Page 10 of Flagrant

Finishing off my beer, I’d been saved from having to take a trip to the bar when the room’s cocktail waitress approached my table. Since Claude and Hickey hadn’t gone straight to the bar, she must have taken her immediate cue to come take their orders.

“Another?” she asked me, smiling.

I nodded just as my phone chimed in my purse. “Yes, please.”

After waiting until she walked over to Orion’s table, I pulled out my phone, and I couldn’t help but grin as I saw the text.

Harls:Just checking on u

Me:Not n handcuffs yet

Harls:Since the game hasn’t even started, I’d b worried if u were

Me:Does this mean that ur coming 2 make sure that I don’t get arrested

Harls:Ur hell on my conscience, Sin

Me:Bcuz ur easy on mine?

Harls:(rolling eyes emoji)

Me:Did u text me just 2 b mean 2 me?

Harls:Ur such a pain n my ass

Me:Ur point?

Harls:I’ll b there n a few, asshole

I could feel my smile nearly split my face in half.

Me:I love u

Harls:U better

Putting my phone back in my purse, I was all smiles when the waitress came back with my fresh beer. Raven King was also no longer on the screen, the commentators now going on and on about the Spartans’ quarterback, Kurt Frankel. It was said that he was destined to go down in history as one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game, but I had my doubts. He took too many chances with the ball, and though it was working out for them so far, I could see his ego getting him injured in the future.

Hootin’ and hollerin’ started around the bar as the cameras showed the field, everyone lined up for the National Anthem. Whoever won this game would go on to play in the Super Bowl, so this was big. Well, in the sports world it was big. People that didn’t like sports could care less; those people had lives.

Unbothered by the fact that I was watching the game alone, I ignored everyone around me and watched the one sport that had helped me forget that Cap Aldrich hadn’t gotten his karma for how he had treated me. Not only was he making millions with his NBA career, but he’d also gotten married recently, and I was petty enough that I hadn’t wished him well when I’d heard the news.

Shaking my head, I pushed all thoughts of Cap Aldrich and his perfect life from my mind. I was here to see some football, and I was not going to let that man ruin it for me.

Orion Knight, either.

Chapter 7


Normally, hanging out with my teammates was something that I enjoyed. Luckily for the Devils, we all got along for the most part. Egos weren’t a thing on our team, so we didn’t have internal conflict like a lot of other sports teams. Yeah, tensions were high sometimes, but nothing that we hadn’t ever been able to get over. No matter what was reported by sports broadcasters, we had equal talent on the team with no one wanting to become a solo artist.

That being said, I hadn’t been finished with the brunette when Hickey and Claude had walked in, and I found myself shooting glances her way as she ignored the fuck out of me. Yeah, I hadn’t invited them, and seeing them here had been pure chance, but I wasn’t going to be rude to them, ignoring them in favor of arguing with a complete stranger, but still. I didn’t feel as if I had defended Raven strongly enough against her craziness and that was bothering me.

Sure it’s not your wounded ego?

I quickly told the voice in my head to go eat a dick before turning my attention back to the game. I was here to see Raven go to the Super Bowl and that was it. I wasn’t here to debate common sense with a volatile brunette that refused to credit talent where it was due. Raven was the best wide receiver in the league, whether she liked him or not.

Halfway through the first quarter, more people started to show up, and the place was quickly getting crowded. Though the rooms here were a decent size, this was a playoff game, and even if you weren’t a football fan, the competitive energy was contagious.