Page 11 of Flagrant

“Looks like we might need to make room for some company,” Hickey said, grinning as three women walked into the room, taking the last empty booth along the wall. “I got dibs on the redhead. Them redheads are fucking wild in bed.”

Claude laughed. “You might want to check to see if they’re wearing rings first.”

Hickey snorted. “Since when does that stop any of them?” I almost winced at how insulting that sounded, but it was a sad truth that could hardly be argued with. “Those things slide off as easily as their panties once they find out we play ball.”

“I’m in the prime of my career,” Claude said. “I don’t need some angry husband shooting my kneecaps out because I slept with his wife.” I grinned over at him. “I’ll stick to the single ones.”

Before we could say anything more, our cocktail waitress was back. “Refill?”

“Yes, please,” I answered. “Put it all on my tab.”

“You’re such a gem, Knight,” Hickey joked.

“A real Prince Charming,” Claude added, making me flip them both off.

I wasn’t sure what made me do it, but before she could leave to get our drinks, I said, “And you can put her drinks on my tab, too.” I nodded towards the rabid brunette that hated Raven. “Whatever she wants.”

The waitress tried to hide her grin. “Of course.”

I felt two pairs of eyes on me, forcing me to look their way. “What?”

“Making new friends?” Hickey mocked, a knowing grin on his face.

“Fuck off, man,” I chuckled, looking back at the game. The Spartans were playing defense right now, so Raven was waiting on the sidelines for his next chance to make sports history.

After the waitress dropped off our drinks, it wasn’t a few seconds later that a beer was being placed-rather forcefully, might I add-right in front of me. I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes, but I had no one to blame but myself.

“I’m sorry, our waitress must have made a mistake,” the brunette drawled out like an asshole. “I’m sure you only buy beers for Spartan fans.”

I turned to look at her, and women like her shouldn’t be so fucking pretty. A beautiful woman with a ballsy attitude was like my kryptonite. I didn’t mind sensitive or sweet girls, but there was just something about a woman that didn’t take shit from anyone. Passion was sexy as fuck on a female, and there was a big difference between being passionate and being a bitch. Bitches, I could do without. This creature? Yeah, I wouldn’t mind getting to know her better.

“No,” I corrected. “I bought that for you.”

“Why?” she asked, her question direct, her eyes clear as day and glaring beautifully at me.

“Why not?”

“I’ve got a job, thank you,” she said snarkily. “I can buy my own beers.”

I leaned back a bit, the game momentarily forgotten. “You’ve never had someone do something nice for you before?”

She shot me a look that would have leveled a lesser man, I was sure. “When their intentions are altruistic, then it’s much appreciated. However, I don’t see much of that quality in you.”

“You don’t even know me,” I pointed out.

“I know enough,” she sing-songed before leaving the beer, then heading back to her table.

“Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn,” Hickey murmured under his breath. “What’d you do to her before we got here, Knight?”

“Maybe she just doesn’t like basketball players,” Claude chuckled.

“She was talking shit about Raven,” I told them, looking back her way. “We…had a discussion about it.”

“I’m confused,” Hickey announced. “What’s she got against Raven King?”

“His catch in overtime cost the Hawks the playoffs,” I reminded him.

“That’d do it,” Claude said, still grinning. “At least the girl is a hometown fan.”