In the process of “flossing” her arms front and back, she slammed her left hand into the wall.

“Holy mother of sweet potatoes.” She swung her wrist around, trying to shake off the pain tingling into her pinky.

“Fart snookers! Stomp on some monkeys!”

She was hopping around the room doing her own version of a “What the heck did I do to myself?” dance.

Not one to swear because it wasn’t polite, she was running out of funny sayings to pop in her head with the way her knuckle was beating a conga drum in her brain.

She took a few deep breaths and stopped moving. She closed her eyes and held her hand out in front of her, then popped one eye open, saw the swelling on her knuckle and realized she couldn’t bend her pinky.

“Fork me!”

Her bottom lip started to wobble. The pain was really hitting home.

She went to the freezer and got a bag of frozen veggies and slapped it on her hand.

The first person she thought to call was Avery. Her new best friend lived on Amore Island. She’d brought Avery here a year ago when the island decided it needed a full-time vet.

In that year her old college friend and she had gotten extremely close and now Avery was even engaged. A few days ago Carter Bond popped the question in Laine’s studio.

She picked her phone up and then put it down when she saw it was close to midnight. Nope, not waking her friend for this.

Besides, it’s not like Laine had paws or claws that Avery could tend to.

After thirty minutes of ice, the swelling was only getting worse and not better.

Time to put her big girl panties on and drive herself to the ER. “Deviled eggs!” she yelled.

Maybe she’d get lucky and it’d be slow there at this time of the night.

She was only half lucky when she arrived ten minutes later.

She was brought into an exam room quickly, saw a nurse within thirty minutes. Thirty minutes more, a doctor pulled the curtain back.

“I’m Dr. Mills,” he said. “I see you jammed your knuckle...dancing? Were you at a club?”

She looked down at her tan cotton shorts that were barely mid-thigh, her black T-shirt that had paint splatters on it from when she was flinging the paint in her excitement, down to the droplets on the top of her feet that were seen from the flip-flops she’d slid on.

More than once she wished she’d changed her clothes before she drove away from home.

“Yeah,” she said, putting a big smile on her face. “It’s called the Idiot Club. One where you turn the music up loud and break out in kids’ moves to look like a fool, then jam your digits on the wall.”

He laughed when she said that. “It’s always good to have a sense of humor.”

She snorted. “I’ve got that in abundance. Or I did before this little mishap.”

“Let’s take a look at your hand.”

She held her hand out to him. The nurse had been nice enough to swap out her frozen peas for an ice pack and towel.

Dr. Mills removed the towel from her hand. “Well. A betting man would guess this is broken.”

“You feeling lucky enough to go to the casino?” she asked. “I bet you’d hit it big.”

“That’d be great, but I’m stuck here chatting with the members of the Idiot Club.”

She burst out laughing. “You’re funny,” she said.