"You have reward for me? One night I do what you want, one night you do what I want."
"Yes," I promise. "Right. You go put this on, I'll pack the change bag."
He nervously takes the nappy from me and stomps out of the room.
This is never going to work.
I will die in a club full of Littles. In under ten minutes, Nico creeps back into the room, chewing on his lip.
"Can you check me, Daddy?"
"Don't call me that."
"But tonight…"
"Fine. You can call me that until we get home."
"Does willy go up or down?"
"Uh…?" Good lord, I have never considered that question before. "Down. I guess. Where does it normally go in your pants?"
"In onesie? It goes up, big and hard. Normally no undies to stop it."
"Stop." I cannot handle the words coming out of his mouth. At least his onesie looks well worn, we won't stand out like complete novices.
"Where is my paci, Daddy? I wanna try it first."
"Paci?" I gulp back a blush at that name.
"Paci-fire?" He shrugs.
"Nico, how do you know the American words for all this?" I grab the large dummy and hold it out to him. "In England it's a dummy, not a pacifier."
"I have watched much research on this," Nico admits. Then he opens his mouth.
I head towards him, but as I get close enough to reach his mouth, he steps forward into me. His hand pulls mine to his hip. "You check tape? Not am I wanting it to fall down."
"OK." As long as I'm not checking the direction of his willy. He grabs the dummy with his lips and starts sucking, while slowly tugging on the zip to his onesie.
He's wearing a tight t-shirt underneath, and I'm so relieved to not see bare flesh, that I don't even care that he's stolen the top from Porter.
I love catsis not his kind of slogan. And pink is not his colour. His skin is far too pale for soft pink.
"I got babiest one Poe bring. Poe say I not get spunk on it. Not do I know this word."
Can someone blush themselves to death? I am certain I am an unholy shade of beetroot right now.
Lifting the hem of his shirt, I check the tabs on the nappy. He's done a good job, and I suspect hours of research went into this. Probably while watching videos on this stuff.
I cough, strained and hoarse, and step back.
My feral psychopathic serial killer.
In a nappy, onesie and sucking on a dummy.
He's such a natural at blending in, he's not going to have any issues tonight. Once we get him around some littles to play with, he's going to have such fun. Meanwhile, I am the one struggling with all of this. If this goes wrong, it's going to be my fault, not his.
He is so good at blending in and has already taken to this mission like a duck to water. All I have to do is look after him, and I am very worried. One mistake from either of us, and it's on me to get him out safe.