Becca placed her phone to the side, already feeling her mama bear reemerging from its cave. Ready to tear into Tina, she leaned forward, but Brianne halted everything with a squeal.

“Oh my gosh, guys! Overlook Grand Mountain Lodge had a last-minute cancelation. I told you we were trying to get in for a spa day over the next couple of days, right? Well, they just messaged me. They can fit us in for the whole shebang!” She waved her phone through the air and shouts of excitement followed.

Even Tina seemed to forget momentarily about what she was trying to do with her mismatched decorations.

The hoursthat followed were nothing if not relaxing. Not even Tina wanted to mess up this activity. And Becca didn’t want to inquire why Katrina had even invited the little witch. Why shouldn’t they enjoy their pampering?

They spent time in the sauna, bathed in heated mud, got massages, and went for their facials.

This had to be the most relaxing day of Becca’s entire life.

And the whole time, all she could think about was Ethan. She wanted to investigate where these feelings were coming from, to pin down why she was drawn to him in ways that didn’t make sense. She wanted to steal away from her room after everyone had gone to bed and just talk to him.

“I can tell you’re thinking about him.”

Her eyes flew wide, and she nearly forgot she was seated beside Katrina while they got their nails done. “Who?”

Katrina rolled her eyes. “You might not be talking about him, or sneaking off to see him, but I can tell whenever you start thinking about him. You get this far-off look.”

“Joke’s on you because my eyes were closed,” Becca murmured, closing her eyes again.

“It’s more than that. It’s the way your mouth curls up at the ends like you’re the Grinch or something.”

Once again, Becca opened her eyes and gaped at her friend. She let out a gasp. “How dare you.”

Katrina laughed. “See? You’re basically admitting it right now. The way you just reacted when I told you. I swear, you have feelings for him whether you like it or not.”

Becca closed her eyes if only to prevent herself from rolling them into the back of her head. “I don’t have feelings for him,” she muttered quietly.

“Yes, you do. And I’ll prove it.”

“How exactly do you suppose you’re going to do that?”

Katrina shifted beside her but didn’t speak.

Becca peeked at her. “Well? How are you going to prove it?”

“I’ll think of something. I just have to get you two together.”

She snickered. “Good luck on that one. He’s too busy, especially with Andrew out of commission. And we’re busy with wedding prep. I barely get to see him.”

“You do get to see him. I’m just not willing to get up that early to watch you.”

Again, Becca laughed. “I assure you, if there was anything to tell, you’d be the first to know. We’re just barely getting past that awkward stage. There’s literally nothing to say at this point in time.”

“Just wait. I’ll get you to admit it one way or another,” Katrina sang.

“Is that a threat?” She probably shouldn’t have said that, but the words slipped out anyway.

“Nope. It’s a promise.”

Becca stoodin front of the open barn doors where, inside, lights dangled overhead and a small country band with a fiddler played music on a small platform. Beside her were the members of the Reese family and a few other friends from town who had been hanging around the ranch to help out with the preparations.

Before her stood Katrina and Simon, holding hands and smiling like they’d just given everyone around them the world.

Oh, how wrong they were.

Katrina gestured around them, her smile growing. “I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been helping out with the wedding preparations. We couldn’t do any of this without you. While this ranch won’t be my home for long, since Simon has his own ranch to run, we’ll always remember it as the place that brought us together.”