Page 36 of Impeding

Opal let out a troubled sigh as she held her phone out to me. “Another woman has come forward, claiming that she’s also pregnant by Titan.”


“Her name is Aubrey Leighton, and she’s claiming to be as far along as Rachel,” Opal said. “She’s accusing Titan of being sexually reckless. Where Rachel is claiming an unplanned pregnancy, Aubrey is claiming that she was in a relationship with Titan, and that they didn’t use protection.”

I could feel my stomach threatening to revolt.

Looking at the screen on Opal’s phone, Aubrey Leighton looked just as gorgeous as Rachel Malaki. Though Aubrey didn’t appear to be of mixed heritage, she still didn’t look any less stunning for it. She was a beautiful blonde, her hair a golden blonde versus my platinum tone, and in all honesty, she looked like a freakin’ Barbie doll. Her summer dress gave no hint to how far along she really was, but there was no doubt that she looked exactly like Titan’s type, which was any beautiful willing woman.

I also hated how our age difference chose now to make an appearance. A lot of people wouldn’t balk at a two-year age gap, but that still made me older than Titan, not the other way around. These two women were younger than Titan, and the female in me wondered if that was his preference. I was thirty, no longer in my twenties, something that Titan still had two years left in.

Setting that issue aside, I pressed the play button, and Aubrey Leighton’s voice filled my office.

“I thought long and hard about if I should say anything, but I can’t keep quiet any longer. If Titan Miller can maintain a cordial and respectful relationship with Rachel Malaki, then I deserve the same. Unlike Rachel, Titan Miller and I hadn’t been a one-night stand. We’d been seeing each other, and it bothers me a lot that he could impregnate another woman while we’d been dating. Perhaps it’s my fault for not insisting on exclusivity, but I had expected better from Titan. Especially, considering all the sweet things that he’d said to me during our time together.”

Against my will, my mind went back to how easily Titan had thrown his supposed vow out the window when we’d had sex. The reason had been to show me how I was different, but was I? What did I really know about Titan Miller? Though I had defended him to Lita, what did Ireallyknow about the man? The answer was nothing. Apart from his job, his friends, and how he fucked, I knew nothing. I had no clue what kind of character he really had, and I had taken his words at face value because I couldn’t come up with a reason why he’d lie.

“All I want is for Titan Miller to do the right thing. I want to be treated with the same regard that he feels Rachel deserves for being pregnant with his child. Is that too much to ask? Am I being unreasonable? When I first told Titan that I was pregnant, he had agreed to support me financially, but now I feel like I’m his dirty, little, forgotten secret, and I don’t appreciate feeling this way. I would also like to let Rachel Malaki know that I would love for our children to have a relationship. I think it’s important for my child to know that he or she has a sibling, so I hope that’s something that Rachel will be open to. Well, thank you all for listening, and I hope my voice makes a difference for the children’s sake if nothing else.”

Wordlessly, I handed Opal her phone back. This whole time, I had wondered at Rachel’s endgame, but what were the odds that two women would come forward and both be lying? Plus, how many more women were out there? Titan’s reputation with women was well-known, so what’s to say that there weren’t more women just waiting to come forward?

I felt sick.

“How do you want to play this?” Opal asked, and that’s when I realized that she didn’t know about me and Titan. Though I’d told my family and Lita, I hadn’t said anything to Opal or Conrad.

“What?” I asked, biding some time.

“Well, for all intents and purposes, you’re still Titan Miller’s fake girlfriend,” she said as if I needed reminding. “Do we stand by him or leave him?”

Before this past weekend, I would have voted to keep doing my job and stand by him. However, that all changed with my blatant stupidity. I had fallen for his charm, believing that I really had been special enough for him to break his oath for.


How in the hell could I let myself believe that I was just oh, so special enough for Titan Miller to change his ways for. I had actually believed that a man in his athletic prime had sworn off pussy. Even if Titan hadn’t been a soccer superstar, he was hotter than the sun, making it even more stupid for me to believe that he’d go ten years satisfied with oral and anal sex only.

Doing my best to rein in my jumbled emotions, I forced myself to remain professional. “It’s my job to make sure that he comes out of this unscathed,” I reminded her. “It’s our job to be there for the client, and Titan Miller is paying us good money to see him through this.”

Opal gave me a terse nod. “I figured,” she replied, blind to my inner turmoil. “We can work on another press release, sticking to the same theme. We’ll let the paternity results clear his name.”

“What if they don’t?” I asked before I could stop myself.

Opal’s brows furrowed. “What? You don’t believe him now?”

“It’s easy to dismiss one woman’s claim, but two?”

Opal eyed me, and I almost squirmed in my seat with her intense stare. “Is there something that I should know, Lux?”

I shook my head. “No,” I lied.

Running a hand through her hair, she said, “I predict that more women will come forward.”

My eyes widened at that. “Why?”

“Because no one wants to work anymore, Lux,” she said. “Everyone wants to be internet famous, collecting checks for simply being known publicly. Rachel Malaki’s social media account blew up once she named Titan Miller as the father of her unborn child. You don’t think that other wannabe influencers are taking notes?”

Just then, my phone rang, and when I looked over at it, I saw Titan’s name on the screen. I didn’t feel ready to talk to him, so I let it go to voicemail. Though it was cowardly, I didn’t want to talk to him in front of Opal, not after having just lied to her.

“But if those paternity tests come back negative, then this is going to all blow up in their faces,” I pointed out. “So, why do this?”