Page 11 of Threading Carefully

I sent an emoji right after my message, so he knew I was joking. I did want to know.

Pieces of me: I guess we'll find out tomorrow. So, what have you been up to while I was away? Get your delivery yet?

Me: Maybe I should start withholding answers in exchange for something too.

Pieces of me: In exchange for what?

As much as I was curious about what he did for a living, I wanted to know more about what all he saw during his work trip.

Me: I'll tell you about my day if you tell me everything you saw during your journey.

Pieces of me: You could have used your first question you know? Then you wouldn't have to worry about showing up online tomorrow.

Me: I'm well aware. So, tell me what you saw.

Pieces of me: It's nothing like what you're used to.

Me: That's exactly why I want to know.

I lowered myself onto the couch and rested my back against the cushions. The front door unlocked, and Edgar entered the house, followed by Henry carrying two bags.

“We're back,” Henry declared, and set the bags on the coffee table in front of me. “You can check if it's all there if you'd like.”

“I'll look it over later. Thank you both. I'm sorry I wigged out earlier.”

“It's alright.” Edgar smiled softly. “That's what friends are for. I know how important your patients are to you.”

“Yeah. I'm really glad you brought me along.”

“Me too. Coming with us to the movies in an hour?” Edgar tilted his head.

“Nah. You two have fun together.”

Henry walked into the bathroom, and Edgar reached down and patted me on the shoulder, shooting me a wink. “Thanks, man.”

“What are friends for?” I said, quietly enough to not be heard from the bathroom. With an abrupt laugh, he turned around and waited for Henry by the door. He wanted to be alone with Henry, that was as clear as day. He’d had those pleading eyes while hoping I said no. I wanted to be alone too, so no one could see my face buried in my phone while I spoke to Nova for another hour or two.

My attention shifted from Edgar to my phone when it went off again. He had gotten distracted by something too.

Pieces of me: I wish I could show you pictures. Words won't do it justice. Everything was so bright and lively. Not everywherehere is like that. It's why I prefer to live on this side. The colorful, singing flowers and green trees with a mind of their own. There are way too many surprises coming out of the water though. Only very few ponds are safe to swim in. Not the river I went to yesterday. Something attacked me.

Me: I'm glad you're okay. You know what it was?

Pieces of me: Yeah, nothing I can't handle. And probably a squidius. It's large and purple with tentacles. Them dragging you into the water isn't the worst part though, the protruding spikes are.

My eyes widened. His job sounded dangerous. To think I was freaking out behind the safety of the base's walls as someone else went to make my trade for me. I sounded like a coward in comparison. Not sure I wanted to tell him about my day after all. A deal was a deal though.

Me: Your day was definitely more eventful than mine. I had breakfast at some diner on base, hung out with my best friend, and waited for a delivery to be made.

Pieces of me: Believe it or not I'm jealous of your day. It sounds very human and normal.

Me: Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

Pieces of me: Definitely good. Can't really have that experience here. At least I never have.

Me: Can everyone there speak English, or do you have to go somewhere to learn?

Pieces of me: It depends on who you ask. I taught myself mostly, but the guy who made me spoke it very well. He was human though. It's nice to use the English language so much. I'm usually better at writing it. I practice in my journal every day.