Page 44 of Threading Carefully

“I think you should stay away from him, just until they know for sure who's responsible for poisoning humans.”

“He's not.” My heart refused to believe it. “I don't care what anyone says or thinks. Nova isn't the monster they're making him out to be.”

I got out of the car, slamming the door behind me. Edgar rolled down the window, calling after me. Confused and needing to hear Nova's voice, I rushed inside, ignoring him. He eventually drove off, and a text message came to my phone minutes later.

Edgar: I know you aren't going to stay away from him no matter what I tell you but at least promise me you'll be careful.

I didn't respond back and left him on read, calling the hotel as soon as I landed on the number.


“Hey, baby.” I wasn't sure where the term of endearment came from but I didn't want to take it back. The word flowed too easily off my tongue and I wanted to say it again.

“Franky,” he breathed out. “Did you get home okay?”

“I did. How are you?”

“I…I don't know how long I can talk for.”

My stomach knotted. “Why not? Is it because of the accusations?”

“How'd you know about those?”

“Edgar told me. He found out from Henry. I guess it's all over base now.”

“It is.” He let out a few sobs. “It wasn't me, Franky. I promise it wasn't. I've never picked any poison for a trade before. No one's ever asked me and I'd never accept either. I only trade good things. Helpful things. I want to give humans the good of this place like they give me of your world.”

My heart warned. “I believe you.” I really did. Like I told Edgar, I know Nova and I truly believe he wouldn't lie to me. As I said before something dangerous wouldn't warn someone before hurting them.

“You do?”

“Yes, baby. And we're going to figure this out I promise.”

A loud knock came from his end, followed by shouting. Nova sniffed. “I have to go now.”

“Wait,” I called out as the line went dead. No.

How could I have found so much and lost so much at one time. My chest tightened and it was hard to breathe. No answer came when I called again. I kept trying until I was frustrated and tossing the phone in front of me. What were they going to do to him? I had to go back. I couldn’t help Nova from here. Was I able to help him at all?

I called Edgar, telling him I was returning sooner than planned.

“Absolutely not. What are you thinking? Do you want to get wrapped in all this shit too? They hadn't found the human yet, you know.”

“Nothing I've given my patients has caused them any harm. They can all attest to that.”

“It doesn't matter, Franky.” He sighed. “You know it doesn't.”

“I can't just leave him there to deal with this alone. He needs me.”

“There's nothing anyone can do at this point. He's already lost privileges on base. He's been banished back to where he lives and isn't allowed more than a hundred feet of the wall.”

“This is their final decision?”

“For now. Depends on what he tries to do next. There's no telling with someone like that.”

Anger boiled inside me. I didn't like what he was implying and wouldn't sit here, listening to him accuse Nova of being something he wasn't. “He's not dangerous, Edgar. I think he only felt he was because others have made him feel that way his whole life. He's not Leland, or the people he's made up of. He has more control than even he realizes.” Nova said he was different people, but I only saw him.

“Alright, fine. Whatever. Whether it's true or not, they already decided he's guilty and I'm not sure what you could do for him right now.”