“Okay so you and your groupies are here to protect me? Are you actually military or just playing dress up? How old are you? I know those aren’t your real names and I can understand the masks, to an extent. But can I see you without it? Oh, and where exactly are we going? How much farther is it?” I take a deep breath, done with questions for the moment. My feet are still sore, and I can feel a blister rubbing on my heel.
“Yes, myTeam, and I are here to protect you. We are military, but I won’t give you any more details other than we came from the same special ops unit. The masks are so if people do see us, they will just think we are cosplayers and not suspect anything else. I don’t see why age is relevant, but we range from 31-34, I’ll let you figure it out. If you want to see my face, or any of the other guys you’ll have to earn it. We are going to a secure location and will stay there until daylight. Also, we will get there when we get there.” I can tell he is trying to maskhis annoyance in his reply but then something in his tone shifts.
“We’ve been watching you a lot longer than two weeks,” he tells me. This definitely has piqued my interest.Why would he tell me that? And why am I oddly turned on by that?
I’m lost in thought when Alpha’s arm shoots out in front of me. I collide into it, his open palm landing directly on my breast. My nipples already hardened into peaks from the chilly air form even tighter buds as electrical currents pulse through my body straight to my clit. A moan slips past my lips without permission, and I can feel the embarrassment flush across my cheeks. Barrett was the last man I was with and that was two years ago. Sad, I know. Alpha’s hand lingers longer than necessary before he drops it. Immediately missing the warmth, I tug my shirt closed.
Looking over, I notice he is holding a gun in his other hand that I didn’t see before. A chill goes through me when realization hits that this is actually a serious situation. Panic starts to bubble up, but I quickly force it back down. As crazy as it sounds, a small part of me believes Alpha. I actually trust they will keep me safe. What’s better than one giant bodyguard in a cemetery at night? Five, five giant bodyguards which is currently how many I have. Taking a couple steps forward he waves me to him. I rush over not wanting to be far from him.Tucking me into his side I peer up at him wishing I could take his mask off.
“Don’t worry Little Death Angel, I got you,” he tells me in a low whisper. “We will be there soon.”
Dropping his arm, he takes my hand in his gloved one. Our fingers lace together as we start walking again. He did say they have been watching me for a while. It makes me wonder what all they’ve learned about me or seen. That thought makes me cringe.
Up ahead, Echo emerges from behind a large sculpture jogging over to us. The second he reaches me he grips under my arms lifting me up into the air. I let go of Alpha’s hand and brace my palms on Echo’s shoulders. He lowers me enough that I wrap my legs around him just under his vest. Sliding his hands down to cup my ass he gives it a playful squeeze. A smile spreads across my face as I shake my head. Leaning down I brush my lips along his bare neck breathing in his woodsy scent before he places me back on the ground.
“I cleared the upper right quadrant of our grid taking out two of Amato’s cronies,” Echo informs us quietly. I can’t see it, but I can hear the smile on his face. My eyes take him in, he is shorter than the others standing around 5’10 with a stocky muscular build. He seems to have a lighthearted personality which makes me think he is also the youngest.
“Stay with her, I’m going to do a quick sweep,” Alpha commands before stealthily weaving through the various size gravesites. The blister on my heel is burning so badly I contemplate taking my shoes off. Though we haven’t been walking long, I have no idea where we are going within the 100-acre cemetery to gauge how much longer we have left. For obvious reasons we can’t walk out in the open straight down the worn sandy road. So instead, we have been twisting a path through gravesites.
Putting my hand on Echo’s arm I stop, bending down I take the back of my Chuck’s and tuck it under my foot off of the raging blister. I know it’s a risky move if I have to run again, but I won’t make it much farther if I don’t try.
“What’s wrong?” Echo asks quietly, his tone full of concern. I stand up straight removing my hand from him,
“Chucks with no socks. My fast break earlier caused the back of my shoe to rub my heel raw,” I say with a grimace.
“Here, climb on my back.” Echo squats down in front of me.
I hesitate, “Um, I know you’re a beefcake and all, but I’m not exactly a petite woman.” Embarrassment heats my skin. I’m grateful it’s too dark to see the flush I know is red across my cheeks and chest. Echo abruptly stands and pulls me tightagainst his body.
Lowering his head I can feel his breath along the shell of my ear, “Little Death Angel, your body is absolutely perfect. Now, wrap those deliciously thick legs around me and press those amazingly full tits against me so I can carry you.” Desire vibrates down my body causing goosebumps to erupt on my arms. My nipples tighten so hard it’s almost painful as they rub against my tank top. He releases me as suddenly as he grabbed me and returns to his crouched position. I do as he said and straddle his back between my legs. Echo hooks his arms under my knees while I wrap mine across his broad shoulders. Standing, he gives me a bounce situating me up higher. My tits press against the area above his vest, causing us both to giggle.
As we continue moving forward, I rest my head on my arm. My nose is mere inches away from his neck. Closing my eyes, I inhale his woodsy scent, he smells like sandalwood and cedar both of which I find comforting.
We don’t get much farther before Echo halts. I immediately think my weight is too much for him, but the sound of another voice makes my eyes fly open. Looking over I see Whiskey standing in front of us. Echo is still holding me in place, so I tap his shoulder letting him know I want down. He lowers into a squat and slowly releases his hold on me. Once my toes touch the ground, I dismount from hisback my thighs shaking just a little from spreading across his broad form.
I listen as Whiskey gives an update. His gravelly voice with a southern twang paired with his long-legged stance makes me think ‘Cowboy’. He is taller than Echo with leaner muscles like Romeo. I find his movements to be intentional with a casual swagger. Even though I can’t see his face I can picture him in a pair of worn jeans with a cowboy hat and boots.I’d be happy to go for a ride. I shake the thought from my head, only I literally do it causing them both to turn and look at me. I give them a smile, “cold chill,” I say with a small shrug.
Movement to the right has all of us turning our heads. Tango slips around a large angel statue making his way towards where we stand. He doesn’t say anything when he approaches, only gives a small nod. Echo nods back as Whiskey pats him on the shoulder. Now that I think about it, I haven’t heard Tango say a single word.
“Echo, we need you to double reverse back to Alpha. We will stay with the Little Death Angel.” Whiskey instructs as Tango grunts in agreement. Echo gives my hand a squeeze before disappearing into the maze of graves.
I turn back to my two new babysitters and tilt my head to the side, “well boys, shall we?” I ask. Whiskey bows forward, sweeping his arm out in a ‘after you’ gesture. Huffing, I cross my arms givinghim a scowl.
“You know I have no clue where we are going. So, unless you want to waste more of my time, I suggest you get on with it.” Apparently, Whiskey finds this extremely humorous, giving me a deep chuckle before leading the way.
Irritation flares with every step I take. My damn shoe keeps flopping not only does it drive me nuts, but it's also making it harder to keep up with their long legs. Tango glances back at me, annoyance clearly painted across my face. Reaching forward, he tugs Whiskey’s vest to get his attention. When he turns around Tango points back at me with a sigh of exasperation.Rude.I wonder,why doesn’t he speak?A small part of me welcomes the silence. It just means one less man trying to boss me around.
However, jokes on me at that thought when all of a sudden, he stalks over picking me up without warning. Turning, he plops me down on the edge of an altar tomb. I quickly grip the rough sides and press my feet against the base to keep my balance. The movement paired with the position of my arms causes my flannel to hang open. My full breasts are on display. Between the chilly air and the thin material of my ripped jeans I have nothing to insulate me against the cold stone. Chills travel up my spine and since I didn’t wear a bra, you can clearly see my hardened nipples outlining the thinblack material of my tank top.
Tango growls as he forces my knees apart with his hands. Stepping firmly against me, he braces his hands on either side, putting his masked face a breath away from mine. His intoxicating scent is clean and earthy, something I can’t fully explain at the moment. Mesmerized, I stare into his eyes, the heat of his intense gaze glides over my body making the walls of my pussy clench. Tango closing his eyes dips his head down. Inhaling deeply, he slowly raises his head letting it fall back. His chest deflates when he releases the breath he was holding, snapping his eyes back to mine. With a huff he pushes off the slab. Stunned, I have to catch myself from falling. My breath comes out in small pants as I watch him walk over to a thick oak tree. He leans against it, crossing his arms over his chest making his enormous arms bulge, cocking his head slightly to let me know his eyes are still on me.
Whiskey steps into the newly vacated space between my thighs. Dragging my gaze away from Tango I look up at him through my lashes wishing I could rub my slick thighs together to ease the ache between them. Whiskey’s gaze burns into me almost as if he can sense my arousal.
“Mmm Little Death Angel, you smell delicious,” he groans.Well, I guess that answers that question. I begin to squirm, the need between my legs growing. Whiskey steps in closer and I canfeel the bulge of his hard cock pressing against my covered slit.
“I bet if I touched you right now, I would feel how soaked you are through your jeans. Tell me Little Death Angel, do you wear panties, or would I find you bare,” his voice drops deliciously low with each word.
“B-bare,” I manage to say in a breathy whisper. My pulse is racing as my hips begin involuntarily rocking against his hard length. Whiskey reaches out curling his long fingers around my neck squeezing just enough to make my lips part. His other arm wraps around my waist pressing my lower half firmer against him. I feel the rough mask brush the side of my face as he bends his head towards my ear. His scent is an intoxicating mixture of bourbon and leather making my head swim with desire.