“Why? He should be happy to have a friend,” she snaps.

I am absurdly pleased she thinks that. Her response made me think she would defend me. “We have an unusual relationship. I can be a lot for a regular shifter to take.”

“How so?” she frowns.

“I am very affectionate. I also can be a bit brutal,” I admit.

“Affection is a good thing,” she says softly, focusing on my face.

“It is. He can be a bit of a grouch.” I smile at her. I pop a toothpick into my mouth.

Her eyes slip to my mouth. I roll the piece of wood with my tongue and see the heat the action causes. I smile, and her head flies forward.

She clears her throat. “Do you like it here?”

“I love it.” I chuckle. “The vampires are not like the ones I’ve known in my past; I’ve got used to them.”

“Vampires?” she asks weakly.

“Yep. Have you met any before?” I have the urge to know everything about her.

“No, I’ve heard stories. They aren’t usually good ones.”

“The ones here are mated. It’s hard to admit, but they are the good ones. I won’t ever be completely comfortable around them.” The lights from the dragon’s house appear in front of us.

“They won’t be here, will they?”

“No. Just the dragons.”

I lead the way and open the front door. All three of them are standing in the kitchen directly in front of us.

“Elijah,” Bishop says. “Good to see you. I hear you have good news.” He switches his gaze to Saylor, and I want to stab him in the eye with my toothpick.

I can’t stop the soft snarl that slips out. “My mate, Saylor.” I stay by the door with Saylor at my side, waiting for my cheetah to calm down.

“Saylor, so nice to meet you.” Penny walks forward cautiously. “I’m Penny. These are my mates, Laken and Bishop.”

Saylor nods. “Sorry to invade your house.” She looks at me and probably senses my mood.

“It’s no problem. Do you want something to drink?” Penny keeps the smile on her lips but glares slightly at me.

“I would love some water,” Saylor replies, licking her lips. “I ran out of water.”

“Fuck, Kitty Cat. Why didn’t you say something?” Her need overrides my possessive problem.

“I didn’t think you had any water since you were naked when we met,” she says dryly.

I stare at her for a moment and then burst out laughing. “True.”

“Would you like to sit?” Bishop asks, motioning to the table beside us.

“Please,” she says softly.

I place my hand on her back, and she stiffens but lets me guide her to a chair. Penny puts water in front of her and a beer for me.Saylor stares at the bottle. I reach for it and open it for her. I lean close to her ear.

“Drink. There is no judgment here.”

“Thank you,” she whispers. She grabs the bottle with a shaking hand and brings it to her mouth. The water is gone in seconds. I look to Penny. She quickly gets another. I would get it myself, but I don’t want to be out of touching distance.