Page 10 of Freeing Her Cheetah

“Thanks, lovey.” I nod to Penny.

“How about some food? Laken was just making sandwiches for us. It would be no trouble to add a couple more.” Penny walks to Laken. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all.” Laken gets the hint and moves to the kitchen.

They are good friends. We all know they already ate. Saylor is dead on her feet, thirsty and hungry, not to mention tired. “I appreciate it,” I say. “Hey Laken, I would love a couple, too.” I hear him mutterassholeunder his breath.

He loves me.

“I don’t want you to go to any trouble,” Saylor offers.

“You aren’t.” Penny waves at her as she sits on Bishop’s lap. “These guys have to eat all the time. We keep tons of food around.”

“I’ve never met a dragon,” Saylor blurts.

“Not many have,” Bishop says, his eyes crinkling.

“We are super rare. Penny is the first turned female dragon in many years,” Laken says as he brings the food to the table.

“What’s it like to fly?” Saylor asks her. I have noticed she hasn’t looked very long at Laken or Bishop. She keeps her focus on Penny. It pleases the animal inside, and the man.

“It’s amazing. It’s total freedom,” she gushes. “It took some practice, but now I can fly like a pro.”

Bishop snorts. “Sure, Vixen.”

“Hey, I’m doing really well,” Penny protests, glaring at him.

“You are. I love you,” he says quickly.

Saylor smiles slightly, watching them as she slowly picks up her sandwich.

“How was your night out with Logan?” Laken asks.

“Good. Fuck, the lion can drink,” I say, smiling at how drunk he got.

“I haven’t heard about any charges against you, so you must have followed the rules.” He raises an eyebrow.

I felt Saylor staring at the side of my head. “Sure,” I shrug.

“Elijah,” Logan sighs.

I hold my hands up. “Honest. We were on our best behavior,” I swear.

“It must have hit Logan pretty hard. I haven’t seen him around,” Bishop says.

I tune out their conversation. Saylor is almost done with her food. Once we turned our attention to each other, she must have felt comfortable enough to eat. The exhaustion is flowing from her. I wonder when the last time she slept was. Her eyes are heavy as she puts the final piece in her mouth.

I inch closer to her side as she sways. I don’t have to know her well to know she will be so pissed at herself for letting her guard down enough to sleep.

Her head hits my shoulder as her eyes give up the fight. She turns into me, seeking my warmth. It only takes minutes for her breathing to even out. I slip my arm behind her, tucking her close. I close my eyes briefly. It feels so right to have her with me.

“What do you know so far?” Laken asks quietly.

“Not much.” I open my eyes and look at them. “She said her car broke down. Which is true, but there’s more to it.”

“She was starving,” Penny says, her voice breaking.

“Yes,” I agree. “There is a lot going on with her. It’s going to take a lot of patience to get her to open up to me.”