“Such a dirty girl, Little Death Angel,” Whiskey growls, moving his hand from my waist, slipping under my tank top. The heat of his palm sends sparks across my bare skin as he roams up my side towards my breast. I whimper when he pulls my nipple between his calloused fingers, giving it a hard tug. Tightening the grip on my throat he pushes me back a little, my hands sliding further down the edge of the altar until I’m leaning back on my elbows. His hand trails down the front of my body, groaning again when he reaches my center. Ican feel how damp my jeans are with arousal. With his palm pressed firmly against me, he uses his fingers to rub circles causing the seam of my jeans to hit my throbbing clit. One hand still firmly around my neck causes strangled mewls to escape. I lift my hips thrusting against his fingers needing more. Shifting my gaze over to Tango, I see him palming his cock through his camo pants. Whiskey moves fast jerking me forward by the neck releasing it as his other arm wraps around me. Panting hard, I grasp the back of his head with one hand pulling his masked face towards mine. I want so badly to see his face and feel his lips on me. I reach my free hand towards the mask; Whiskey grabs my wrist placing my palm on his chest instead.
“Now now Little Death Angel, I’m gonna need you to stop that,” he purrs. “Because you’re making me want to flip you over right on top of this altar and fuck you until you scream my name.” I open my mouth to say ‘please’, but he clamps his hand over it before the words come out.
“Don’t even say it. I’m not going to give you my cock. Not yet. Because if I do, he will kill me if I feel you first." His voice is so deep now I can feel the vibrations against my hand.
“Now, give me your foot,” he commands. Holding up my leg his hand curls around my calf giving it a little squeeze as he removes my shoe. My muscles are so tight I nearly moan in ecstasy.Whiskey examines my painful heel, delicately palpating the area with his index finger. I hiss when he touches a particularly painful spot. With his freehand he reaches into the pocket of his pants and withdraws what looks like a roll of tape. Ripping off a piece he spreads it across the tender area of my heel before slipping my shoe back on.
“There, that should do it for now,” he advises, helping me back on the ground. I take a few steps testing out his temporary patch job. The tape provides a little slide while creating the right amount of cushion. It’s then I notice what looks to be medical supplies and scissors attached to his leg that I somehow missed before.
“Are you a medic?” I ask looking up at him.
“Yes ma’am, I am,” he says, tipping his imaginary hat.
Smiling, I give him a curtsy, “Thank you Sir.”
Whiskey starts walking but I stand there a moment longer trying to reel in everything that just happened. Tango comes up behind me pressing himself into my back. Leaning against him I tilt my head back, shifting my eyes towards his masked face. Staring down at me he drags his hand up my front, pausing at the base of my neck. I expect him to wrap his fingers around my throat, but instead he flicks his head in the direction of Whiskey as if to say, ‘move’. Slightly offended, I take a deep breath,and place my hand over his. I lace our fingers together and hold it as we continue walking.I’ll find a way through that tough exterior one way or another.
Tango lets me hold his hand until we catch up to Whiskey. Letting go he peels away from us heading back in the opposite direction.
“See that monument?” Whiskey asks, pointing up ahead. I shake my head ‘yes’. “That’s where we are going to meet Romeo. I’ve got to make another sweep on the west flank,” he tells me, I almost hear a touch of disappointment in his tone.
When we get to the monument a few minutes later, Romeo is crouched down waiting. I close the distance and stand right in front of him.
“I hear it’s your turn for babysitting duty,” I deadpan. Romeo slowly rises to his feet. My eyes follow him up, and up, and up, until he is towering over me. He pinches my chin between his index finger and thumb.
“Well Little Death Angel, I promise to take real. good. care. of you,” he says drawing out the last few words. His tone is low and seductive, causing me to quiver. I pull my lower lip between my teeth and bite down. There is so much sexual tension in the air of this cemetery you can almost reach out and grab a handful.What are these men doing to me?
I manage to compose myself as we continue making our way to wherever we are going. “Listen asmuch fun as it is playing ‘hot potato’, me being the potato you guys keep passing off to each other, I’d really like to know how much farther we have to go.” Now that my heel isn’t screaming at me, I can finally think enough to ask important questions.
“Hot potato huh,” Romeo laughs quietly. “The mausoleum isn’t much farther. We had to take a longer way to make sure you were safe. You are our priority. We can’t have anything happen to our Little Death Angel.” He keeps referring to me as ‘theirs’, like they have this protective drive over me other than being just a job.
Putting my hand on his arm I bring us to a stop.
“Alpha said you guys have been watching me for a while. Why? Is it a job you were hired to do? Who hired you and why?” I quiz.
Romeo lets out a long breath. “It isn’t that simple Little Death Angel,” he sighs. Metal glints in the moonlight behind him. Before I can shout a warning, a hand clamps down hard on my mouth as an arm wraps around my waist jerking me back. Romeo tries to lunge for me but takes a hard hit to the back of the head. He goes down hard managing to land on one knee, two men instantly flanking him. They force him into a kneeling position, both of them holding a gun to his head.
I fight hard against my assailant to freemyself, but he crushes my arms by my side in a tight hold. My screams are muffled by his hand pressing hard against my mouth. A fourth man comes out of nowhere reaching for the lower half of my body. I kick out, my foot connecting with his face. Standing he rubs a hand across his jaw. He looks vaguely familiar.
“You will either stop or my men will kill him. You decide,” he says holding his hands out. His Italian accent is heavy and he is wearing a designer suit. Realization hits me, Lorenzo Amato, Underboss for the Amato crime family. I glare daggers at him but relax against the harsh grip of my captor.
“Bene. Bene. Now that I got your attention. Matteo, release her. I don't think she is stupid enough to risk her little boy toy,” he sneers.
Matteo follows Lorenzo’s order, removing his hand from my mouth first. His other hand however slowly grazes over my body as he releases his hold causing me to cringe at his touch. “Dabria, your husband owes me a lot of money. I plan to use you to ensure he pays up. You’ll do exactly as I say and come with us,” he informs me.
“For the last time Barrett is not my husband. He hasn’t been my husband in two years. If you want something, take it up with him. I’m not going anywhere with you or your slimy friend,” I fire back.
Lorenzo gives a dark laugh, “You see that iswhere you are wrong. Divorced or not, you will be coming with me.” Rage floods through my body so I do the first thing that comes to mind, I spit in his face. Not my smartest idea. His fist flies out so fast I don’t have time to move before the pain explodes across my face. Blackness creeps across my vision just before I hit the ground.
Part Two
Groaning, I start to regain consciousness. Someone is carrying me. My first instinct is to fight, but my head is still spinning. Whoever it is pulls me in closer and I breathe deep immediately recognizing Tango’s scent. I relax against him waiting for my vision to clear.
“You saved me,” my voice comes out small. He doesn’t say anything in return, only tightens his hold. Relief knowing I’m safe has me drifting back out.
When I wake up again, I’m lying on a hard stone surface. Pushing myself up, I see I’m inside of a large mausoleum. Gas lanterns mounted on the beige granite walls light the room bathing it in a warm glow. Tall stone vases flank the columbarium in front of me. Looking down I realize I’m on another altar tomb. Realistically, I should be creeped out that I’m technically laying on a dead person, but after tonight it’s the least of my concerns.
The sound of someone clearing their throat has me whipping my head around. Tango is leaning against the stone wall with his arm porn on fulldisplay. I notice his gear in a pile on the floor. I swing my legs around hanging them over the side of the tomb. He pushes off the wall pulling his mask off dropping it to the floor with the rest of his stuff.