Page 37 of Impeding

“The quest for fame is an irrational one, Lux,” she replied. “Don’t forget, lots of people kept quiet about Harvey Weinstein for years because becoming famous had mattered more to them than doing the right thing. Any one of those celebrities could have taken their dignity and applied at Target instead.”

When my phone rang again, I silenced it. “I’ll start working on another statement,” I told her. “Do you mind if I use some of what you said?”

Opal shook her head. “Not at all,” she said. “After all, it’s the truth. Plus, it might put a damper on other women getting the same idea.”

“Do you believe Titan?” I asked. “I mean, you asked me, but I never asked you what you thought.”

“I don’t know Titan Miller well enough to say if he’s lying or not,” she answered diplomatically. “However, my gut tells me that a man like Titan Miller doesn’t need to lie about anything.”

I nodded, biting my lower lip. I had used that same argument, but now I wasn’t so sure. Nevertheless, I had a job to do, and I needed to do it. While it might be hard to stay on with Titan after ending things personally between us, I had faith that I could still do my job. Yeah, Titan might request someone else, but I couldn’t control that. I could only control what I could control, and if Titan wanted a different PR agent after we talked, then so be it.

When my phone rang again, I silenced it, the pressure behind my eyes real. From the beginning, I’d always felt like I was in over my head with Titan, and I had no one to blame but myself. I’d seen the red flags and had ignored them anyway. I’d fallen for Titan’s charms, and I’d never felt so goddamn stupid in my entire life.

Chapter 21


After Lux wouldn’t answer my phone calls, I’d had no choice but to show up at her place. When Aubrey Leighton had posted her own lies about me, my phone had started ringing off the hook, and in between calming Nova and the guys down, I’d been trying to reach Lux, but she hadn’t answered. Evan, Ja’Mar and I were in full damage control mode, and Lux had refused to answer her phone.

Banging on the front door of her condo, I knew that I was probably making a racket, but I didn’t care. This was more about Lux being my PR agent, and her not answering my phone calls was a problem that I didn’t need.

“Lux, I know you’re in there!” I yelled, banging on the door some more.

Almost immediately, the door swung open. “Have you lost your mind?” she hissed, poking her head out to make sure that none of her neighbors were opening their doors.

“Why haven’t you been answering my calls?” I practically growled.

I watched her let out a deep breath before she stepped aside to let me inside her place. The last time that I’d been here, it’d been to pick her up for our date. Eager to get going, she hadn’t invited me to check her place out, and eager to get to dinner, I hadn’t minded at the time.

“I was working on another statement,” she said, surprising me.

“So, you saw what the Aubrey woman said?”

Lux nodded. “Opal showed me as soon as it started going viral,” she replied. “I’ve been working on a statement all afternoon.”

I wanted to see that as a positive, but my gut knew better. “That still doesn’t explain why you haven’t been answering my calls,” I pointed out. “It would have taken all of two minutes to tell me that.”

Her green eyes looked troubled, and that’s when I knew. “Titan-”

“Don’t,” I ordered. “Don’t do this to me.”

“Titan, I think that-”

“Do not stand there and tell me that you believe this bullshit,” I spat. “You can’t possibly believe that I wouldn’t tell you if some other chick was pregnant with my kid. C’mon, Lux. Seriously?”

“Titan, I’m still going to do my job,” she said, making my back straighten. “In front of the cameras, I’ll still be your supportive girlfriend, and I’ll still write your statements.”

I could feel anger reaching up to grab me by the throat. “And behind the cameras?”

“I think…I think that…it might be better if we-”

“Say it,” I snarled, stepping to her. “Just fucking say it, Lux.”


“Say it,” I repeated. “Tell me how I’m a liar.” She flinched, and that told me all that I needed to know. “Tell me how you believe them. Tell me how you think I fed you a bunch of bullshit just to get you into bed with me.” I could feel my entire body flowing with fury. “Tell me how I probably been fucking pussy this entire time, and how stupid you feel for falling for my lies.”

Her eyes started to shine. “And if the roles were reversed?” she asked.