Page 11 of Ruby

“Hawk,” Tank says. Hawk looks up from the file he’s reading, giving Tank a chin lift, then going back to his reading. Tank makes his way around the table and walks up to take a seat near Hawk. He sits quietly waiting for Hawk to finish his reading. Tank can’t seem to sit still as he waits. After a few moments, Hawk raises his head to glare at him. Taking in Tank’s antsy behavior, Hawk closes the file he’s been reading, straightening his posture in his chair, he raises an expectant brow.

“Spit it out,” Hawk demands. Tank shifts in his seat, but decides he needs to lay it all out. After all, he made Straw talk about his issues with Abigail when they first met, and it had been helpful for Straw to win Abigail over. He needs to trust his team and seek Hawk’s assistance.

“You remember Ruby from the shelter?” Tank asks. Hawk nods, his face morphing into a sly grin.

“Yeah, I remember her,” Hawk answers. “She’s a tiny little thing. You twitterpated?” Tank blinks at Hawk’s blunt question. He almost laughs at the man’s euphemisms for love, sex, and other things. Tank huffs out a breath.

“Yeah, something like that.” Tank grinds his teeth as he thinks about what he feels for Ruby. “I’m worried about her being out on the streets, but she refuses to let me get close enough to her to help.” Hawk studies him intently.

“You understand, you just met her yesterday.” Hawk grins. “Maybe give her a little time to warm up to your ogreness.” Tank flips him the bird, and Hawk laughs. “Look, I don’t know what her story is about, but if you’re concerned about her, talk to Jolene. She seems to know Ruby fairly well.”

“I did,” Tank informs him. “I also caught up with Ruby this morning, took her to breakfast, then dropped her off at her job.” Hawk’s expression shows his surprise at Tank’s declaration. “She pretty much told me no when I asked if I could see her again, but she seemed reluctant to say, no.” Tank huffs again. “Something she said that confirms my belief that she’s hiding from something or more likely someone. She said she couldn’t take the risk, not merely for her, but for me. She’s afraid of something. I’m not sure what to do now.” Tank pauses and gives Hawk a pointed look. “She needs help, Hawk. I can’t walk away. What if something bad happens to her? I won’t let it happen.” Hawk nods and gets a thoughtful expression on his face.

“Let me contact Tex,” Hawk says. “See what he can dig up on Ruby Cox.” Tank nods. Tex Keagan is a computer guru who can find anything on anyone. He’s a former Navy SEAL. He’d been medically discharged when he lost a leg in combat, but he hasn’t let that stop him. He merely enhanced his computer skills, which he uses to help civilians and the military find information or even people who have gone missing. Not everything is always by the book, but the man gets the job done. That’s what’s important.

Tex has helped them several times in the past few years. When Charlotte had been missing, when Elise had been kidnapped, and when Daisy and another woman had been held hostage by terrorists. He even helped them get information on Emma’s attacker and Abigail’s insane ex. In each incident, Tex had given them good information that helped bring the women home safe. Tank knows if anyone can find the reason Ruby seems to be hiding, it’s Tex. While he feels bad to invade Ruby’s privacy, he’ll do anything to keep her safe. If he can help keep her out of trouble, it’ll be worth it. He’ll beg forgiveness later.

“Thanks, Hawk,” Tank says. “I appreciate it.” Mercury, Virus, and Worm enter the conference room about that time and focus moves to their job for the next few hours. They go over intelligence about drugs and guns being smuggled into major U.S. cities through shipping containers. These drugs, mainly heroin and methamphetamine which are laced with fentanyl, a lethal drug by itself in small doses, are sold on the streets causing an increase in drug overdoses and deaths.

Several of the guns have been used by members of gangs that are believed to be tied to the American mob. A surge in crime and deaths in these cities has the politicians in an uproar. A senator from New York state had a nephew to die as a result of drug use. The Senator has made it his mission to put an end to the flow of drugs and guns flooding the state. Early intelligence is pointing to New York City as the entrance for much of the contraband, but they are still in the gathering stages. It could be months before they are able to narrow it down for certain, but the Senator, a former special ops Marine, wants the best to be briefed on the intelligence as it unfolds. He’s demanded his brothers in arms be kept up to date, so when it’s time to move, they’ll be ready.

As the meeting breaks up Tank stands to stretch his aching back. Sitting in those old chairs for so long has his muscles sore and stiff. Straw whacks him on his back mid-stretch, causing the air to whoosh from his lungs.

“Let’s get going,” Straw says. “Abigail is cooking her lasagna tonight, and I’m starving. All this talk about illegal drugs and guns has given me a big appetite. I’m especially looking forward to dessert.” Straw waggles his eyebrows. Tank shakes his head. Abigail would knock him senseless if she knew he was hinting at their sex life to Tank. Abigail blushes at the slightest hint of sexual innuendo. Tank returns Straw’s back slap rather forcefully causing the man to stumble a couple of steps. Tank grins at his friend as they make their way to Tank’s truck.

Abigail is driving Straw’s SUV for the time being. She sold her old Nissan before moving here, and they haven’t gotten her a new one yet. The stubborn woman won’t allow Straw to buy her a vehicle. Heck, Tank even tried to let her take his SUV when he decided to get the truck he’s currently driving, but she refused. She’s “saving” her money, and when she’s ready she’ll get something she can afford. The woman needs to get over it. Straw’s not going to let her get another small car like she had before. Those things can be death traps in an accident. Tank knows Straw too well. He’ll insist she has a large SUV, built sturdy so that if she’s ever in an accident she’ll be protected as much as possible.

After a few minutes’ drive, the men arrive at their large ranch style home in a nice suburban neighborhood. Tank pulls in the garage, parking his truck next to Straw’s SUV. The delicious smell of garlic, tomatoes, and cheese hits them as they enter the house. Damn! It sure is nice to come home to a home cooked meal after being bogged down in the mire of their job all day. Tank glances over at Straw, feeling envious the man has a woman waiting for him. What would it be like to have Ruby here waiting for him?

At that thought, Abigail comes out of the kitchen, carrying a stack of plates for the dining room table. Little Ellie right behind her carrying the placemats and napkins. Her sweet little face lighting up when she catches sight of him and Straw entering the dining room from the other side.

“Robert! Uncle Tank!” Ellie exclaims happily throwing her bundle onto the table and running at the men. She throws an arm around one leg on each man hugging them tightly.

“Hey there munchkin.” Straw rubs a hand down Ellie’s hair as he leans in for a kiss from Abigail, who is blushing profusely. Tank leans down picking Ellie up and swinging her high into the air. She shrieks in delight at their usual greeting.

“Uncle Tank you got my belly,” Ellie gushes, her face lit with happiness. Tank presses a kiss to the top of her head before sitting her back on her feet. He walks over to the table with her and begins helping her put the placemats and napkins down. Straw follows Abigail into the kitchen. Tank knows there’ll be some not so PG PDAs going on in the kitchen, and he’s going to keep Ellie occupied while the couple has a proper greeting.

A few minutes later, Straw emerges from the kitchen with silverware in hand to finish out the place settings. Tank notices his lips are reddened, and he has that look in his eyes again. The couple is clearly in love. Tank is happy for his friends but longing for the same makes him feel sad.

Tank looks at the table, wishing there was another place. His mind drifting to Ruby. He wonders how her day has been. He hopes she got a lot of tips today and that she’ll have a good meal tonight. More importantly, he hopes she has safe place to sleep. Worry presses on him. He decides after they’ve had supper, he’ll go out to see if he can find her. Just to make sure she gets from the diner to the shelter safely, and he can take her some of Abigail’s delicious lasagna, ensuring she has a good meal.

Abigail enters the dining room with a large salad bowl loaded with fresh veggies. Straw brings the lasagna and garlic bread. They all sit down to a wonderful meal. Ellie keeps them entertained with chatter about her day. Abigail has taken on the task of finding a venue for the fundraiser. She tells them about some places she’s looking into for it and her likes and dislikes of the different locations. Once they’ve finished eating, Tank begins to clear the table, carrying the dishes into the kitchen. Abigail and Straw follow bringing in the leftover food.

“Here, Tank.” Abigail comes over to the sink. “Let me do that, you guys have been working all day.” She tries to nudge him out from the sink to take over rinsing the dishes. Tank doesn’t budge.

“I’ve got this, Abigail,” Tank rumbles. “You worked today, too, and you cooked. Least I can do is clean up the kitchen. Would you mind if I take some of the leftovers to Ruby?” Abigail’s face softens into a sheepish grin.

“Not at all, Tank,” Abigail answers. “Take all you want. I’ll pack it up while you’re loading the dishwasher.” Tank gives her a nod and gets to working on the dishes. He can’t wait to see Ruby again. He mentally shakes his head. He’s got it bad. It’s only been a few hours since he saw her last, yet he feels like it has been an eternity. Smiling at the thoughts of seeing her again, he hurries to get the kitchen cleaned before heading to the diner. He should get there about the time her shift will be over.



Ruby’s day has been strange to say the least. Beginning with the sexy beast taking her to breakfast then driving her to work. The diner has been busier than usual today, and she’s beginning to get tired. Her feet and legs protesting at the long hours. One of the other waitresses didn’t show up for her shift, so Ruby and the other ladies have had to take on more tables, making for a long day.

Ruby loads dirty dishes onto her tray before wiping down the table. She pockets the five dollar tip the customer left her, smiling to herself as she remembers the older couple. They’d been so cute together. The man had held the woman’s chair out for her, making sure she was comfortable before taking his seat next to her. He’d waited patiently while the woman decided what she wanted to order. It was the first time they’d eaten at the diner, according to the woman. She’d said they were in town to visit their grandson who’s stationed at Camp Lejeune.

Ruby couldn’t keep herself from smiling at the gentle interaction of the couple. The way they’d looked at the other made it easy to see the love they had for one another. Ruby had chatted with them when bringing their food and refilling their drinks. She’d learned they’ve been married for twenty years. A second marriage for them both and they have seven children between them and fifteen grandchildren so far. The oldest grandson is returning from a tour overseas this afternoon. They’d driven here from Arkansas to greet him. His parents should be arriving later. The couple is looking forward to their family being together for a little while.