“Thank you. My wife thinks so too.”

“Delaney,” she said.

“Oh,” Dr. Mills said. “Do you know my wife?”

“I’m on the town board,” she said. “I know a lot of the Bond family. But my best friend just happened to get engaged to a Bond this week.”

He frowned. “Give me a second. I know everyone and what is going on. The only person I know that isn’t engaged but dating someone is Carter. Did Carter get engaged?”

“A few days ago,” she said. “At my studio.”

“Damn,” Dr. Mills said. “Good for him. Let’s get you down to X-rays. You’ll get your fill of the Bond family tonight. The other Dr. Mills is working. He might not be as good-natured as me tonight. He’s short staffed and doing the X-rays himself so it’s slowing down the results being read.”

Her heart started to race more than when she’d been dancing.

She was going to be talking to Carson Mills.

Yeah, she knew who Hudson and Carson were. The twins. Carson was the single hot one she’d seen around the island that got her blood pumping.

They’d never talked. Never had a reason to.

Tonight they would.

Too bad she was drunk on stupidity served up at the Idiot Club.

“Guess we are all in for a fun-filled night,” she said, putting a smile on her face.

“I’ll have a nurse bring you down when she gets a minute. It could be a bit. As I said, short staffed but thankfully not that busy. It could be worse.”

“Isn’t that a fact of life? It could always be worse.”

It was what she’d told herself since she was little.

She popped her earbuds in that she’d taken off when Hudson came in and turned the music back on.

No dance music. Nope. Instead she was chilling to Zac Bryan. A nontraditional combination of punk and folk music. Some made her bop in her seat. Others mellow out. None made her want to break into a dance and that was what she needed.

She lay back on the bed and closed her eyes.

She didn’t know how much time had passed, maybe twenty minutes, since she’d just gone through about five songs, when a nurse tapped her on the arm and she all but fell out of the bed. Yeah, that would have put a cap on the night, but at close to two in the morning, she was ready to pass right out. Good thing her studio was closed on Sundays because she’d be sleeping most of the day away.

“I’m so sorry,” the nurse said. “I know it’s late. We can go get your X-rays now.”

“My pinky doesn’t need a wheelchair,” she said in almost a panic. No one knew her fear of hospitals and she was proud ofherself for having gotten herself here and staying as calm as she was.

No way she was getting in the chair though. Nope, not doing it.

“It’s just procedure,” the nurse said.

She put a big smile on her face. “I know, but I’m trying to stay awake and a walk will help. Can I walk? Please. There might be someone else that needs that. Like if they jammed their pinky toe, not finger?”

The nurse giggled and Hudson popped his head in the room. “She can walk down if she wants.”

“Thanks,” Laine said, letting out a breath. Maybe he’d heard the anxiety in her voice or just decided to be nice.

She swung her legs off the bed and found her flip-flops on the floor that she’d slipped off before she lay back to get comfortable. She feared she was still in for a few more hours here. Talk about a sucky way to spend a Saturday night.

Might be the most excitement she’d had in a long time though.