Simon nodded. “When Katrina said we needed to have a party for our nearest and dearest, I immediately agreed. An old-fashioned barn dance seemed like the best way to thank you all for coming and helping us out. So please enjoy the food, the amazing music, and this festive mood!”

A cheer went up, but Becca couldn’t move. This was what Katrina had threatened.

Okay, it was what she’d promised to do. There would be no avoiding Ethan at this dance. Already, all of the couples were getting together. There were a few young men and women who weren’t married huddled to the other side, and, no surprise, Tina was with them.

Once everyone around Becca had dispersed, she couldn’t help but feel like she was a lone deer in the middle of a field during hunting season. In a matter of seconds…

“Hey,” a low, warm voice said behind her left ear.

Goosebumps ricocheted all over her body, giving her the illusion of being cold even though her skin started heating the second she heard his voice.

His fingers grazed hers as he walked around to stand in front of her. Ethan gazed down at her, his eyes dancing with amusement. “Why do I get the feeling you’ve been avoiding me?”

“I haven’t,” she insisted. “I’ve seen you every morning before breakfast.”

“To help me with the speech,” he murmured.

“Exactly. For our study sessions.”

“But when I ask you to come out for a ride so we can spend additional time together…”

Becca shook her head. “Not a chance, buddy. I’m not getting on one of those death traps.”

He chuckled and reached for her hand. Out of instinct, she jerked her hand away.

Ethan frowned and she flushed, her eyes darting from side to side. “Shoot! Did anyone see that?” she whispered.

Ethan reached for her hand once more and she allowed him to lace his fingers between hers. “I don’t think anyone is watching us.”

“Oh, they’re definitely paying attention. You realize that Katrina set this whole thing up, right? She wanted to get a good look at how we act together.” Becca leaned in closer to him. “I get the feeling she thinks we’re in love already and we’ll be the next ones to announce an engagement.”

One side of his mouth lifted into the most charming smile she’d seen to date. “You don’t really think she’s that invested in our relationship, do you?”

“Ourfakerelationship,” Becca emphasized. “And I know so. I know because it’s all she wants to talk about when we’re alone.”

Ethan lifted her hand up to his lips and brushed a kiss along her knuckles. “I thought you wanted to make her happy.”

“I do?—”

“If this is what she’s interested in, then let’s give her a show.”

Before she could object and remind him that this budding relationship wasn’t supposed to be going anywhere, Ethan pulled her onto the dance floor. She couldn’t catch her breath fast enough as he spun her around and then into his chest. Hegrasped her tight against him, placing a hand at the small of her back.

His mouth rested just above her ear, and when he whispered to her, the hairs on the back of her neck lifted. “Do you think she’s paying attention now?”

Becca couldn’t breathe. Her throat closed up and she had to squeeze her eyes shut to focus on all her vitals because at this very moment, her body was going into shock.

She could distinctly remember the last time she’d danced with someone, and it wasn’t long enough ago. Her ex hadn’t liked dancing, but when she’d begged him to go with her at least once before their wedding, he’d finally folded.

Only, he hadn’t held her like this.

She could feel Ethan’s muscles beneath his button-up shirt. It was impossible, she knew, but she could have sworn she could feel his heart beating in his chest, as well. Even though it seemed to be thumping at a pace that felt a little too fast, Ethan managed to remain steady on his feet.

Becca fought the urge to simply melt into him. It would be so easy to allow herself to forget her past pains, to brush aside all the rules she’d made for herself when her engagement had fallen to pieces. But she couldn’t. She needed to remain strong.

This fake relationship wasn’t for her benefit. It was for Katrina—the woman who had been there for her when she’d needed someone to take her mind off the pain. No one deserved to be happy during her wedding more than Katrina.

Becca glanced up and into Ethan’s eyes but immediately regretted it. He stared back, his gaze scorching her right to hercore. It was like he could see all that pain and suffering and yet he wasn’t scared. Had he figured it out?