Page 45 of Threading Carefully

“I can try and figure out who the actual person responsible is.”

“How?” He huffed out a breath. “Are you suddenly some damn detective? Do you know how many monsters and humans come to base?”

“Yes, but not every monster makes trades. Nova just happens to be the one most known for it. Surely someone else therehas made a deal with this guy before,” I said, my words nearly stringing together.

“And you're going to what? Question every single person?”

“If I have to.”

“What if he isn't innocent?” Edgar asked almost too quietly.

“What if he is?”

Silence fell over the line. “Fine,” he finally said. “I’ll be at your house first thing in the morning. You better be right.”

He hung up before I could respond back and didn't sleep all night. I did a lot of pacing around my house, stress cleaning, sorting bookshelves and anything else that kept my hands busy. None of it stopped my mind from racing. I needed to know Nova was okay. To see his face again. I hoped he at least got his gift. It was an iPad with music and movies downloaded to the cloud. I hooked it up to my hotspot so he could browse the internet and look up animal videos whenever we were together. He liked nature in our world a lot and spent so much time watching Animal Planet in the hotel as we lay naked in each other's arms.

If I wanted to feel as happy as I did in those moments again, I'd have to find a way to prove him innocent. What if I couldn’t? I'd have to go to his world to see him again, and I knew nothing about where he lived. Maybe Henry did. Even if so, would I risk my life and give all I have here up in order to live the last three days all over again.

Yeah, I think I would.



“Please. I have to call my friend and tell him what's happening.”

“I don't think so,” the cop said, shoving me out through the base gate. “If you try coming back here, I'll have no choice but to kill you on sight.”

“It wasn't me. I didn't do it. Please believe me.”

“Why would I believe a freak like you?” he slammed his gun hard into my chest, knocking me to the ground. “I'm giving you to the count of ten to get within a hundred yards of here, and that's being too generous if you ask me.”

“Ten minutes is hardly enough.”

“I'm sure you'll figure it out.” He started shouting numbers and I quickly jumped onto Girl’s back, slamming my legs againsther body to get her to move faster when he reached seven. I didn't look back until I reached home. I was in pain everywhere. My arms, legs and heart. Franky said he didn't believe the lies. Did he mean it? It wasn't me who made those trades but someone did. I couldn't figure out who though. The possibilities were endless. I was too enamored with the human world to ever want to cause harm to it. Why would I jeopardize any little chance I had left of living in the same place as Franky? It didn't matter how many times I shouted it wasn't me, they didn't want to listen. They already saw me as dangerous and this was the straw that broke the camel's back.

In their eyes, I had been proven to be a danger and they'll never see me as anything other than a monster ever again. I was further away from Franky than I'd ever thought I'd be now. Too far away from everything I wanted.

I hurried inside my as the sky turned dark. They didn't give me much time to get back and I was cutting it close. “Assholes,” I shouted to my empty cabin. This place was full and empty all at once. I had so many things people gave and gifts from Franky but I didn't have his laughter. His scent would eventually fade from my clothes too and I'd never hear his voice on the phone again.

I didn't have time to grab my tooth brush and bubble bath from the restroom but I was able to grab everything else, including the small box he left behind for me with a note attached. The flowers too. I can't forget about them. They smelled sweet and I loved how simple they were. No hidden tricks, teeth or poison.

With my bag in my hand, I threw myself back onto my bean bag and pulled out the flat, small white box. The note was short and made me smile.


This is for when you have to sleep without me.

Xoxo, Franky

Which would be forever now. My next breath came out strangled as a tear fell from my eye. It hurts so bad. I'd never known a pain so deep before. It spread all along my insides, crushing them together, making it hard to breathe.

Needing some relief, I opened the box and my heart sped up as I pulled out what Franky had described as a tablet once, calling it a mini computer. There was a message on the screen as I turned it on.

Hello, Nova. I'm filled with music and movies.

I smiled, my watering eyes blurring my vision as I flipped through all the music Franky downloaded for me. I landed on one that stood out the most and hit play.