like she’s done since they entered. Her time on the streets has taught her to always be aware of her surroundings. Knowing every exit is essential to staying alive. You never know when you might need to make a quick escape.

A waitress appears to take their order. Tank orders coffee, orange juice, Momma’s pancake breakfast, and the Old Timer’s breakfast which basically has some of everything on the menu. Ruby can’t believe the man is going to eat all of that food, but when she looks at all his bulging muscles, she figures he needs to calories to fuel them all. Ruby orders a seasonal flavored hot coffee, eggs and bacon with biscuits and gravy. Lord she’s likely going to make herself sick. She doesn’t usually eat like this, but it’s nice to get a really good meal every now and then.

“So how are you this morning?” Tank inquires of her once the waitress has brought their drinks. Ruby glances up at him. He gives her his panty melting smile causing all her lady parts to wake up and take notice.

“I’m good,” Ruby answers honestly. “How are you?” She takes in his appearance as she awaits his response. Yeah, he’s definitely fine this morning. His sharp angular lines of his face draw her attention. His slightly crooked nose doesn’t detract from his handsomeness. He has a smattering of little scars scattered over his face. She wonders how he got so many but doesn’t pry. Afterall she isn’t wanting to share anything significant with the beast of a man. What’s she even doing here? She shouldn’t have given into her foolish desires to spend a few minutes in his company. Such a seriously bad idea.

“I’m good, too,” Tank answers glancing over at her. “I have to admit I was worried about you last night, though.” Ruby frowns over at him. “I know you’re used to taking care of yourself, but it’s dangerous out there, Ruby. I worry something bad might happen to you.” His statement is honest, but also too blunt for her liking.

“Listen Tank, I’ve been taking care of myself for over six years.” Ruby turns a little to face him. “I won’t sugar coat it. It is dangerous at times, lonely, sometimes a little scary, but it’s my life. A life I’ve chosen. I don’twantor need you to be my knight in shining armor. I’m fine.” Tank clamps his lips together in a tight line but doesn’t comment to Ruby’s dismay. She’d fully expected him to go all caveman on her, but he keeps his thoughts to himself.

“Understood.” Tank returns after an uncomfortable silence. “I apologize if I overstepped.” Tank places a hand on her knee closest to him. Ruby shivers at his touch. Oh if only she could give in to the desire swirling in her belly.

“I’ll forgive you.” Ruby smiles over at him. “This time, but don’t let it happen again.” She wags her finger at him, like a mother scolding a wayward child, but is giggling all the while. Their food arrives moments later, ending their lighthearted argument.

Ruby enjoys the meal and the following conversation. Tank keeps things cheery the rest of the time, not pressing Ruby for anything more than a meal. The food is delicious; Ruby eats more than she should, her belly overly full and rumbling in protest. It’s been years since she’s eaten so well. When they finish their food, Tank takes the check, leaving a nice big tip on the table. Ruby smiles. The waitress should be thankful. Working as a waitress herself, Ruby knows how much they depend on tips to supplement their income. Many restaurants don’t even pay their waitresses the minimum wage. The thought being they will make up the difference in tips. Some days are good, but some days aren’t especially when the economy takes a dip.

Tank leads her to the check out line. After paying, he leads her out to his over large truck once again opening her door and buckling her in her seat. He climbs into his, buckling his own belt and starting the engine. Then he looks over at her, making no move to put the vehicle in gear.

“Thank you for having breakfast with me,” Tank says. Ruby looks over at him. “I enjoyed the conversation. Can I drop you somewhere?”

“I should be thanking you, Tank,” Ruby replies. She pauses as she contemplates her next words. “I enjoyed the conversation, too. As to where to drop me, I really need to get to my job. Angie’s diner on South Marine Boulevard. I don’t want to be late. The owner has been very kind to me. The least I can do is show up on time.” Tank nods, putting his truck in gear and maneuvers them out into the flow of traffic. About fifteen minutes later, they pull into the parking lot at Angie’s. Tank puts the big rig in park. Ruby has come to accept she needs to wait and let him open her door. It’s a thing with him. When he doesn’t make a move to get out, she starts to reach for her door handle, but his hand on her thigh stops her.

“Ruby, I’d like to see you again, if you’ll allow it.” Tank looks over at her. Ruby’s eyes widen. He isn’t being all caveman this time. He keeps changing his tactics, which is making it difficult for her to keep up her guard. Perhaps that’s his plan all along– keep her guessing while he works his way under her skin. She needs to be careful with this man. She could easily lose her heart to him. That wouldn’t work out well for either of them.

“Tank,” she pleads softly. “I’m very flattered by your attention, but this isn’t a good idea, and we both know it.” She spares him a glance. “You’re a good man, Tank. I would only bring problems into your life that you don’t need.” Tank’s face is set in a hard scowl. His jaw ticking in irritation.

“Ruby, I know you’re running from something or someone.” His statement making her suck in a startled breath. How does he know anything about her? She starts to protest, but he tightens his hold on her thigh halting her words. “I think you are worth any complications that might come up. I’ve lived most of my life not letting anyone get too close.” He pauses to make eye contact with her. “Straw, one of the guys you met yesterday, is my closest friend. The other guys on the team are my friends, my brothers and I’d do anything for them and vice versa, but I’ve worked hard to keep myself separate…safe. There’s something about you, Ruby that makes me want to throw that rule out the window, to take a chance.”

Tank’s confession has Ruby reeling. She realizes she can’t put him at risk, yet she understands where he’s coming from. She’s not allowed anyone to get too close either since her mother died. Biting her lip she considers his words, but nothing he’s said changes the fact that she is bad news, dangerous. She still can’t take the chance he would be hurt by being associated with her. Tank stares at her, waiting for her response.

“Tank…I just can’t,” Ruby replies regretfully. “I can’t take the risk, not only for myself, but for you, too. I hope you’ll understand and not make this any harder than it has to be.” Ruby opens her door and slides out of the tall truck. She hurries across the parking lot to enter the diner by the back door.



Tank watches Ruby run from him for the second time in as many days. He blows out a frustrated breath before pulling out of the parking lot and heading back to base. He doesn’t know what to do. He needs advice. Ruby, is for some unexplained reason, important to him. She clearly needs help but is unwilling to allow him to help her. He needs to talk to Straw and maybe Ace. Both men’s women had been reluctant to allow them into their lives at first. They should have some insight into Tank’s plight.

He makes the drive without incident. Entering the command offices, he makes his way to where his team should be gathering for their first session of the day. As he enters to conference room, Hawk is the only person in the room.