"Right, let's go." I push my feet in my smart shoes. Nico goes for his tatty trainers that have seen over a dozen murders and walked hundreds of miles. Somehow, they look perfect with his current attire, just as they do with his jeans and hoodie.
“Ready?” I glance down at the shoes he's forgotten to tie.
“Yes Daddy,” he mutters around the dummy.
Damn, that makes my dick hard. His accent, coupled with the dummy still in his mouth make him sound so delicious, I just want to kiss him.
There isn't time, but I still yank the silicone from between his teeth and replace it with my lips. He kisses me back, while his hand sneaks around to steal the dummy from mine. I've noticed he's a pen chewer; that and sucking are common comforters for many people, not just Littles. Imagining him torturing Paul Newman with a dummy and nappy adding to the show has my dick ridiculously hard. Doing everything in his power to make himself appear younger for tonight is doing everything to make him seem a more reasonable age for us to have a relationship.
I am falling more for this boy every day.
We break the kiss, knowing time isn't on our side. His dummy goes back in, coupled with a coy smile. We need to go before this boy is the death of me.
Chapter seventeen
Sittinginthepassengerseat of the car, I put my feet up on the dash and wait for Caeo to start driving. He gets in the car and goes through the motions of getting ready and then he turns to me and just stares.
I stare back at him, but I guess I have to figure out what his expression is saying.
"I take my feet from the dashing board when driving," I shrug, trying to work him out.
His eyebrows raise at me, so I take my shoes off the dash and sit nicely.
"Nico," he accuses.
I shrug. I don't know what he's trying to say.
"Take the dummy out."
"Yes, Daddy," I tease. If I'm in a nappy, then I'm in character. It's all or nothing.
"Please take it out while we drive."
I chuckle at him and spit the chewy into my hand.
He doesn't get what this assignment means to me. I'm not talking about the fact I've got to dress and act like a baby; I can do that. Putting on a performance in front of everyone is my kind of fun, whatever the role. It's the worry that this Russian man could recognise me. I know most of the Russian mob working on the outskirts of the Thayer borders. Even if I don't know their names, they've all lost money at Gavriil's poker table. I may not have sat in the room and watched him, but I built a reputation. Gavriil's secret weapon would have been so much more intriguing to him knowing I was being kept away from him. The one person who would have snatched me up and taken me home to his mansion. The man who would have turned me into a pampered house pet before the work took me to murder. Piotr would have made love to me, given me these toys for littles. I would have been warm and fed, but I would not have been me. Now Caeo is trying to do the same thing and this time it is what I want. Maybe because I am older, maybe the appeal of living independently under the stars has worn off. Whatever it is, makes all the difference.
I am the man I am today because of what I went through to get here. I can play these games and win everyone around because of my hardships to get here.
Give me a whole club of experienced daddies and littles and I'll happily walk in, nappy and all, and put on a show.
Give me one Russian who lost money thanks to my ability to find his tell and… Well, frankly I'll probably put on a better show.
"I am not worried about this," I mutter.
"I am. You are so amazing, and I'll end up letting you down." Caeo responds to my comment by putting a damper on the mission.
This is not the man I remember watching as I grew up. He was always confident and cool. Always in charge. I remember he was always silent and professional, even when Knox wasn't. Watching the great Knox Thayer grow and mature over the years has played a big part in my life, but I don’t recall Caeo ever being different to how he is now. Perhaps a little less of the silver in his hair and beard, but that change is only a good thing.
“Malenkaya Printsessa, where a Little can go a long way.” Caeo reads the sign as we turn down the side road towards the car park.
“Then we are here?” I feel a brief tremble pass through me. I am excited to try this and Caeo doesn't object to the dummy going back in my mouth. It's not my fault I find I'm strangely drawn to suck on. He should be pleased; it only makes me want to suck his cock again.
Chapter eighteen