Page 35 of Impeding

“I’ll think about it,” I said, not promising anything. “However, if I do this, I want Lux in on the statement. No matter our relationship, this is her job. It’s what she knows, and I trust her.”

Both men nodded, and nothing more was said as they gathered up their stuff to leave me stewing in the conference room. Ja’Mar was used to people needing a minute, so I knew that he didn’t mind me hanging back for a bit.

When my phone rang, I saw the name, then immediately answered. “Hey, Sparkly.”

“Say the word, and I will fly down there and kick her fucking ass,” she said in lieu of a greeting, making me smile. “I mean it, Titan. I will fuck that bitch up.”

“Whoa, calm down, woman,” I chuckled. “Seb will kill me if he finds out you’re this worked up.”

“He already knows,” she snorted.

“Well, I need you to relax,” I told her. “I don’t need the guys flying down here to kick my ass for upsetting you.”

“You’renot the one upsetting me,” she huffed.

“While I appreciate the gesture, it wouldn’t be a good look for ?STAR to be bailing out its unhinged, pregnant, ass-kicking director from jail.”

“I saw her latest post, Titan,” she replied. “She deserves to get her ass kicked.”

“I’m not saying that she doesn’t,” I countered. “I’m just saying that my pregnant sister is probably not the best person to do it.”

“I won’t be pregnant forever,” she said, a little growl in her voice, and I bet that she was giving Sebastian hell while she was pregnant.

“If you want to kick her ass after you’ve had the baby, I’ll buy you a plane ticket,” I offered. “However, right now, I need you to relax, Sparkly. I can’t have you stressing out.”

I could hear her sighing over the phone. “She deserves to get her ass kick,” she grumbled, repeating herself. “She really does.”

“I know,” I said as comforting as I could. No matter how pissed off I was, Nova’s wellbeing always came first.

“What does Lux say about all this?” As expected, Sebastian had told Nova all about my current relationship with Lux.

“I haven’t talked to her yet,” I admitted. “As soon as I’d woken up this morning, Evan was calling me to let me know about Rachel’s latest post.”

“Well, if you need anything, just call,” she said, calming down. “I mean it, Tite.”

“I will,” I assured her. “I promise.”

“Want to talk to Sebastian?”

“Not right now,” I answered. “I’m still at Ja’Mar’s office.”

“Okay, I’ll let you go then,” she quickly rushed out. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Hanging up, I slid my phone back in my pocket, trying to calm down before I talked to Lux. The way that I was feeling right now, it was possible that I might end up in jail before the day was out.

Chapter 20


Rachel’s latest post had me fucking furious. She was painting a very cozy narrative between her and Titan, and while I wasn’t exactly jealous, I didn’t like the world thinking that they were on good terms; not with her lying the way that she was.

I was also waiting for Titan to call me. When I’d been heading to work this morning, I’d gotten a text from him, telling me that he was going to go see his lawyer and Evan Fletcher. While I hadn’t pestered him with questions, I could only imagine how pissed off he must be at Rachel’s latest stunt. If it wouldn’t ruin my career, I’d find her after she had her baby, then kick her ass.

A knock on my office door drew my attention. “Hey, you need to see this.”

“What?” I asked, my stomach already roiling with dread.