Page 12 of Threading Carefully

The man who made him?There are humans living out past the base?

I had so many questions but didn't want to ask too many at once. I’d probably done that already anyway.

Me: You're pretty good at it. Why are you still in the monster world if you don't mind me asking? Would you miss it too much if you left? Do you ever go through the portal for work?

There I was, asking too many questions anyway. Only different ones.

Pieces of me: I haven't been approved yet, so for now I'll have to live vicariously through you.

He sounded civilized enough to me. I didn't understand why they'd reject him.

Me: Why not?

Pieces of me: It's because they don't understand what I am. I'm the only one of my kind, and people are more afraid the more unfamiliar they are with something.

Me: That's usually me with new places. Not you though. I mean, you don't come off scary to me on here.

Pieces of me: But you won't meet me in person.

Me: That's not the reason why and it's not that I don't want to. I just don't want to confuse what this is or rush anything.

Pieces of me: What is this?

Me: A growing friendship.

Pieces of me: You want to be my friend?

Me: Yes. I'm sure you have a lot, but I bet they're not as cool as me.

Pieces of me: I don't have any, at all. You'd be the first one.

My heart sank. How was that possible?

Me: I find that hard to believe. I thought someone like you would have so many messages piling in your inbox.

Pieces of me: Sometimes. But then they usually stop after a while. You aren't worried about me being rejected from the human world? People usually act like I'm going to eat them when they find out.

Me: Are you going to eat me?

Pieces of me: No, but I might lick you a few times. According to my Ollie it's the best way to greet someone.

I laughed. There went those easy smiles again. How many more could he get out of me?

Me: Other people's views don't affect mine. They never have.

Pieces of me: You might feel how they do on your own soon enough.

Me: Doubt it.

If he was as bad as he said, he wouldn't be admitting to it. Dangerous people typically didn't warn you they were dangerous.

Pieces of me: Can I ask you something?

Me: Hasn't stopped you yet.

I pulled the throw blanket over my lap to get more comfortable.

Pieces of me: Do you ever kiss your friends?